posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 09:41 PM
This story stinks of something sinister - it has been a dodgy story from the onset. I notice in both links provided in this thread by the original
poster that the McCanns still believe that their daughter is alive. I wonder upon what faith or belief they base that statement????!!!!
No one goes out to the corner shop let alone an overseas holiday and leaves a Child alone - that is pure stupidity and carelessness and both parents
should be charged with Child neglect.
Someone stated that they thought Madeleine would be 'mysteriously' found one day and that the plan would be to advertise very publicly and widely
that EVERY Child should be microchipped to avoid this type of misery. Now that would be convenient wouldn't it????!!!!
Madeleine, whichever way you look at it was always going to be a victim with parents like this, she was born into a family that is not what they seem.
Outwardly they present as (supposedly) educated parents with the brains and finances to care properly for their Children. Obviously they are not as
educated as they tell us nor are they adequately prepared for being parents money or not.
There are Children who are born to parents who are less than well educated and less than economically able to provide for their Children - BUT - the
Children grow up safe and know they are wanted and loved and lead productive lives.
I believe the cabal/illuminati/whatever have not maintained absolute control over all their nefarious deeds and the obvious gaps in their plan are
starting to become well known. Anyone who thinks the cabal/illuminati/whatever are not involved - I accept your opinion but I insist that you prove to
me why they could not be involved.
Much all abused Children...