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Alex Jones ‘Jim’, a Police Officer Warns of an “Event” in October, 2012

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posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 09:17 PM
Wow, this is on the front page?

I guess if alex predicts marshal law every month for several years, he might get it right one of these times.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by Ben81

I find this very, very interesting. I have kept telling my best friend that we need to be stocked up by mid September. For approximately 6 months now I have been having dreams and intuitive feelings too...that something is going to happen in October or November of this year....and for a won't be safe to leave home. I am hoping I am wrong.

Yes and I have noticed one other thing, have you noticed how most of the movies coming out are really boring, stupid, cheap, etc. Or they have redone some movies for release at cinemas like Titanic, etc?

Well what if the movie directors know something big is coming so they aren't starting with any new movies?

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 09:24 PM
edit on 30-6-2012 by Shred because: Repetition.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by djv1985

Hey, I remember that! But I never heard about the hoaxed / joke part of it. The guy was very convincing, but I remember thinking, yeah, but he could be an actor. I would really appreciate any sources for both the call and the confession - that would be great! I have seen the original call on youtube, but not the "oh and by the way I punked you!" part. It didn't set well with me then, and this doesn't set well with me now. "Jim" may just be fanning the flames of his own imagination, for all we know...


posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 09:32 PM
how could the government have any power over the people when the government is the people?

army and police officers ( salaries paid for by the people of america) using technology and weapons ( paid for by the people of america) to restrict all freedom and take full control over the people of america?

no.... dont do that,
edit on 30-6-2012 by ImaFungi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by CrimsonKapital

Yes and I have noticed one other thing, have you noticed how most of the movies coming out are really boring, stupid, cheap, etc. Or they have redone some movies for release at cinemas like Titanic, etc?

Well what if the movie directors know something big is coming so they aren't starting with any new movies?

Oh, that's bloody brilliant!

The directors are conserving all their original ideas until after the Apocalypse! It's all so obvious now!

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 10:06 PM
I'm not convinced of this "Jim" however like every year I always watch the stock market closely between end of August to mid November to give me an idea of what the following year will bring.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Listening to Alex Jones will make you batsh*t crazy. Not saying there isn't stuff going on, you need to keep your eyes open for good reason, but i think i'll take Isaiah, Zechariah and Ezekiel's word over his, at least when they predict something it happens.

Know what the difference between a real prophet and a false prophet is? When a real prophet says something is going to happen it does, and everytime without fail.

If i had to say they were going to implement martial law, it would be because of all the people going apesh*t over this mayan baloney about the world ending on 12-21-12, and just like Y2K it will come and pass without much fanfare.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7
Wow, this is on the front page?

I guess if alex predicts marshal law every month for several years, he might get it right one of these times.

I knoooooow! It's like he's gotten so desperate that now he's using a disguise and disguising his voice to pretend to be someone else giving the warnings, and on his own show out of all things! You're not fooling anybody Alex! We know that it's really you, as the ever vigilant ATS member stanguilles7 insinuated in the post quoted above!

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 10:52 PM
i listen to alex in late 90's the early 2000's. back then just like every other conspiracy type talk show, i ate it up, and believed every word to be true. that was back before my ex, parents, friends, boss, and everybody i knew wanted to have me locked up for being a extreme right wing whacko. that was before i learned it was best to keep my mouth shut and not tell to many people what i thought and just quietly watch, listen, and build up my supplies. and hope things wouldn't turn as dark as i thought they would. and to find forums like ats, which now i just mainly come here, i get enough links and info here to keep my spiracy monkey fed.
i use to stay up late at night and listen to my short wave radio, had a whole list of shows i would listen too.
you know what's kinda funny, my pop was a big clinton fan, and i use to tell him stuff that was gonna break on cliton.and he would just call me a whacko. and sure enough any where from two weeks to a couple of months, on the msm, that which he swears by, there it would be. this is back right after dick morris turned on cliton and all the mena ar. stuff came to light and his ties to pappa bush and the cia drug runners and chinagate came out.

and one more thing, listening to these talk shows and the msm's, i came under the impression, that gw was gonna beat gore,and that with in six months to a year, we would be in a war.and told everybody this. and yet i'am still a whacko. if you listen real careful, between the msm and alternative news sources, they will tell you what they are gonna do. of course i was expecting a real choosein up sides shootin war, not some group of peace loving turban wearing jihadist, or some little pissant thrid world country that couldn't defend themselves no matter how hard they tried.just goes to show ya, even though they tell you what they are going to do. they can and will throw a curve at you to keep you off balance.

any way back to alex and the topic, i think that about 20% of what he says is valid. the other 80% is sensationalism. look he's running a business. and he needs to sell product's, ad time and any thing else he can. i will say this for alex jones, when he gets it right, he hits the nail on the head.and he has managed to stay on the air a very long time, when most of his counter parts have come and gone. the main reason i quit listening to him was his yelling rants and some of the very outrageous stories he has put out.

and as far as what this cop is saying. i do think and yes i will come out and say it is going to happen one day. but four months from now not hardly. there is no way that you can control 300 and something million people in such a way as to keep the majority of them from revolting unless you have them on your side at first, and then slowly tighten the noose. just like russia when they turned commie, germany when they turned fascist or socialist and china when they turned.

