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Weather warfare

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posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 11:33 PM
Weather warfare - Wikipedia

Ok now,the Wikipedia article says

"Artificial weather technologies do not currently exist. But as they are developed, the importance of their potential applications rises rapidly."

Do you really believe that they would ban the use of these weapons for certain purposes in 1978 if they didn't already have them in or before 1978?

(Geneva: 18 May 1977, Entered into force: 5 October 1978) prohibits "widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury".[1] However it has been argued that this permits "local, non-permanent changes".

Most people on this site would have heard of (Harp) I assume. However there are several other methods of conducting weather warfare. For example, some people believe the hole in the ozone layer was created deliberately to allow more ultraviolet radiation to penetrate to Earth. Causing a huge spike in skin cancers in both northern and southern hemispheres.


I found this recent article on Pravda very interesting as it states

As for the "absolute weapon," it goes about the systems that could, for example, cause natural disasters. This is tectonic (geophysical) and climatic weapon. Reportedly, scientists have been developing such weapons for a long time already. Rumor has it that the new weapons have even been tested. For example, in the summer of 2010, when the European part of Russia was suffocating from anomalous heat, smog and wildfires, it was rumored that it was the Americans who tested the climatic weapons and caused the disaster.

Link to Pravda Article

I will not state as I can not prove that weather warfare is what is causing climate change, but I do think it has a lot to do with it. Maybe the Russians have already hit back at the US, causing tornado's, heat waves, fires and storms that wiped out power to millions.

You might ask the question, "so why use these weapons on countries like Australia to cause huge floods?" Well maybe they want us all to believe in climate change / global warming so they can sell their carbon taxes and clean energy to the masses. Just a theory.

I find it quite coincidental though that the news today is all about terrible flooding in the important Black Sea region of Russia. Important as the port cities there can supply arms to the middle east and its also a major oil supply and shipping region.

BBC news, Russian floods
ABC news, Russian floods

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by R6A6W6

The problem with weather-modification is that we can't really prove it--yet. It's entirely possible that in 1978 the Soviets and Americans each thought the other had weather modification technology. Just a thought. Like I said, we can't really prove it....

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by R6A6W6

Well Brain, I think that whoever controls HAARP rules the world. Sound like a plan?

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by luxordelphi
reply to post by R6A6W6

Well Brain, I think that whoever controls HAARP rules the world. Sound like a plan?

Heh-heh. Good one....

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by luxordelphi
reply to post by R6A6W6

Well Brain, I think that whoever controls HAARP rules the world. Sound like a plan?

I thought that was a classic, lol, thats why I starred you

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 01:41 AM
There is no such thing as chemtrails.

These are just normal contrails

HAARP is for playing music

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by IpsissimusMagus

Another funny bugger, good one there too lol. However this is a serious thread.

The Russians have already accused the US of modifying their weather once in the summer of last year and they wouldn't hesitate to blame them again I suspect. There is going to be an investigation into why so many people died in Russia in what is being called the worst flooding in living memory. Why was there no warning and it happened so suddenly.

I know I don't have photos or video of someone pushing a button and laughing as people are wiped away on some LCD screen as proof of weather warfare. But that would be pretty hard to find.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by R6A6W6

U.S. Drought Monitor

I think that the climate within the U.S. is being modified as well. Have a look at this drought map. The bulk of the U.S. is experiencing drought conditions. Half of Alaska is 'abnormally dry.' Hawaii has some areas of 'extreme drought.' It shows Kaua'i, an island that used to get the most rainfall in the world, as being 'abnormally dry.' 'Moderate drought' and 'extremely dry' conditions have crept into southern Oregon. 'Moderate drought' and 'extremely dry' conditions are nudging the Canadian border in spots and even sporadic around the great lakes.

It's an interesting question: could weather modification, as a weapon, be used to bring a global population to it's knees?

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 02:52 PM
Just to add to my previous post:

Global Drought Monitor

This is also an extremely interesting map with statistics showing that currently 382 million people are living under 'exceptional drought.' That doesn't even begin to address the categories of extreme, severe, moderate & minor drought.

