posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 06:15 PM
China is well known for repressing most religions including Falun Gong and the Tibetan Buddhist monks. We are all aware that the Dalai lama is in
exile in India due to this persecution. Now why would Google feel the need to censor Falun Gong's speech? Every day in New york you can see Falun
Gong and human rights supporters picketing across from the Chinese Permanent Mission to the UN on 42 nd street.
The first item is from the Falun Gong website:
"The U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution demanding that the Chinese government immediately end its persecution of the Falun
Gong spiritual movement. House Concurrent Resolution 304 calls upon China to stop its suppression of the group in China and the U.S. as well."
The second has direct reference to Google's actions in this regard.
" News Feature:- The Epoch Times has been mentioned a number of times reports on Google's decision to block certain specific news sites in
Mainland China from Google China searches.
Does 'blocking' equal censorship?
Googgle says it doesn't. Spokeswoman Debbie Frost told p2pnet recently, "to create the best possible news search experience for our users, we
sometimes decide not to include some sites, for a variety of reasons" and in a blog, Google says losing a "fractional" number is, "better than
having a service that is not available at all".
The "fractional" number is 2% which, says Bil Xia, whose DynaWeb free proxy network built to circumvent internet blocking in China unveiled the
situation, is hardly insignificant, particularly since those sites could easily be the most important, a view based on the fact it was deemed
necessary to 'block' them in the first place.
Last week, Xia told us he was able to confirm the site block through proxies in China and that, "Search results inside China do not contain news from
blocked sites such as"
Now read on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>"