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Reverse discrimination at your job centre. How is this leaflet acceptable? (United Kingdom)

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posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by Argyll

Hispanic isn't a race though.
Hispanics are white, black, asian and mixed, arab etc.

You literally singled out "ethnics" i didnt single out anyone, seeing as hispanics like i said are white black asian etc.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by stumason

As for the whole "ethnic minorities are poorer/less educated", that may be true. But when you see gangs of black or Asian youths knocking about their estates till the early hours, causing trouble and not even bothering with school to begin with, surely this is a problem of their own making. It is of no coincidence that the majority of gang related crime and knife/gun crime comes from those very same communities, hence why the Met have a whole task force set up to deal with the issue of "black on black" crime, Operation Trident.

This is just as simple as its these kids fault is it? Have you seen the estates and environments they are growing up in? It is not an excuse for all behavior but I would like to see you get by without being involved in some kind of trouble or more likely trouble directed towards you trying to negotiate that terrain as a child.

Everyone gets the same crack of the whip, but not everyone uses the opportunities that they are presented with

That is an extremely naive view. There are kids around the country born into poverty, abuse, a world of dumb parenting and labeling from the media and government. White kids as a higher proportion in some areas and black and brown kids in others. I would say it is as much a class problem as a race problem, it just so happens that black kids in particular are born in to low class families, what came first the chicken or the egg? Do you actually believe that they have the "same crack of the whip" even in comparison to a middle class child?

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by Peruvianmonk

Dude, perhaps you should take the time to ask my background before swinging the "you just don't know how hard it is" axe..

Dad was Army for a good portion of my life, moving from school to school every few years. Finally settled in Berkshire, where my mum and dad promptly split up, bankrupting my dad so I was going to school in shoes that were falling apart, blazer was torn and too small and my trousers barely made it to my ankles. I had the joy of "No Frills" crisps in my lunchbox with left-over meat sandwiches, while my peers all had the good stuff. I was bullied until I was 15, left home at 16 and was homeless on and off for 4 years while sleeping on couches and squatting. Hung around in the wrong crowds, did drugs and petty crime, even had the wonderful experience of going out with a smack head who ended up having my baby..

Now (I am only 30) I'm on a decent packet in a good job, with 3 kids and a loving partner. I did it, so what excuse will you make for them now?

I wasn't born with a bloody silver spoon in my mouth, or even a bronze one, yet I've managed to make something of myself, have a career, get qualified and have a family. I didn't spend my time wanting to be a Hip hop star or "gangsta", or dealing drugs or whatever it is they seem to want to do. If they want it, the chances are there, but most don't want it, it's too "hard" or not "cool" to be seen to do well at school etc. I look back at the crowd I hung around in and most now have jobs, but they're all menial labouring or driving jobs and very temporary. Yet they moan it's always someone else's fault they are poor etc.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by stumason
reply to post by Peruvianmonk

Dude, perhaps you should take the time to ask my background before swinging the "you just don't know how hard it is" axe..

Dad was Army for a good portion of my life, moving from school to school every few years. Finally settled in Berkshire, where my mum and dad promptly split up, bankrupting my dad so I was going to school in shoes that were falling apart, blazer was torn and too small and my trousers barely made it to my ankles. I had the joy of "No Frills" crisps in my lunchbox with left-over meat sandwiches, while my peers all had the good stuff. I was bullied until I was 15, left home at 16 and was homeless on and off for 4 years while sleeping on couches and squatting. Hung around in the wrong crowds, did drugs and petty crime, even had the wonderful experience of going out with a smack head who ended up having my baby..

Now (I am only 30) I'm on a decent packet in a good job, with 3 kids and a loving partner. I did it, so what excuse will you make for them now?

I wasn't born with a bloody silver spoon in my mouth, or even a bronze one, yet I've managed to make something of myself, have a career, get qualified and have a family. I didn't spend my time wanting to be a Hip hop star or "gangsta", or dealing drugs or whatever it is they seem to want to do. If they want it, the chances are there, but most don't want it, it's too "hard" or not "cool" to be seen to do well at school etc. I look back at the crowd I hung around in and most now have jobs, but they're all menial labouring or driving jobs and very temporary. Yet they moan it's always someone else's fault they are poor etc.

I love how british people have this high and mighty attitude and tell other people to correct their english when you say things like "dad was army", gotta love a hypocrite.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by ultimatefighter2014
"proud englishman"
"glorious england"

Since when has any of the above meant I am a "neo nazi psycho?" Jesus mate, talk about diving in with both feet without looking! I hate to do this, as it is usually the mantra of someone desperate, but I am not a racist. I work with a dude from Ghana who is a real good mate of mine, I even went out with an Indian girl a few years back.. Skin colour means nothing to me, it's a persons actions that define if I like them or not and I don't discriminate, I hate almost everyone

Originally posted by ultimatefighter2014
and the general theme for you disgusting eurocentric posts, dont play dumb nazi.

