i listen to alex in late 90's the early 2000's. back then just like every other conspiracy type talk show, i ate it up, and believed every word to be
true. that was back before my ex, parents, friends, boss, and everybody i knew wanted to have me locked up for being a extreme right wing whacko. that
was before i learned it was best to keep my mouth shut and not tell to many people what i thought and just quietly watch, listen, and build up my
supplies. and hope things wouldn't turn as dark as i thought they would. and to find forums like ats, which now i just mainly come here, i get enough
links and info here to keep my spiracy monkey fed.
i use to stay up late at night and listen to my short wave radio, had a whole list of shows i would listen too.
you know what's kinda funny, my pop was a big clinton fan, and i use to tell him stuff that was gonna break on cliton.and he would just call me a
whacko. and sure enough any where from two weeks to a couple of months, on the msm, that which he swears by, there it would be. this is back right
after dick morris turned on cliton and all the mena ar. stuff came to light and his ties to pappa bush and the cia drug runners and chinagate came
and one more thing, listening to these talk shows and the msm's, i came under the impression, that gw was gonna beat gore,and that with in six months
to a year, we would be in a war.and told everybody this. and yet i'am still a whacko. if you listen real careful, between the msm and alternative news
sources, they will tell you what they are gonna do. of course i was expecting a real choosein up sides shootin war, not some group of peace loving
turban wearing jihadist, or some little pissant thrid world country that couldn't defend themselves no matter how hard they tried.just goes to show
ya, even though they tell you what they are going to do. they can and will throw a curve at you to keep you off balance.
any way back to alex and the topic, i think that about 20% of what he says is valid. the other 80% is sensationalism. look he's running a business.
and he needs to sell product's, ad time and any thing else he can. i will say this for alex jones, when he gets it right, he hits the nail on the
head.and he has managed to stay on the air a very long time, when most of his counter parts have come and gone. the main reason i quit listening to
him was his yelling rants and some of the very outrageous stories he has put out.
and as far as what this cop is saying. i do think and yes i will come out and say it is going to happen one day. but four months from now not hardly.
there is no way that you can control 300 and something million people in such a way as to keep the majority of them from revolting unless you have
them on your side at first, and then slowly tighten the noose. just like russia when they turned commie, germany when they turned fascist or socialist
and china when they turned.
now to put just a little sharper point on it.
there would have to be a major event for marshal law to happen over night. like a ele event, some big rock falling from the sky, nubiru coming by and
turning the earth up side down, volcano like yellow stone blowing it's caldera, or a earthquake like the new madrid fault starts rocking and rolling
of course this would probably not be a ele event but pretty damn close. or any other thing along these lines. all of these are possible, two could
happen with little or no advance warning, the others two we would more than likely see months before it happened.
i see two things that could bring marshal law over night, one would be nukes set off in high population areas, by the so called above mentioned
peace loving turban wearing jihadist, wink, wink, which we all know this is code for tptb.
this could happen in the blink of a eye, and only the alphabet agencies would know it was coming.
or economic, this is what i think that will start it all. but with this you have signs, which we have now. and i feel we will have for a while longer.
how long, who knows. could it be four months, it is plausible, will it be before ww3 starts in syria, yes i think so, just like ww2 which is really
what ended the great depression. i think the economy will tank world wide and the war pigs will start war machine rolling to bring back the economy.
every body knows war means big bucks.
and how better to thin out the worlds population, by starting a war were nukes are and will more than likely be deployed.
and to put a even better spin on it, just when it looks as if tptb get the population down to awful low number they want, ET shows up at every nations
capital and everybody freaks out.
just a little humor there i hope. but i do think it's gonna come from a economic type scenario.
even though we have signs now we could wake in the morning, and all the banks have failed
edit on 30-6-2012 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)
edit on 30-6-2012 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason