posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77
He had no real base. He chiseled that base from the other two parties, not by knowing them, but by telling the truth.
Also I never said Ron Paul was against the two party system, that is just you assuming as you always do. I am against the two party system.
Everyone who matters supports Ron Paul. You think a million blind idiots voting for Romney despite knowing nothing about politics, what Romney is
about, or why the vote for him (and then go back to watching t.v. and working not caring about politics) matters more than 100,000 votes by people who
see the problems with America, understand that we are losing your freedoms and speak out and try to change it? We do matter because it doesn't matter
what happens to Ron Paul, there is already a huge portion of people in the liberty movement and that wont change until something snaps. They won't
follow Rand. Republicans will learn after they lose this election how important we are and how much control they are actually about to lose. Without
bowing to the liberty party you lose the election. Unless you think you can afford 10 - 15 % percent of the republican vote in every state and up to
20-40 percent in select states.
Romney doesn't hav a chance.
You don't seem to be capable of grasping how dire the situation America is in. We are trying to tell you, but you are too dense.