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The Reason For Alien Behaviour

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posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 12:32 AM
Assuming (and it is a big assumption) that AAT is correct...

...It suddenly dawned on me why the Aliens might be behaving how they do. It is the one explanation that explains all.

Consider these questions...

- Why do Aliens keep coming here, yet do not negotiate trade? Just why are they sneaking about?
- Why would aliens need to create and breed us instead of doing the job themselves in ancient times?
- Why would Aliens keep trying to hit us with plagues and natural disaster, yet often be trying to help to encourage us to ever greater things?
- Why would aliens wish to come here, to Earth, a planet in the boonies of the Galaxy? A place well off any trade route and miles from things like Globular Clusters which might house vast numbers of inhabited planets?
- Why is religion so big on control and limitation of two big things...breeding and the advancement of burning witches and prohibiting sex?
- Why are there clear records of aliens fighting each other?
- Why abduct and experiment on humans if they were theones who created us in the first place?
- Why return abductees at all?
- Why were aliens so big in ancient times yet shy away from here nowadays?
- And just who ae the "watchers" watching?

...At root, the Earth is like a ship filled with people, hurtling through space. What sort of ship is evaded by all other ships and feared the most with people only visiting covertly?

The answer is simple...WE ARE A PLAGUE SHIP.

...Could it be tthat 10,000 years or more ago, the Aliens took advantage of the Earth's isolated situation, just as the US Army does now, and created us to work...on Earth, an Alien bioweapons Laboratory? It would expalin everything that followed...including why they wanted to test their most virile diseases on ys as we have developed amongst the best anti-bodies in the Galaxy and dissect us to find out the effects......and why they don't want us breeding and spreading across the universe to spread disease.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 12:47 AM
I suppose it is just as possible as any other 'out there' idea, but it seems rather unlikely to me. Sounds like a bad Hollywood movie.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by bearwithredhat
...It suddenly dawned on me why the Aliens might be behaving how they do. It is the one explanation that explains all.

- Why do Aliens keep coming here, yet do not negotiate trade? Just why are they sneaking about?

They lied. They are NOT who they claim to be...

"This is the most concise, elaborate,and precise explanation of the relationship between UFOs, Aliens, and Demons on youtube..... I totally agree with this documentary!"

MegaHottube 3 months ago 11

Make SURE you check out Cathy O'Brien @ the 45 min. point (similar part @55min.)

It is two hours long, so just open it in a separate browser tab and listen while you surf!


"I'm not saying that there's no such thing as aliens – that would be foolish of me. But what I am saying is that it was my experience that these were people claiming to be aliens.

If there is a reality out there pertaining to any alien influence, we need to sort out the government misinformation and disinformation and mind-manipulation techniques that they are using. I know for a fact that the plan is to make all of us feel totally helpless; that what's happening is beyond our realm to affect because we've been taken over by aliens, that our Independence Day is dawning. So beware of that.

Understand that those criminals have been keeping information and technology from us under the blanket of National Security. They are 25 years ahead of us at least technologically. Can you imagine what they've got now? What's happened that you are aware of in the last 25 years? Microwave ovens, we've got computerisation, and they've had access to all of that to continue their own advancements. They are way ahead. So when they say, 'It's aliens, it's aliens', and they show us some incredible technology, don't fall into the trap of feeling totally helpless, that this is beyond our realm to affect.'"


The Real Story Behind Aliens & Ufos

Compiles lots of modern photos and video footage with records and drawings of ancient aliens left by our ancestors.

So why all the mystery about who the Aliens are? All of the records and evidence point to the truth that they are the NEPHILIM races described in the Bible as hybrid human species derived from fallen angels mating with human women.................

Genesis 6:2.....That the sons of God ( meaning fallen angels, those who followed Satan in rebellion against God ) saw the daughters ( meaning women of the earth ) of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

The records indicate that the offspring produced several different gentile races. Some were giants / titans, some were reptilian, some had extra arms and 6 fingers, hair covered humanoids like Esau...

