posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 02:06 PM
If there's one thing I'm getting extremely tired of hearing among the Left online, it is the mindlessly ovine expression and repetition, of the
belief that the "Arab Spring," accomplished anything meaningful for the Middle East at all.
It didn't accomplish crap. The Egyptian army waited for probably two weeks after the abdication of Mubarak, when they felt confident that the rest
of the world had gone back to sleep and would no longer be watching, and beat up the protesters and forcibly took them off the streets. The
revolution also accomplished zero as far as regime change is concerned, as well; the commander of the military, who went on to become the ruler of the
country, was the man who Mubarak had chosen as his successor in the first place.
I'm also getting sick of the persistent myth that non-violent protest in general accomplishes a damn thing. It doesn't; because the
people who are the target of said protests, are psychopaths who are neurologically incapable of feeling shame or remorse for their
actions, or pity for the condition of the protesters.
Going hand in hand with this, is the equally tenacious naivete and ignorance where Gandhi was concerned. To the extent that he was successful at all,
it was purely because the British themselves had a conscience, and were willing to concede that he had a point. That is how non-violent resistance
works; it relies on the idea that your opponent is not a psychopath. If Gandhi and his followers had lain down in front of the Nazis,
they would have been run over by their tanks.
The main reason why I really am angry about the insistence of some people in clinging to these myths, is because it means that for as long as they
hold onto them, then not only are protest movements going to keep doing things that don't work, but it also means that we are prevented from finding
strategies that do. Why do Occupy insist on believing that a psychopathic cop who has just driven a protester's head into a window, is
going to care in the slightest when the other protesters do nothing other than yell, "Shame!" ?