posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 07:00 AM
Explanation: Long ago there was a singularity that expanded ...
And as it expanded ... small regions of space were overlooked and went untouched ...
Now because everything we measure is a ratio related to some agreed standards ...
I make the following claim ...
That a 1m tall antenna vibrating with a 1hz emf pulse [this is in the microwave range of the emf spectrum] will be invisible in the 1m/s microwave
range at a range of 90lights hrs [in a vaccume] perpendicular to the antenna and at a height of 1-2m [ie 2 x the height of the antenna].
Personal Disclosure: Unfortunately I am making a claim that cannot be immediately tested as 90light hours away is 97.1 billion km away and that is
20+ times the distance from the sun to neptune. But I am also pretty sure the pretty pictures are telling the full story and that is at some point in
the expansion the expanding energy flowing along the strings ends up isolated by cavities on all sides and maybe this is a topological explanation for
the difference between wave particle duality ... is the particle just a peak that appears collapsed to a point but extends backwards in time to the
expanding wave front of the big bang.
Oh and gravity is just cooling shrinkage as anyone worth their salt knows expansion creates cooling and cooling creates shrinkage and contraction. But
thats another thread!