posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 06:35 PM
I'm usually the last person to defend police. But this video proves nothing. There is no evidence of theft at all.
First, we have no background info on the crime that this woman's son is suspected of committing. In cases where a person is suspected of being
involved in drug transactions. The money is commonly confiscated as evidence in the case.
Second, we have no evidence that this officer didn't put the money into evidence and list it on his report. I think it's funny that so many would
assume that he is going to keep the money for himself.
Last, the woman say's, "give me my son's money". Well it is against the law to turn over the money to someone else without the permission of the
owner. We didn't see the woman's son giving the police permission to give his mother the money. If the police gave the money to the mother and she
went and spent it. The son could later say, " I didn't want my mother to have my money. She spent my money and it's the police's fault."
So, to me, this whole thing is blown way out of proportion. I know there are plenty of bad police out there. I have had bad experiences myself. I
dislike the way police behave and I avoid them as much as possible. But this video is not proof of anything. It's propaganda and unless there is some
other evidence besides this. Total BS
edit on 7/8/2012 by IpsissimusMagus because: (no reason given)