I grew up watching "The Kids in The Hall" and always enjoyed it. I remember being 5 or 6 when I first discovered it on the TV in my grandparents spare
bedroom. I literally thought that if I were caught watching it - I would be arrested! That's how controversial it seemed to me.
Anyway, Loved it and still do. Here's a skit that I never fully understood until just a few years ago during a marathon session I was having. What I
saw blew my freaking mind!
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edit on 8-7-2012 by BoyMeetsWorldATS because: embedding issue
Yep your right, the all seeing eye in the spyhole.
Yeah and it gets better! It just caught me so off guard, I had no idea what this information meant as a child but as an adult, a new found respect
developed for those guys
It's funny, I have a childhood friend who is always quoting them just to get my reaction.
I couldn't agree more about their comedy. As for the guy who says "horrible acting".. you missed the point of their show. But thanks for sharing
your views
edit on 8-7-2012 by BoyMeetsWorldATS because: (no reason given)