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Occupiers Celebrate 4th of July by…Burning American Flags and Vandalizing Police Property

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posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Forrest
reply to post by seabag

Once again, a right-wing slag post.
Boo-hoo. They're burning the flag.
Other than your suspect 'Blaze' link, your proof of private property damage is...?
Guess what: Oakland isn't tired of the Occupy movement. Rather, Oakland is tired of the overbearing police and the 2-faced city officials.
And the rest of the country isn't tired of them, either. In fact, those of us who would like to see the Occupy movement survive this summer are pretty much behind Occupy Oakland.

I haven't flown a flag at my house this year... haven't done so since before early last year. Why? Well, as far as I'm concerned the USA has become the UCSA (United Corporate States of America) ever since the Citizens United ruling.

And now you wingnuts are hating on John Roberts (who I don't like at all, anyway).

You fundies just won't be happy until you dictate everything.

Too bad, so sad for you. There are too many of us freaks and liberals to let you get your way. (Oh, and just like you, we're gun owners, too.)

Kudos to you sir, i knew their was some like minded people around somewhere (i posted before you did incase you didn't see, just excuse the poorly written format, it was typed from my iphone and in a rage)

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by CookieMonster09

I find that prospect more disturbing than some broken windows and poo on the hood of a Crown Vic.

There is no sense of right or wrong. They never learned the basic moral foundation in childhood. As a result, they have no moral compass. We have a total breakdown of morality in this country, and it all starts in the home.

They at least might have a fighting chance if they had been exposed to some form of religious teaching during their formative years, or at a minimum, had a God-fearing mother or father that tried to raise them with good morals.

If you want to change the political and economic situation in this country, you can do so from within the framework of these institutions themselves. You can run for office, or you can work in the private sector to help to build our national economy.

Destroying the flag and the property of others is never justified, and wholly unnecessary. It only stokes the flames of emotional hatred and anger and does nothing to solve our national challenges. It is not only immoral, but also a highly ineffective way of making the changes needed.

If an Occupy protestor trashes a small business on Main Street, how does that help their cause? A small business owner, struggling to make ends meet as it is, now has to deal with property damage, lost business, etc. How does that advance the Occupy movement? It doesn't.

Occupy is the epitome of what is wrong with this country. Greed, selfishness, criminality, and the entitlement philosophy all wrapped up into one movement. It's despicable.

Umm stop creating events that you have no proof of happening.. Show me proof that OWS targets small buisnesses to vandalise... your just creating an alternate universe for yourself. So All these protestors are a result of bad parents? THE TYRANY THAT THE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN COMMITING FOR YEARS AND YEARS THAT IS PUSHING PEOPLE TO THE EDGE IS A RESULT OF PEOPLE HAVING BAD PARENTS? You sir are brainwashed.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by Xavier85

I say more power to them. The only way to wake up the masses is by extreme acts like this one. If they feel so inclined to burn flags and protest its their right to do so. This is just YOUR opinion. No facts present.

You don’t wake someone up by setting them on fire!!

OWS is waking people up…and they are not happy with what they see.

Burning flags is a 'right' - That doesn’t 'make it right', especially from a movement that supposedly wants to remake America. What would America look like if these inmates were running the asylum?

I am disappointed in the negatives associated with OWS. I know there are people doing stupid stuff. I know there are a lot of people who tried to do the right thing and were drawn in to this group to protest their government that is out of control. What I don't get are the people who seem to support the current mess with our government.

You said in your original post that you always knew these jokers were no good. Then you say you wished they had been good because you supported their ideology in the beginning. Which is it?

Now what exactly are the good people of America supposed to do to fix this problem? You apparently have a view on that so lets hear YOUR idea?

I have seen this propaganda used on every conspiracy site on the net to undermine the OWS. That is an obvious move by tptb to lessen their impact by attacking their integrity. That is textbook step #1 in the manual.

