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You are NOT different.

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posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:07 AM
We'd all love to just know who we really are, our purposes in life, whatever it may be - we seek answers to the unanswerable.
We tell ourselves we're "different" because we have opened minds and "awake" because we don't let the media guide us or our decisions.
We all want to know why we're here - our personal purpose of "being".
How different are we, really?

I'd love to know why I exist here today after my grandfather was a closet-homosexual preacher, my grandmother was to be a nun, and my father and uncle were adopted. (Twins)
Things fit together strangely.
You consider the past events and wonder "what could have changed if THAT happened differently?"
The smallest change can have the most drastic effects on life - possibly even prevent LIFE from happening.

Say my grandfather admitted his sexuality before meeting my grandmother, or better for the drama, while they were together - my mother would have never been born, thus, no creation of me.
Say my father WASN'T adopted - he and my mother more than likely would have never met.
My mother moved to Oklahoma from Massachusetts in '71 or '72 when she was 13. If that didn't happen, there would have been NO possible way.

(On a neat little side note: My mother and father moved into a house together for a bit when I was really young. They found out the woman living next door was my father and uncle's biological mother. The only thing I remember of her is the funeral, though.
My mother and father got divorced when I was 3 or 4.)

Through being addicted to painkillers, I would have never had such an "awakening" so early on in my life.
(Ages 13-17, I am now 19.)
My mother was the one who contributed to the addiction that resulted in my painful "awakening".
It's almost as if she was there for that ONE purpose. I left my hometown to live in California when I was 17. It was the only way I could "quit".

Four months after moving, my younger sister who was 16, shot herself with my stepfather's shotgun in my mother's bathroom.
You can imagine how much more "awakened" I became due to the stress and deep, critical thinking.
About a year and a half prior, my first real girlfriend died from the flu. She had Lupus, also.
My first actual "love", I guess you could say.
It happened a few months after she broke up with me. I still loved her, but I'm glad I didn't have to experience having a girlfriend die.
Instead, it was a learning experience. One involving me constantly questioning myself and reality. It was the start of my awakening.
You get really good at understanding people because you're able to put yourself in almost anyone's shoes.
I'm constantly alone. No job, no schooling, and no actual friends. I observe everything around me intensely, though.

Life just drifts to me strangely, and with little to NO effort, I've always had a place to stay and a way to access the internet.

Nonetheless, my point is: things truly DO happen for a reason, but assumptions you can and will make have no effect on your beliefs or hopes of what you wish to be.
In this case, "different".

I could easily think my life has some major purpose due to all of these events, but I believe it doesn't.
I'm a product of luck, if anything.
I could have been the one that shot myself.
Then, my thoughts on being "different" wouldn't have really mattered, would they?

I'm just a human in a human world, and all of you are, too.
Not a single one of us is "different". We just think differently, rationally, and more analytically.
Putting things together and analyzing events or history doesn't always give you the outcome you'd expect.
I take every negative thing in life as a learning experience to achieve higher perspectives and gain respectable opinions and views on situations I've experienced, or to become prepared for events that may have yet to come..
Crazy, awakening experiences don't make you different or special.
They just open your eyes.
I'm tired of this "indigo children" crap, etc.

I hope this becomes the general conscience of the world one day instead of people constantly feeling sorry for themselves when bad things happen, or people that begin to believe they're DIFFERENT.
People must begin to leech off of the bad just as the bad leeches off of the good.
In due time, you become stronger. Never pity yourself; you'll gain nothing from it, and stay humble.

We can all agree that things aren't right and more "things" may happen. It's because of our different, analytical thought processess, though, and lots of research.
Not because we have some "extra-senses" that allow us to "feel" it.

I think soon, the handfuls of us that think so differently than the general masses will see what we've all been truly waiting for.
Something that changes EVERYONE.
Hoping is really all we can do
But bearing in my thoughts "be careful what you wish for", I'd love to have the whole world experience something that puts their minds into a completely different perspective.