Eurocentric? Picking the wrong fight here mate...Won't find me defending Europe at all. I suspect you may mean Anglo-centric, but again wide of the mark. Yes, I am interested in promoting English values, but what is wrong with that? Or are you one of these that would have me suppress my own cultural and ethnic identity so as to not offend others? And just because I may like my own English identity, it doesn't mean I don't enjoy other cultures.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by ultimatefighter2014

I would only be a hypocrite if I was correcting his grammar. Besides, I knew it wasn't technically correct grammar but colloquially it would be understood well enough, it's a northern habit I've picked up.

You really should get off your high horse mate, as I am trying to be civil and have an adult debate, yet you seem hell bent on being a bit of a nob..

It is telling that is the only thing you have to say to my post, so in effect you are a troll, so do us a favour...
edit on 10/7/12 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by stumason

I wasn't actually questioning your background, I was being rhetorical.

You did well to climb out of that hole but do you think that everyone is just capable of doing that? People need help in these situations not lectures.

I didn't spend my time wanting to be a Hip hop star or "gangsta", or dealing drugs or whatever it is they seem to want to do.

That is because you were not the audience that that lifestyle was directed at. White people actually have a whole raft of role models to look at apart from people they know, black people not so much.

If they want it, the chances are there, but most don't want it, it's too "hard" or not "cool" to be seen to do well at school etc. I look back at the crowd I hung around in and most now have jobs, but they're all menial labouring or driving jobs and very temporary. Yet they moan it's always someone else's fault they are poor etc.

Why are you trying to simplify everything into it is all the individuals fault that they are poor when quite clearly that is not the case?

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by Peruvianmonk

The guys I was referring to all got the same grades as me at school and where/are bright enough, but through their own actions have limited their choices. They can still correct their life choices, but when prompted, say to go back to college, the answer is always the same.

"Can't be bothered"...

As for the whole blacks don't have role models, I am sure they do. There are plenty of black athletes, Doctors, Scientists etc. It is a little bit racist to suggest that as a community they lack role models. At some point it comes back to personal (and parental, lets not forget they have a role) responsibility and taking ownership of your own life, not waiting on someone else to do it for you.

EDIT: I got the impression you were questioning my background, due to the fact you were telling me to not be "naive" etc. I am anything but.
edit on 10/7/12 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by DrHammondStoat
I don't mean to be glib but I'm getting a bit frustrated here that people don't get the difference between a charity and official government policy on unemployment. I suspect too that setting up a charity for white kids only would not come to fruition. This would be because statistics show white people do better financilally. Maybe with the changes that have happened over the last year someone could prove that white people in some areas are underprivelidged, then they might be able to set up a charity instead of just getting angry about someone else' charity.

This is similar to other charities because they all choose their cause, get approved by the government and then help the cause they have chosen.

If you read the PATH website you'll see that the employers don't have to offer the trainees jobs. Maybe it's a charity that just exists to exploit the trainees and let the employees dodge taxes, then it would just be more of the same for everyone regardless of race.

See what gets me is that this charity is willing to help people purely on the basis of their skin colour and ethnic background. Im not advocating we should have a "whites only" charity - charities in themselves should not discriminate imo. If you want to help people, why limit yourself?
For example, a charity that helps the homeless - But only helps the homeless who are black or are an ethnic minority, its a retarded logic.

Maybe the charity was set up by people that understand the particular problems faced by ethnic minorities and they believe by being focused on that one area they are familiar with they can make the biggest possible impact? As I've said before people are free to set up charities that focus on one cause. I think the outrage on this thread would be better focussed on the real villiains in our government. I think I'm just repeating myself now, so I'll bid farewell to this thread, see you later

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by DrHammondStoat

what problems do ethnic minorities have that everyone else doesnt.

before anyone says anything im not racist. i beleive that all discrimination is perpetuated by the 1% to keep us (the 99%) fighting amongst ourselves why they take everything they want

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by ultimatefighter2014

Hispanic isn't a race though. Hispanics are white, black, asian and mixed, arab etc. You literally singled out "ethnics" i didnt single out anyone, seeing as hispanics like i said are white black asian etc.

Hispanic's are an "ethnic" group though aren't they?....their ethnicity lies in Spain and Portugal........everyone has a right to stupidity....don't abuse the privilege!

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