How about instead of criticism you offer solutions in the future? You must realize that people are going to make up their own mind no matter what propaganda you put out there. People are awake and pissed which leads to violence so if you have suggestions on how to keep the peace and get rid of these scumbags lets hear it.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:10 AM
There are always a few idiots who have to ruin for the rest.

Such a shame as the negative aspects are always followed more closely and documented more.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:22 AM

Umm stop creating events that you have no proof of happening.. Show me proof that OWS targets small buisnesses to vandalise... your just creating an alternate universe for yourself. So All these protestors are a result of bad parents? THE TYRANY THAT THE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN COMMITING FOR YEARS AND YEARS THAT IS PUSHING PEOPLE TO THE EDGE IS A RESULT OF PEOPLE HAVING BAD PARENTS? You sir are brainwashed.

Well, let's see. The video in the thread shows people celebrating the burning of the American flag. We know that rapes and rampant drug use occurred in NYC when Occupy protested there last summer.

Why exactly is this a movement that any decent citizen would want to participate? You have unemployed, drug abusing thugs with no agenda except anarchy in this movement.

Anarchists have no moral foundation. You can attribute this ideology to people that grew up in a godless, atheistic culture with socialistic and communistic ideals. I call it bad parenting. You can call it whatever you want - I could care less what you attribute the cause. The point is that these anarchists have no moral compass, and operate a criminal movement bent on violence, property destruction, and drug use. Why anyone would want to be a part of this movement is beyond me.

Brainwashed? Hardly. Just because I disagree with your Marxist Leninist Communist philosophy doesn't make me brainwashed. It does make you, however, look comical.

Now what exactly are the good people of America supposed to do to fix this problem? You apparently have a view on that so lets hear YOUR idea?

Work within the system itself to make changes.
Take a leadership role in your community.
Actively support non-profit organizations that help the homeless in your local area.
Run for office.
Start a business.
Start a soup kitchen.

Any of these ideas are far better than burning the American flag.
edit on 7-7-2012 by CookieMonster09 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by CookieMonster09

Umm stop creating events that you have no proof of happening.. Show me proof that OWS targets small buisnesses to vandalise... your just creating an alternate universe for yourself. So All these protestors are a result of bad parents? THE TYRANY THAT THE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN COMMITING FOR YEARS AND YEARS THAT IS PUSHING PEOPLE TO THE EDGE IS A RESULT OF PEOPLE HAVING BAD PARENTS? You sir are brainwashed.

Well, let's see. The video in the thread shows people celebrating the burning of the American flag. We know that rapes and rampant drug use occurred in NYC when Occupy protested there last summer.

Why exactly is this a movement that any decent citizen would want to participate? You have unemployed, drug abusing thugs with no agenda except anarchy in this movement.

Anarchists have no moral foundation. You can attribute this ideology to people that grew up in a godless, atheistic culture with socialistic and communistic ideals. I call it bad parenting. You can call it whatever you want - I could care less what you attribute the cause. The point is that these anarchists have no moral compass, and operate a criminal movement bent on violence, property destruction, and drug use. Why anyone would want to be a part of this movement is beyond me.

Brainwashed? Hardly. Just because I disagree with your Marxist Leninist Communist philosophy doesn't make me brainwashed. It does make you, however, look comical.

Now what exactly are the good people of America supposed to do to fix this problem? You apparently have a view on that so lets hear YOUR idea?

Work within the system itself to make changes.
Take a leadership role in your community.
Actively support non-profit organizations that help the homeless in your local area.
Run for office.
Start a business.
Start a soup kitchen.

Any of these ideas are far better than burning the American flag.
edit on 7-7-2012 by CookieMonster09 because: (no reason given)

How will running for office stop the american machine from war mongering, printing money that is already attributed to debt ( i said that wrong probably what i mean is the federal reserve prints money and then the us gov purchases it with a interest rate), how will this stop the u.s from bailing out the big bankers with tax payer money, or how bout passing draconion laws... the system is too screwed up. (i couldnt run anyway even if i had the millions of dollars to run for congress/presidency since im canadian and not connected to the elite.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by CookieMonster09

Pray. Work within the system itself to make changes. Take a leadership role in your community. Actively support non-profit organizations that help the homeless in your local area. Run for office. Start a business. Start a soup kitchen.

