posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 02:26 PM
We're a fluke, a screw-up, a major deformity in natures basic plan. Billions of life forms, be it animal, insect, plant, etc., have lived on earth
throughout billions of years. Every one of those life forms had a purpose to thrive and survive. Any planet in the universe that can sustain life,
will have life with the same purpose and only that purpose. There's no reason in nature for any species to go as far beyond survival as we have.
That, being proven in earth being billions of years old with billions of different life forms and different cycles of life forms, none of which had
any ability to think beyond it's own survival and no natural reason for it to. We're a rare fluke.
I absolutely believe there's life out there. Types of life we can't even relate to. Intelligent life too, as with earth. But it's an extremely rare
case. "Natures" objective or path isn't one to go down a road of A to Z with complicated twists and turns. It's a basic A to B path with some
turns. Everything that has ever lived has taken that "simple" path. The path has had deviations, but they all dealt with survival. Be it evolving
camouflage, killing, food forging, etc. skills. They all came back on the path of survival. But, human beings are the only ones that skewed far
off that path.
As far as finding that rare intelligent life in our lifetime, I think is even rarer. Just look at the time frame human beings are in, in relation to
the age of the universe. Could happen, but if you step back and look at the overall picture it's a very small chance.