And we even see evidence of this remaining in our human gene pool on recessive genes... giantism is called acromegaly now... humans born with 6 fingers are called polydactyl ... humans born covered with hair are diagnosed with hypertrichosis... on and on...

As for the hybrid alien races that survived with their technology thousands of years ahead, we see them too. Esaus hair-covered humanoid decendants in the mountains are called bigfoot... And over 20 witnesses in a Russian park (including policemen, school children, a janitor... all walks of life) saw a craft land and 3 giants over 9 feet tall stepped out into clear view.

So the aliens are not just "little green men" but many diverse races of gentile humanoids that have inhabited this planet as long as humans have.

They are not coming from outer space... they are coming from below our feet. They live beneath the surface in an UNDERWORLD or hollow honeycombed earth... and beneath the ocean's surface. They do not inhabit the surface of earth, but visit often... and that's when we see them... throughout ALL OF RECORDED HISTORY.

edit on 30-6-2012 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 01:14 AM
Aliens are not your friends. Shoot them on site.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by bearwithredhat

Well I wouldn't have said plague ship more like a convict ship or a sanatorium but not a plague ship lol

what we are experiencing here on this little mud ball is the effects of to much in breeding there's only so much you can do with the gene pool we need more variety which could be the reason for the ET's visiting our planet to add DNA or just to poke fun at this back water piece of mud.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 01:55 AM
There is a massive and coordinated cover-up going on which explains why even on sites such as ATS, people are being deceived about these beings.

“Wernher Von Braun never spoke to me about any of the details that he knew related to extraterrestrials except that extraterrestrials were going to be identified as an enemy... the enemies that we were going to identify-were all based on a lie.

The final scare, Rosin said, will be a threat of an alien invasion. "Over and over and over during the four years that I know (Von Braun) he would bring up that last card:

’ And remember, Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens, and all of it is a lie.’ - Dr. Wernher von Braun


This video talks about them NOT being who they claim to be:

How UFOs Relate to the New World Order

Witnesses describe a massive and coordinated cover-up. People who have had UFO contact are ridiculed and warned that their career will end if they speak. Their lives and their family's lives are threatened. Many people have "disappeared."

A network of military and intelligence agencies along with major defense contractors is responsible for the cover-up. Generally speaking, they are not accountable to the President and Congress. Dr. Greer has met with many Senators who frankly admit they are "not in the loop."

How do they coordinate a cover-up that extends to so many countries? I don't know the answer to this but there is a disturbing possibility that national differences may be more apparent than real.

Witnesses describe secret meetings dedicated to the subject of extraterrestrials that involved an international cast. The New World Order has been here a long time. They are unveiling it gradually.

In the US alone, the cover-up must extend to hundreds of government agencies, military units, research labs and corporations. How is that coordinated?

Dr. Greer quotes Senator Daniel Inouye: "There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own navy, it's own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself." LINK

Well-known UFO researcher John Weldon said, “How creditable is it to think that literally thousands of genuine extraterrestrials would fly millions of light years simply to teach new age philosophy, deny Christianity, and support the occult? And why would the entities actually possess and inhabit people just like demons do if they were really advanced extraterrestrials?”Source

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 02:10 AM
Bah. Anyone who's everyone knows teh aliens are on bath salts.

Mutilating cows, probing bums, abducting ugly people, hiding in the dark, flashing at unsuspecting people, telepathically ordering people to channel them, eating faces a.. oh wait the last one is a psychotic deluded addled mind.. woops!

But yeah, bath salts... just when you thought it was safe to take a shower... *dun nun.. dun nun.. dunn nununununnunun ddaanaanaahhhh!!!* Killer zombies from space.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by bearwithredhat

well just think of animal husbandry, domestication and how we treat our pets and maybe that's an accurate correlation? some are treated great and some not so great.

I think people need to get over thinking we are so special in the universe before they will be able to swallow this pill

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by mainidh

My bet is those things you mentioned are created by Hollywood all except the bath salts

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 07:41 AM
Yep, we're definitely under quarantine. At least that's what William Lewis says. Check out his website. Interesting read if nothing else. I'm waiting for the movie...