I must admit, though, it has never seemed "fair" to be such a minority in the swamps of stupidity-addicted monsters that inhabit this planet.
I am not negative.
I love humanity, and I only wish to see humanity continue to succeed.
Things need to happen.

But because I realize this, I assure you, I am NOT different.
And neither are any of you for thinking the same thing.

edit on 28-6-2012 by Rathyas because: Who wants to read a typo?

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by Rathyas

I am very sorry to hear of the hardships you have endured, I know it is not the purpose of the thread, but I feel like saying it anyway.

I feel personally that all things that occur in your life are opportunities to learn, beautifully crafted in a sense although very challenging for the soul, which is the actual purpose of it all. Some people are better at seeking and trying to understand through their hardships. It is not only that though.....I have come to understand some things about the soul and about the way it evolves, which in our current stage is through the enhanced learning a soul receives through being incarnated in third dimensional illusion (reality), the challenges are far more frequent and dense, which gives everyone the opportunity to learn and through learning one can gain understanding and can begin to penetrate their true nature, which is that of spirit.

It seems to me that you have undertaken a very challenging life in this incarnation, one which has helped you grow at a rather fast rate. Some souls aren't up for so much in one life, so you are brave. I would argue that we ARE all different though, in one sense we're not, but in another we are. We are all aspects of the one creator, the source if you will, so in that respect we are but we are not. In regards to the indigo children thing that is another kind of issue, one that is a little more complex. We are in a very great period in earths history currently, there are many forces at work that many people are not aware of. Indigo child is just a name for something that is a little bit more confusing once it has been penetrated, it gets pretty complicated in a way. I can see how people scoff, although I just feel that they are somewhat missing the point and havent really managed to get to the core of what it is. I would suggest reading the 'law of one' and looking into the 'wanderers', very interesting stuff.

I opened my third eye in a massive way on the venus transit earlier in the month and actually managed to communicate with a higher intelligence, possibly my higher self, and I can tell you from my own experience that there are many souls who have and are incarnating on this planet that were previously of higher densities, thats what it really is as far as I can tell at this moment.

Anyway I just wanted to add that to the thread and try to help in some way, if that is desired of course. Thanks
edit on 28-6-2012 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

Thank you for the reply, especially such an elaborate one, at that!
My apologies for coming off as a scoffer of the Indigo Children; it wasn't my intentions, and I DO believe there to be some differences of those sorts in different respects.
Better wording should have been used in my post - I just disagree with the people who insist they're different because of some small abnormality or just call themselves Indigo Children right off the bat because of it.

I've gone through some changes throughout the recent transit, as well.
Nothing I can pinpoint directly, but I'm calmer, and this I know for a fact.
My biggest challenge was always my emotions.
Never wanted to consider myself an empath, though, even if I'm constantly feeling like I'm experiencing other people's emotions and not my own.
It's just my skepticism, I guess.

Admittedly, I don't know a whole lot about Indigo Children, but definitely willing to expand my knowledge on them.
Thank you!

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Rathyas

You are different to me and I am different to you. Now If you look at that on a global scale , then you are wrong , because we are ALL different.

The difference is , I know I am different , but you don't .

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by dawnprince

Surely we're all different in the aspects you're explaining.
But in the end, we're all human, and we die.
To believe you have some big purpose is ridiculous.
edit on 28-6-2012 by Rathyas because: nope

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:10 AM
Double post homie
edit on 28-6-2012 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by Rathyas

No problem at all. I do agree that a lot of the time the requirements so to speak of being an indigo child are rather loose and in many ways relate to everyone, this can be confusing and isnt really cutting to the core of it all, although I give my blessings to anyone that does consider themselves an indigo because they have obviously endured some hardships, but that is another thing really. I feel that many find comfort in the indigo idea because it helps them realize something about the soul, which for people who have spent years believing we are only physical is a totally liberating but also very intrusive realization, so in that sense I can understand why so many people consider themselves indigo, but really it is a part of them realizing their eternal nature. I also feel that anything that can help people realize their eternal nature is a good thing, even if they may not actually be an 'indigo', or as I have come to understand it, a descended soul, wanderer if you will that chose to undergo the forgetting process, forgetting who and what they really are, in order to try and aid people and our lovely planet in whatever small way they can.

