posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:43 AM
I am sending and open call to all ats members to formulate your own mega theories tying all your fav conspiracy theories into one thesis. try for a
minimum of at leat 4-5 different conspiracies and explain in detail how and why you believe they are connected. Example Cern responsible for 9 /1 1
after stranglets create two seperate timelines in one reality... our own govt blew up the towers in another it was Muslim terrorists. somehow by
mistake the two realities were intertwined in the same spacetime when scientists at area 51 attemped to send a special team back in time to correct
the problem but crash landed instead in1947 at Roswell new Mexico. The bodies were horribly discfigured due to a glich in the programming of the
matrix all of there DNA was not recoded properly and ended up looking like small grey aliens. What started as a special reprogramming team of 3
ended up as 6. 3 halfs of them in 2012 the other half in 1947. Further investigation concluded time dosnt really exist lending some credit to all the
Mayan calender predictions that the world ends Dec 25, the world didnt end this is just the date it becomes widley accepted that time does not exist.
The following is from a website blog printed on carbon foil found in a time capsule opened on .9.231.452 in one of many universes whos timeline may or
maynot have been decided according to many simulated universal supercomputing models being programmed by the creator while the creator itself is bieng
created by programs inside the computer.
Have fun your mega theory can be fiction-non fiction or comedic.
edit on 7-7-2012 by 2012zeropointeventhorizon because: spelling