Well said. The uncivilized behavior displayed in the video and pictures will not
accomplish squat. Period. If it's that bad, then leave. Simple as that.
I understand the anger, the feeling of being robbed financially, the feeling
of no future and feeling you can't stop the machine.

Cookiemonster's advice above is the only way anyone in a position of power
well EVER take you the least bit seriously. Drop the commie routine. Get involved
on a grass roots level, go to school, educate yourselves, take back those positions
of power and make some real change.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:06 AM
I don't really get why burning flags upsets people. Patriotism is a bad thing in my eyes, it means taking nationality at a higher importance than humanity. It is the line of thought that encourages imperialism.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by Yngvarr

Well said. The uncivilized behavior displayed in the video and pictures will not accomplish squat. Period. If it's that bad, then leave. Simple as that. I understand the anger, the feeling of being robbed financially, the feeling of no future and feeling you can't stop the machine.

So you feel that the founding fathers should have left the country?

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by Yngvarr

Well said. The uncivilized behavior displayed in the video and pictures will not accomplish squat. Period. If it's that bad, then leave. Simple as that. I understand the anger, the feeling of being robbed financially, the feeling of no future and feeling you can't stop the machine.

So you feel that the founding fathers should have left the country?

Spoke my friend pardon my ignorance, but that landed about 150 yards away!


Let me just that I'm sympathetic to the OWS stand on the banksters & globalist
crime spree. I just think they should fight them at their own game, on their turf.
Patriotism aside, but burning flags, waving a sign that says F**K YOU and destroying private property isn't making one iota of positive change. The damage is great and will take generations to fix.
Better get rolling.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by seabag

Can you say provocateur, false flag operations, or even just a small group which does not represent the OWS but which the corporate media portrays as the cutting edge of the movement.

And didn't the original Tea Party trespass, destroy property, dress in a manner to hide their true identity and burn British flags (they were British citizens)?

Every movement has extremists, but the test is whether they are tolerated or distanced by the core of the movement. Every challenge to the status quo is infiltrated by police or security agencies to perform acts to discredit those challenging, such as acts of violence or disrespect in order to pin them on the movement which is non-violent in its basic philosophy. The history of protest in the US and throughout the world is replete with examples of the frequent use of false flag operations to destroy reputations or create a pretext for using force to crack down on dissent. The Spanish-American War, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, now Libya.....all war crimes justified by false flag operations and massive lies....most wars are in fact crimes against humanity which are rationalized by "dirty tricks."

If you provoke someone into throwing a punch, you are then justified in killing them in order to defend yourself.

This is how nearly all wars are started. Those who defend are patriots but those who invade and occupy are
war criminals.

And I find burning the flag more justified as free speech and protesthan the cult of worshipping it despite the war crimes done in its name. The American flag is drenched in the blood of millions of innocent civilians in Vietnam, hundreds of thousands in which cases, the people being killed under the flag were the patriots and we were the war criminals. As Sinclair Lewis said in his anti-fascist satirical novel It Can't Happen Here, when fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the American flag.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:44 AM

OWS represents everything wrong with America; greed, selfishness, violence, disrespect, hatred, fanaticism, immorality, etc.

I'm confused.

Are you describing the 99% or the 1%?

Sounds like the 1% laid the groundwork. THEY destroyed the flag, constitution, freedoms, rights, property rights...need I go on?

And if it's the 99% you are referring to, what's YOUR plan? Got a better one?

They may not always do the right thing but they are doing something.