After floods, firestorms and tornadoes now DROUGHT sweeps across America

The story goes on to say that 3,000 heat records were broken last week alone and that 56% of the country is in drought. Oh and the percentage of the country in drought is also a record.

And something you don't ever really expect to read:

Drought grips parts of UK

And if the media there is like the media here - it's difficult to know what's happening in the next town unless you go there because the news is so censored.

The Government has declared an official state of drought in parts of eastern England after the country experienced the driest spring on record.

In its latest monthly summary on UK rainfall, river and water levels published today, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) said that a substantial proportion of eastern England saw less than a fifth of the normal levels of rainfall in May.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

Wow for the global drought monitor link you posted. That is pretty unusual indeed.

It's an interesting question: could weather modification, as a weapon, be used to bring a global population to it's knees?

That was the angle of thinking I was trying to get around to. I am expecting to see a dramatic increase in severe weather within the next 6 months or so and most people will put it down to the climate changing either naturally or through carbon dioxide emissions. Both of those assumptions maybe incorrect.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 03:16 AM
I would just like to add at this point that just about every news service world wide is saying to prepare for more extreme weather events this year and more into the future. Everyones talking about it.

ABC news

Once again I'm only theorising, but maybe tptb are accelerating their modification of weather in strategic locations as they get closer to finalising there plans of having the whole world beg for some kind of solution. So they can sell it to us in the form of a NWO with lots of fantastical solutions and whiz bang technology thats been hidden from us for decades.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 04:15 AM
I will now add some more info to this thread in the form of text I am copying from The Cosmic Conspircay by Stan Deyo 1980. I have no other way of putting it here other than to just rewrite it exactly as its written.

In 1976 during the month of October, a new kind of radio/radar jamming signal manifested. The signal was triangulated to Riga; and, properly, blamed on the Russians - who apologised profusely for a few low - frequency tests. Those "low frequencies" were in the range of 143Hz. About this same time, according to a report filed in June 1978 by Edward Campbell of the London Evening News, "the Russians had a nation-wide hunt going on for anybody who had ever known Tesla".

According to the same source, "Early in 1977 meteorologists reported an extraordinary 'blocking effect' extending down the west coast of America and a similar 'iron curtain' on the east coast, and along the Russo-Polish border up to Finland. These blocks stopped the normal circulation of the weather".

"Scientific brows wrinkled in alarm when it was discovered that each of these doorstops on world weather seemed to be associated with very large 'standing waves' of electromagnetic ednergy... meanwhile... world weather went 'haywire'. Snow fell in Miami. Floods swept Europe" and the American nuclear submarine monitoring system went on the blink after two of the American observation satellites were destroyed by "electron beam technology".
In December of 1974, Howard Benedict of the Associated Press in Washington filed an earlier report on the subject of weather warfare entitled: The Weather - As a Secret Weapon?

Thats just one quote for now as I hate typing. I might do more later.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by R6A6W6

Brain: very interesting. This sounds like the 'woodpecker' event. Is it or was that another instance? It makes sense with the Russian claims of already having the technology in place back then and of their offer some years later (precipitated by we don't know what) to share and move forward together.

So currently, as per your OP, the weather that all areas are experiencing could actually be a result of squabbles between governments, each using their own version of ionospheric heating to impact on the weather of the other. Instead of dropping nuclear bombs on each other, they create drought, floods, tornados etc. Petty as it sounds, I can see it.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by luxordelphi
reply to post by R6A6W6

Brain: very interesting. This sounds like the 'woodpecker' event. Is it or was that another instance? It makes sense with the Russian claims of already having the technology in place back then and of their offer some years later (precipitated by we don't know what) to share and move forward together.

So currently, as per your OP, the weather that all areas are experiencing could actually be a result of squabbles between governments, each using their own version of ionospheric heating to impact on the weather of the other. Instead of dropping nuclear bombs on each other, they create drought, floods, tornados etc. Petty as it sounds, I can see it.

I'm not sure if what I wrote referred to the 'woodpecker' event as I had not heard of it, but I will look that up now. As for the second part of your post, yes, thats what I think is going on. But lets allow for a little bit of natural causes in weather as well.

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