posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 07:29 PM
Hello everyone, just like you all, I see news articles everyday where pedophiles and child molesters get jail sentences of 5-10 years. I will post
Arsonist/Molester gets 5 years
5 years for sodomizing 10 year old
And these are just the beginning. I know their will be talks of bankers and other such, but I am only talking about Child Molesters and Rapists.
4 years for raping 2 children
Why should people who literally ruin peoples lives not get life in jail? This might be a very controversial subject, but I am here to say that if I
got murdered by a gunshot to the head, and died within .2 seconds. I would look down from Heaven and say, aw that sucks. I would be upset for a
little, but did I suffer? no. I am not saying the guy is right doing it, but did he really do something worse than a 45 year old man who sticks his
penis into a 5 year old girl, then she has to grow up knowing guys will want to do that to her everyday in her life? Is murder really worse then that?
I want somebody to explain to me how a murder( not including torture) that is random and sudden, can be more punishable then having a daughter or son
get raped by your gardener and have them ejaculate on there face when they are in the first grade.
I believe that there is nothing worse than a child being raped forcefully. Jerry Sandusky on another hand should be put to death, because if he gets
raped in the showers, he will most likely enjoy that.
Thank you for reading my rant. Flame me if you want