What did you do today?


edit on 7-7-2012 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:48 AM
As you can see by my signature, I was at Occupy Oakland in the beginning. I think I have the right to speak out in this thread more than most of the people here. This being said, what once was, is no longer.

Occupy started out with the right idea. Stop the corruption on Wall St. and in Washington D.C. Along the way, the message has been twisted, and I no longer support anything Occupy in its current form. The original message is no longer there. There are now groups, specifically at Occupy Oakland, that are completely out of control. They have pushed out anyone with half a brain (InB4 nobody associated with occupy has a brain), and what is left is a mix of wanna be radicals, wanna be thugs, what they like to call "feminist vigilante gangs", and wanna be revolutionaries. Occupy Oakland has turned in to a joke. It has squandered any support it had from the surrounding communities, even with them claiming that they are gaining support with their BBQs and other "community" activities.

As someone who supported Occupy in the beginning, it really does sadden me to see something that could have been a good thing for the country turn in to something so childish and worthless.

This being said, The city of Oakland and Oakland Police are no angels either. Keep in mind this police department is being taken over by the feds because they can not get their # together with corruption and violence through out the department that patrols the Oakland community.

Also, quit citing the Tea Party and their activities as a shining example of what things should be like in the US. The Tea Party has its own internal issues (pedophilia, rape, RPGs, etc) as well as being effectively bought and silenced by the Koch brothers. They are just as bad as Occupy at this point.

Once you stop looking at Blue/Red - Left/Right - Dem/Rep can we really start fixing the problems that the US is facing. Keep those divisions going, and this country will continue to slide in the fast downhill direction it is going.

Wake up, quit fighting each other over petty #, and start focusing on things that really matter.

Also, neither Romney, Obama, or Paul are not the solution. Can we reroll on this years candidates?

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by seabag

S @ F
Hello Seabag, now I'm not known for being "pro-American" exactly, but this here is pretty sickening and should turn off most real Americans from supporting OWS. By burning that flag they are destroying everything that it represents, liberty, freedom, and history. These thugs are blaming the government for their problems and so decide to burn the American flag?
The American government only wraps themselves in the flag to make them look patriotic, when in reality they have sold you out. Don't burn the flag it doesn't represent them it represents the people, burn wall street!!!

Take care.


posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:17 AM
Damn these guys who burn the US flag are the 4th of july. I say they need to leave. The US is better without them.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by Vizzle

I did try to point that out, Occupy Oakland remains but they are drowned out by Bay Of Rage aka Oakland Commune.

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by seabag

Bay of Rage Back in May a group broke of "anarchists" broke off from Occupy because they believed Occupy to be too passive. I'm not too sure it was them either though. There is a large number of true anarchists and angry kids who have been pushed around way too many times by cops for no reason...

I think I have more than adequately shown this was not Occupy nor was Occupy Oakland even there.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by seabag

You write post after post after post about how you HATE
our president.
our last president.
Anything our government does.

So just what is it you are so offended by?
I am more offended by people who seem to do nothing but trash talk the place.
Shut up and burn a flag already.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:37 AM
What a bunch of morons

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by Xavier85
I say more power to them. The only way to wake up the masses is by extreme acts like this one. If they feel so inclined to burn flags and protest its their right to do so. This is just YOUR opinion. No facts present.

That is not true at all. This crap will only make people resent OWS more because it RAISES TAXES

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Xavier85
I say more power to them. The only way to wake up the masses is by extreme acts like this one. If they feel so inclined to burn flags and protest its their right to do so. This is just YOUR opinion. No facts present.

Completely agreed. I don't agree with everything they did, but sometimes it takes extreme acts to wake people up. When the news FINALLY started covering occupy, they were already being put in a negative light. The media pretended like they had no idea what the protesters were there for, guess they couldn't read the signs.

I think when these things break out, they will continue to get worse, because nothing has changed yet. The movement was waited out, those that didn't care enough disappeared, those that actually want our country changed are getting more frustrated by the day.

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