I would really recommend the law of one books, just google it and you can get all of them, they do a great job of explaining many things that seem to escape the so called rational mind we all seem to rely on for guidance. That is awesome about your venus transit transformation, its amazing how the subtle cosmic energies can work their magic on people.....

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by Rathyas
reply to post by dawnprince

Surely we're all different in the aspects you're explaining.
But in the end, we're all human, and we die.
To believe you have some big purpose is ridiculous.
edit on 28-6-2012 by Rathyas because: nope

I dont feel that we DO die, I feel that our body does, but our soul leaves and returns to its home, which is a reality that exists in higher dimensional space. As far as the purpose goes, we all have a big purpose, a massive purpose, which is to evolve our consciousness in whatever way is conducive to our nature as a soul, that is it really, some may be more driven toward it but that is basically it, our purpose is to evolve through patience, seeking of understand and love. Thats about it really.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

You describe it in a way that makes it seem more desirable to learn of.
Kind of comforting, actually.
Downloading the books right now.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by Rathyas

Nice work man, the introduction to the first book is fantastic, lots of brilliant nuggets in there for anyone with open ears and an open heart.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by sir_slide

Originally posted by Rathyas
reply to post by dawnprince

Surely we're all different in the aspects you're explaining.
But in the end, we're all human, and we die.
To believe you have some big purpose is ridiculous.
edit on 28-6-2012 by Rathyas because: nope

I dont feel that we DO die, I feel that our body does, but our soul leaves and returns to its home, which is a reality that exists in higher dimensional space. As far as the purpose goes, we all have a big purpose, a massive purpose, which is to evolve our consciousness in whatever way is conducive to our nature as a soul, that is it really, some may be more driven toward it but that is basically it, our purpose is to evolve through patience, seeking of understand and love. Thats about it really.

To be completely honest with you, this is how I viewed things before the transit.
Afterward, my thoughts about this vanished and I kind of went on to believing JUST science.
But scientifically, it works the same way, outside of our human consciousness, though.
Our atoms returning into different forms of life - a form of reincarnation, if you will.
But the thought of a higher dimensional consciousness dissipated on me, and I drifted away from the thoughts of the astral realm, etc.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Rathyas

Well the energies effect everyone differently. That is totally fine if that is the way in which you prefer to seek and to further your experience, I am not going to tell you things are a certain way indefinitely, it is only what I have learned, and that is my experience, which is also an aspect of YOUR experience because we are one living being, just different aspects of it.

The thing for me is that I feel that our current level of science is actually rather insignificant when put in perspective, sure we have discovered many things that have helped people although when you look towards universal understandings and possibly the greater truths and finer mysteries of our experience I feel it is sufficiently lacking.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

Science is significant for proof, but you're right about it lacking the advancements necessary for uncovering truths to the strange events many humans have experienced within their bodies, or, outside of their bodies. (Astral projection, sensing auras, empaths, etc.)

Surely not EVERYTHING "abnormal" can be a coincidence; there are many locked truths.

Even then, though.. if every human consciousness worked in this way --experiencing AP, opening of a 3rd eye, whatever it may be-- they'd be no different than the next human, because shouldn't THAT human technically possess the same skills as the "more awakened" human?

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by Rathyas

Herein lies the conundrum. Everyone has the potential to do it, EVERYONE is capable of doing this, although they may not have unlocked the skills just yet. The problem is that in order to advance beyond the physical one must leave behind the ego, it must be shattered, destroyed, because its only really a survival tool and doesnt belong in the higher realms, the realms which one is trying to attain communication with. This is the thing, this is the reason that all of this stuff escapes people, they are stuck in their ego, they view the world from an ego perspective which means they cannot evolve to this level until they consciously work on letting go of it all and just submitting. You see it a lot on here, the rational mind is king, which is fine if thats how people want to rock it, although you are denied access to the divine because of this, which is a real shame.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

You know, whether or not these kinds of things are true... I think attempting astral projection, reading about spiritual guidance, whatever it was, was relaxing, and it had kept my mind "healthier" feeling.
Maybe I should let go of my literal and science-only beliefs and set them aside at night for personal exploration like I used to.

