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reptilians in control?

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posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Yeah amazing isn't it? Needing proof of something to beleve its real. What is wrong with us?


posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Drew Da General
Ha it means you are very close minded.Like i said before science isn't everything.Just because you can't prove it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Doesn't mean it does either.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 11:22 AM
What about dinosaures...they were actually reptiles?!?!?!

What if, in the time of dinosaures, they were a kind of biped, intelligent specie of dinosaure that are actually the reptilians?!?!?! They survived the the disaster because they were intelligent and they hide in caves, where they are still live today hehehehe In the time of dinos, it was like today, different species, but what do we know about it really!

Answer that please!!!


posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 12:15 PM
Why do others try to bash someone for having an opinion?.Everyone does not share the same opinions.Get over it.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Amelia
What about dinosaures...they were actually reptiles?!?!?!

What if, in the time of dinosaures, they were a kind of biped, intelligent specie of dinosaure that are actually the reptilians?!?!?! They survived the the disaster because they were intelligent and they hide in caves, where they are still live today hehehehe In the time of dinos, it was like today, different species, but what do we know about it really!

Answer that please!!!


Is it possible? Maybe. Since no one was there, no one can say one way or another for sure. Is is probable? No. There is no archeological evidence that points to the dinasaurs as being highly intellegent (as far as human intellegence goes). The excavated skulls show that the brains were relatively small. If we equate large brains with higher intellect, then we can conclude that their smaller brains resulted in low intellegence levels.

[edit on 7-10-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 01:31 PM
well when speaking of evidence which are you lookig for? there is physical, historical and testimonial.granted physical is the most desired and the one that is proof beyond doubt if they exist.but in the context that they are rumord (highly intelligent and wanting to control in secret) then supression of physical proof from the public at large couldnt be that hard.After all there are millions who to this day believe we are in Iraq to firght against terrorism.the historical and testimonial though they keep this an opened ened debate still is compelling enough to remove it out of the realm of impossible and i find it ironic that on a message board of this nature that people are so critical disagreeing is belief isnt set one way or the other but if its such a stupid claim explain in a manner that maybe helpful because just like the people who believe that reptoids are around who have no physical proof of their exsistence like wise people who dont believe have no way of proving that they dont exsist.leaving both parties in the arena of historical and testimonial ive heard the historical evidence which i find to be a bit shocking and lengthy enough to peak my intrest in the subject. so doubters i dont want to hear bashing i want to hear some historical evidence to the contrary..are things being faked... are these historians frauds and why.perhaps someone has testimony knowing someone who knows the evidence put forth is not legit. something ANYTHING besides ridicule of opinion i think that will help bring this conversation out of the mire

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:24 PM
mindseye said it perfectly.We don't know if this information is accurate.All these things taught to us could be nothing but nonsense.All these facts and scientific research could be bogus.We are just believing them because we haven't experienced it for ourselves,we weren't there.I guess we will just never know.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 02:13 AM
O.k. first Corinthas said


Well the big difference is the existance of God can not be proven therefore no proof is required for either belef or disbelief. reptilians on the other hand if existant can be proven all it takes is a single dead one to end the debate.

Drew da general states

We don't know if this information is accurate.All these things taught to us could be nothing but nonsense.All these facts and scientific research could be bogus.We are just believing them because we haven't experienced it for ourselves,we weren't there.I guess we will just never know.

You see drew science is based on observation. In fact the first step of the scientific method is to "observe the phenomenon" First we observe reality then we attempt to explain our observtion then we test our explanaton to see if it matches our observations.
Now in order to believe something one must have a reason to do so. For example are you gong to believe that every human on earth other than yourself is just a figment of your imagination for no reason whatsoever?
Now my point is that while it is certainly possible that reptillian aliens have been controlling all humans for all history, it is just as possible that the solar system is actully an amusement park for alien marshmellowmen. In other words both are equally possible. It is just as possible that there are alien oil-men who are planning to kill all humans for our crimes against petroleum kind. In an infinate universe all things are possible, however that does not mean that all possbilities are real. Now in order to seperate the possibilities from the relities we must rely on observtion. IE while we can not rule out any posibilities we can prove some. In other words because it is impossible to disprove my oil-men hypothesis the most we can hope for is to prove it. The same goes for the reptilian hypothesis. You may choose to believe without proof that is your choice, but why would you? I propose that the aliens you call reptillians are actually shapeshifting petroleum based life forms masquerading as reptilians masquerading as humans, now you prove me wrong.

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