Earth is a prison.

Before our ancestors were placed here, they lived freely throughout the universe. We are the direct descendants, and distant relatives, of extraterrestrials that still do. We shared all the rights, responsibilities and technologies of those societies. But, at some point in the last 100,000 years, a mutagen (a physical or chemical agent that changes genetic material) caused a genetic flaw, and tiny pockets of deviant Cro-Magnoids (our ancestors) began to exhibit insanity and criminal behavior. The pockets quickly reproduced and spread throughout the universe. Existing institutional and penal consequences became overwhelmed. For every criminal or mentally ill person removed from intergalactic civilization, two more were born. Finding a workable humane solution became a necessity. In the end the decision was made that, for the good of all, testing would be done to identify and isolate those who possessed the errant genetic code.

The Ancestry Of Man
edit on 6/30/2012 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by bearwithredhat
Consider these questions...

- Why do Aliens keep coming here, yet do not negotiate trade? Just why are they sneaking about?

Who is to say that ET has not negtiated with any number of your governments or corporations? Such negotiations go back some 65 years.

- Why would aliens need to create and breed us instead of doing the job themselves in ancient times?

They wouldn't! Plain and simple; there is no logical reason to have "created" you. Terrestrial Humans is but one of many "Human" species that naturally occur on as many worlds. You are not unique in the general sense, but your entire evolution is uniquely Terrestrial.

- Why would Aliens keep trying to hit us with plagues and natural disaster, yet often be trying to help to encourage us to ever greater things?

ET doesn't! Plagues, natural, man-made disasters are all yours. They are your issues, issues for you to find solutions to.

- Why would aliens wish to come here, to Earth, a planet in the boonies of the Galaxy? A place well off any trade route and miles from things like Globular Clusters which might house vast numbers of inhabited planets?

How do you know Earth is in the "Boonies"? Just how "far" off the beaten path is it? There are many stories, myths, legends here on Earth about "visitors" from the "dog star"; Sirius. Sirius, would appear to harbor, not just life, but advanced "space-faring" life. Sirius is 8ly away. There are a large number of stars, all reported to have space-faring life, all within 50ly. So, how far off the "beaten track" is Earth?

- Why is religion so big on control and limitation of two big things...breeding and the advancement of burning witches and prohibiting sex?

According to AAT; some 8000 years ago a secies of Human life arrived here and attempted to colonize Earth. All went well for a while (couple of thousand years). During this time the native "Humans" (you) learned a great deal fro the aliens. As tie continued the colonies became dissatisfied with the Home World; likely due to the lack of support and difficulty of loogistics. They rebeled and attempted to gain greater indeendance. They lost.

The few remaining, realizing that they were in grave danger used organized religion to control the population in both quantity and knowledge. A few dumb "cavemen" vs a lot of knowledgeable men; what would you do?

- Why are there clear records of aliens fighting each other?

see above.

- Why abduct and experiment on humans if they were theones who created us in the first place?

To determine the degree of DNA contamination done by the colonists.

- Why return abductees at all?

They are innocents.

- Why were aliens so big in ancient times yet shy away from here nowadays?
- And just who ae the "watchers" watching?

Back in the day; you were just "dumb animals", my how you have changed! You may be animals, but then again, we all are. But, you ain't "dumb". Terrestrials are some of the fastest learning, most innovative people in the Universe.

The "watchers" is a myth spread across the cosmos. The only thing that even begins to "fit" is a bit metaphysical for this thread.

edit on 30-6-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by bottleslingguy
reply to post by bearwithredhat

well just think of animal husbandry, domestication and how we treat our pets and maybe that's an accurate correlation? some are treated great and some not so great.

I think people need to get over thinking we are so special in the universe before they will be able to swallow this pill

If you could only realise that the theory of evolution was given to do that very thing - take away our specialness as created by God Almighty, in His Image and His Likeness - then you could understand why millions are now able to swallow the pill. On the other hand, those who put their faith in Him, refuse the pill.

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