Following what you say with more heart than mind, I believe you are correct about the ego.
And maybe my once-shattered ego was starting to mend itself in a way it shouldn't, but I mustn't be anything less than open and humble.
I will hold tight to what I know for a fact, but exploring possibilities through my mind is still a great mental exercise.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Rathyas

Your sister killed her self because of the abuse she suffered and self esteem issues that resulted correct? Did you turn to drugs because of similar treatment? or was it that you felt so helpless that you turned to drugs. You make it sound like you were supplied the " pain killers " by your family, and I'm trying to figure out why a parent that uses themselves would offer up their fix to their children for no reason.

You've obviously had a tough go, and I agree with you. Life is what we make it. We aren't destined to be who we are, our consciouness may be destined to exist here, but other than that 99% of what makes up the person we are is the same as drawing the same grains of sand off the face of the Earth. Our experiences, traits and physique makes us who we are. We don't choose our parents and you're right, if the events prior to your birth didn't take place you wouldn't be here but they did and you are. Everyone has a purpose on this Earth. It's not necessarily as glorious as they new fang dangled I'm special lot seem to believe but you do. You've done plenty on this Earth that only you could and have done. If you want to break it down critically EVERYTHING in your life has changed others, and the things around you in your own unique way. Think of the good things that would not have happened had you not existed, think of the bad that would not have happened. With out you a lot of things would change. For instance if you weren't here, you wouldn't have posted this thread, I would not be responding to you, nor would any of the others on this thread.

Destiny does not exist, the world can change in an instance and it does over and over and over again. You can change it right now, you can reply to my post and I will come to ATS see the thread update, come back and write another reply. Or you can not and I will likely let this thead fall to the bottom of my subscriptions and delete it. This may not seem significant, but in replying to this thread the other 9 have sat untouched, and I will likely lose interest in ATS and log off and do something else. Had I decided not to reply I would likely have found a different thread, read through it, and replied to that. Not necessarily a huge change but a change none the less, and it's a purposeful conscious change mind you. So you do have a purpose, it's just not cut and dry, and unfortunately for those indigonots not some glorious out dated saviouresque bible story the rest of us are wise enough to see is just a story.

Sorry if my opening line was offensive, but it too serves a purpose and I've decided not to change it. Hope you took the time to read this, and if you feel like talking send me a U2U.

I'm 25, I've had what most would call a hard life as well. I came to ATS in seek of answers for events that took place in my life and didn't find the answers I was looking for. Through different periods in my life I have experienced many seemingly supernatural events and have yet to find answers or an explanation for my experiences. I was molested as a child, I've lived on my own, been a drug slave for a notorius local gang and from the ages of 17- 22 spent my life a prisoner of drugs, ever sinking into harder stronger opiates. I spent 4 years in a relationship of abuse that on it's own left me deep emotional and physical scars. That too took being taken advantage of to pay for a car accident, insurance then being cheated on with 3 different people one of which being my best friend to end that relationship. How ever I sunk deeper into drugs and into the criminal element before I got any better. After that it took getting robbed, beaten, raped, shot at and inevitably stabbed before I had the courage to say no, and walk away from the gang I was certain owned me and got help. They events that followed were weeks of intense withdrawl as I could not afford my drugs with out the criminal income and a handful of overdose incidents from when I could or the substances I bought were stronger than I was used to, before I woke up in a hospital surrounded by my family and admitted and accepted I needed help. Now you know my story in a nutshell, the prior may not sound like an attack.

All the best and good luck. I'm proud of your 2 years sober, and it gets easier to stay sober every step you take away from the past..



posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Ilyich
reply to post by Rathyas

[ Took out some paragraphs to make some space for a reply.