now to put just a little sharper point on it.

there would have to be a major event for marshal law to happen over night. like a ele event, some big rock falling from the sky, nubiru coming by and turning the earth up side down, volcano like yellow stone blowing it's caldera, or a earthquake like the new madrid fault starts rocking and rolling of course this would probably not be a ele event but pretty damn close. or any other thing along these lines. all of these are possible, two could happen with little or no advance warning, the others two we would more than likely see months before it happened.

i see two things that could bring marshal law over night, one would be nukes set off in high population areas, by the so called above mentioned peace loving turban wearing jihadist, wink, wink, which we all know this is code for tptb.
this could happen in the blink of a eye, and only the alphabet agencies would know it was coming.

or economic, this is what i think that will start it all. but with this you have signs, which we have now. and i feel we will have for a while longer. how long, who knows. could it be four months, it is plausible, will it be before ww3 starts in syria, yes i think so, just like ww2 which is really what ended the great depression. i think the economy will tank world wide and the war pigs will start war machine rolling to bring back the economy. every body knows war means big bucks.

and how better to thin out the worlds population, by starting a war were nukes are and will more than likely be deployed.
and to put a even better spin on it, just when it looks as if tptb get the population down to awful low number they want, ET shows up at every nations capital and everybody freaks out.

just a little humor there i hope. but i do think it's gonna come from a economic type scenario.
even though we have signs now we could wake in the morning, and all the banks have failed

edit on 30-6-2012 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-6-2012 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by Ben81

Do you think, that if police officers, just regular old cops, were getting these memos, that Jim the police officer, would be the ONLY person who was saying something?

I think not.

edit on 6/30/2012 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

Exactly, Ole Jim sounds like he needs to lay off the Estrogen Cookies in the women's breakroom. Honestly it sounds like he might be waking up to the poo thats been shoveled down our throats for the last 70 years. I know of a few people that woke up in a jarred fashion (wasn't pretty).

If this has some legitimacy to it that would explain a lot. Still though on the other hand, Alex Jones has always had some emotionally charged fruit loop phone in and say the same type of mumbo jumbo on a regular basis. How can we tell if its credible or not? Maybe thats what the man wants....for us to think theres no credibility with ole Alex the alarmist.

On the flip side of that, Alex works for the man and he's pushing what they want him to. Hard to tell with so many sites and shows that display this type of WOWzers on a daily basis.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 11:01 PM
The problem isnt with AJ-the problem is there are TONS of sick, depressed, gullible, brainwashed, insecure, mentally-ill folks out there who will listen to his ranting and raving and will actually believe it. The dude is completely detached from reality. Life is what you make it, AJ should spend more time out there enjoying and living life rather than going on paranoid delusional tangents. Life is short, have fun or balk at everyone through a megaphone.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

Well U.N.O.D.A,the smalls arms treaty will be signed in September.There will be events before then for sure.

You beat me to it! I was thinking the same thing. I continue to stay abreast of the UN Small Arms Trade Treaty negotiation topic, and although it is claimed that our 2nd Amendment won't be in jeopardy, there are some Senators and Congressmen that aren't so sure. If Obama does agree to something restrictive to our 2A, he could very well face a mass uprising that could get very nasty indeed.

edit on 30-6-2012 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 11:08 PM
Ya know, 98% of me says it's bunk and another worthless prediction.
The other 2% of me thinks that it wouldn't surprise me since that's right before the elections.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 12:17 AM
I think that the fact you're on this site and reading this you are either awake or certainly waking up that all is not right in the world. I too have had many dreams involving wars and devastation on a global scale which is why I have gone looking for answers.
The Power elites are smug and believe that we the sheeple are no threat, However there are power in numbers and sadly the time to stand up appears to be coming. I dont agree with much of Alex Jones, he appears to be a bit of a grandstander and attention seeker however if he can raise the world populations awareness to what has to be the most evil, manipulative and downright sinister scheme that ever existed on this planet to deceive, depopulate and control the wealth and power of the world, then I say more power to him.
People wake up!

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 12:19 AM
gheesh...there are tons a people from the STL area...can someone that lives there just drive down by Frontenac and take a look? I have been to the the Plaza Frontenac..but i live two hours doing a quick drive by and look see is a bit much...

Where are all the STL people...they're not commenting..surely, they would have said something if they saw this happening..

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Oh joy, a prediction that almost certainly will not come true.

Thanks Alex. Godspeed you little minion, you.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Yeah. I bet Jim is Alex's brother in law or producer.

Regardless, I may not be happy to see something like that happen. But us country folk will survive.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 12:55 AM
Given the location, the first thing I thought about was the New Madrid Fault.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 01:06 AM
I don't believe he's a shill. Not at all. However, it's true what he said... just because an event is gonna happen in October doesn't mean TSHTF. It COULD happen, and that's not to say one shouldn't prepare for it, but don't hold your breath.

And to the many, MANY Alex haters--get some real evidence before you go hating. Get over yourselves.
edit on 1-7-2012 by XxNightAngelusxX because: Of a typo

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