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America! Foreclose on the Whitehouse (from one who knows)

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posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 07:23 AM
America, ITS TIME.... time to celebrate.. we are all sitting around waiting for the "breaking news" report...Lets let "We the People" take the Whitehouse.. back to whom it belongs. The Consituional United States of America Our republic...

Can some lawyer somewhere see who the original deed belngs to? IF the "United States-Inc" and not "United States of America" owns the paper/deed find out if it was legally transferred (likely not) and the
FORECLOSE ON THEIR ASS^$@ES- they have thrown enough Americans in the streets! ENOUGH ALREADY.

If his false birth certificate, use of coc aine, suspension of lawyers license and breaking all laws known to mankind is not enough to get this creep "Obummer" out... lets throw him
(and his "gorgious wife!" the "first Lady") out..


Now would't THAT BE A PERP WALK OF ALL PERP WALKS!!!! anyone? some real estate lawyer? bueller? bueller? Tomorrow is 4TH of July- lets celebrate like they were already GONE...

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 07:50 AM
Woa, so much hate - and Obama is innocent in every one of your accusations.

He didn't foreclose anything, those were the banks.
Because you couldn't pay them.
Because you lost your job.
Because that company did outsource you or didn't get enough credit from the bank.
Because the bank was too cagey.
Because the other banks had financial problems, too.
Because they lost a lot of money in high-risk financial trades.

Sooooo, where is Obama involved in this?

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 07:52 AM
I'm not 100% sure,

but I think the White House and land is owned by the National Park Service.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by ManFromEurope

Hey ManFromEurope,
How is he (POTUS) not involved? Are you friggin' kidding me? It's kinda of, exactly like a Mafia boss' relationship with his workers. He never pulls the trigger but he is certainly behind the crime. We keep accepting orders from the all powerful POTUS and we are to respect and obey. How fu*&%ng dare we blame him when # goes wrong. You really are not in touch with reality. Stop making excuses for POTUS and the Administration! AND yes denial is an excuse!

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by MightyQuincunx

Man, could you just point out EXACTLY what your president did wrong in case of the foreclosures? He didn't pay for your house? Why should he?

What exactly did he do wrong? Please, for better understanding: Build up a chain of misdeeds like my example so we can all follow your thoughts and see where he failed.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by ManFromEurope
reply to post by MightyQuincunx

Man, could you just point out EXACTLY what your president did wrong in case of the foreclosures? He didn't pay for your house? Why should he?

What exactly did he do wrong? Please, for better understanding: Build up a chain of misdeeds like my example so we can all follow your thoughts and see where he failed.

"Obama" or what ever his name is did not forclose on my home... I am one of the lucky ones that still have a place to live...."The President" cannot be impeached due to some obsure laws.. My point is TAKE AMERICA BACK TO ITS RIGHFUL OWNERS AND PUT AN ***HONEST LEADER IN OFFICE***.. If we cant "impeach" the (deleted thoughts) him... get his ass out of the most powerful seat in the world.. The US Presidents Oval Office

It would be harder to run the country if he did not live in the White House... Because he, his cabinate, appointed crooks are all behind the banks failing... stealing and ruining this great country!!!! The "banks are too big to fail" Americans are getting tired of the dancing around the issues..

America .. The REAL America wants to be FREE again... Tomorrow is Independance Day.... Do you have ONE patriotic bone in your body????? hhhmmmmm? "man up" already... lets celebrate freedom as a country.. or at least remember what it used to be like! ... I am STILL proud to be an American.. (not Amerikan!)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 10:54 AM
I think that I read some where on this site about how it all started. The original piece of land was owned by a Mr Pope I believe. (vatican) Im not sure who actually owns it, but they say slaves helped build it. I wish you all the best if you can claim it back, Only this time put some one in it, who is for the people and not for the corps.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

I misunderstood your headline and OP. I thought you wanted to take physical possession of the White House building and grounds, but what you really want is

My point is TAKE AMERICA BACK TO ITS RIGHFUL OWNERS AND PUT AN ***HONEST LEADER IN OFFICE***.. If we cant "impeach" the (deleted thoughts) him... get his ass out of the most powerful seat in the world.. The US Presidents Oval Office
to defeat Obama in the elections. OK, I understand now.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by illuminnaughty
I think that I read some where on this site about how it all started. The original piece of land was owned by a Mr Pope I believe. (vatican) Im not sure who actually owns it, but they say slaves helped build it. I wish you all the best if you can claim it back, Only this time put some one in it, who is for the people and not for the corps.

I found it, saved it, lost it and now I found it again .... at least I hope this is the one you were talking about.

The Act of 1871.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:15 AM
So much hate, so much poor grammar and so much poor spelling. You really are a product of the American education system.

You can only foreclose on something if it has been used against a loan, which I definitely wouldn't think is the case with The White House (if you're gonna rant about something, at least have the decency to spell it correctly).

I believe that The White House already belongs to the People of the United States of America. You're effectively asking a homeowner to forceclose on something that's already theirs.

In reality, it's not the White House that The People need to take back, but the Government of the United States, all of the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches.

Apart from the Executive branch, the rest of the Government has little to do with The White House.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
So much hate, so much poor grammar and so much poor spelling. You really are a product of the American education system.

You can only foreclose on something if it has been used against a loan, which I definitely wouldn't think is the case with The White House (if you're gonna rant about something, at least have the decency to spell it correctly).

I believe that The White House already belongs to the People of the United States of America. You're effectively asking a homeowner to forceclose on something that's already theirs.

In reality, it's not the White House that The People need to take back, but the Government of the United States, all of the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches.

Apart from the Executive branch, the rest of the Government has little to do with The White House.


Lets see maybe you are not even American? from Canada? Lets make it even simpler...for you. I do think if Obummer was forceably removed from office the actual phyisical location weather by foreclosure or by default I do not know the leagle terms...America may stand a chance with a new leader to begin anew. Obummer or whatever his name is should be removed from office Period.

There is more than enough resons. What are you? a troll and a "paid CIA shill" to sow discord with American people? Please name any reason why this crook should not be removed legally from the Oval Office?

WHO or WHAT entity, group, organization or alphabet group has physical ownership of this great office? Perhaps THEY can pull legal strings to get him removed.

"If the mountian wont go to Mohammad... ...Mohammad will go to the mountian"

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

Oh, so you DO want him physically removed. OK. Let's go with your plan and charge him with X,Y, and Z, and get him carried out of the White House. THAT MAKES JOE BIDEN PRESIDENT!!! No offense intended, but do you really want that? If you get rid of Biden, then John Boehner becomes Commander-inChief.

I think we should wait for the elections.

By the way, I don't appreciate you calling people names, a quick apology to that poster would be the gentlemanly thing to do.

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