Destiny does not exist, the world can change in an instance and it does over and over and over again. You can change it right now, you can reply to my post and I will come to ATS see the thread update, come back and write another reply. Or you can not and I will likely let this thead fall to the bottom of my subscriptions and delete it. This may not seem significant, but in replying to this thread the other 9 have sat untouched, and I will likely lose interest in ATS and log off and do something else. Had I decided not to reply I would likely have found a different thread, read through it, and replied to that. Not necessarily a huge change but a change none the less, and it's a purposeful conscious change mind you. So you do have a purpose, it's just not cut and dry, and unfortunately for those indigonots not some glorious out dated saviouresque bible story the rest of us are wise enough to see is just a story.

Sorry if my opening line was offensive, but it too serves a purpose and I've decided not to change it. Hope you took the time to read this, and if you feel like talking send me a U2U.

I'm 25, I've had what most would call a hard life as well. I came to ATS in seek of answers for events that took place in my life and didn't find the answers I was looking for. Through different periods in my life I have experienced many seemingly supernatural events and have yet to find answers or an explanation for my experiences. I was molested as a child, I've lived on my own, been a drug slave for a notorius local gang and from the ages of 17- 22 spent my life a prisoner of drugs, ever sinking into harder stronger opiates. I spent 4 years in a relationship of abuse that on it's own left me deep emotional and physical scars. That too took being taken advantage of to pay for a car accident, insurance then being cheated on with 3 different people one of which being my best friend to end that relationship. How ever I sunk deeper into drugs and into the criminal element before I got any better. After that it took getting robbed, beaten, raped, shot at and inevitably stabbed before I had the courage to say no, and walk away from the gang I was certain owned me and got help. They events that followed were weeks of intense withdrawl as I could not afford my drugs with out the criminal income and a handful of overdose incidents from when I could or the substances I bought were stronger than I was used to, before I woke up in a hospital surrounded by my family and admitted and accepted I needed help. Now you know my story in a nutshell, the prior may not sound like an attack.

All the best and good luck. I'm proud of your 2 years sober, and it gets easier to stay sober every step you take away from the past..



That, as well as addiction to some "harder" drugs. Stuff I never got too deep into, but I'm sure you get the basis of what it was and what withdrawals from "m", insecurities, and a broken heart can cause a 16-year-old girl to do.
(She experienced rape, molestation, all of that stuff.)

100% honesty, I had frequent migraines. My mother gave me two Norcos one day when I was 13, and not long after, it became 4-8 a day (in the end, 6-12) as well as a few other painkillers mixed in. Only tried "m" one time and it was with my sister.
(Last time I said the actual word, ATS deleted everything I said.)
Of course I was in it for the "high", though.

Look at it this way: a loving, disabled mother with an addicted teenage son constantly bombarding her for pills, making threats, etc.
My stepfather got prescriptions for the same thing at the same milligrams but really only supplied her with them, while she supplied me with hers.
Does that explain it better?
I don't take offense as I'll happily elaborate if necessary, but I sincerely do hope you understand the situation and circumstances my sister and I placed onto my mother.

Our purposes, though - are they significant to the point that they can actually be called "purposeful"?
Of intentional purpose must imply a fate-based cause and effect to play out, but could that really be for certain, or is it based on opinion only?
One thing that seems meaningless to one person, could be meaningful to another.
It's really all a matter of opinion, but from an unbiased perspective - what is actual "purpose"?
Sure, one thing can have a cause and effect leading to one meaningful event. but do you really hold some special role in it for contributing to the effect?
We're one domino in a row of thousands.
The "cause and effect" is what keeps humanity spinning, but the "meaning" to it all can be nothing more than opinion.

I'm glad to hear of your safety, though, and hope you're doing better.

I apologize if my reply comes off as rude.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Rathyas

You didn't come off as rude, I was very harsh and to the point myself in parts of my post, so no offense taken. " M " in my opinion is the worst drug in existance, second only to krokodil which takes the cake because it eats you.

I'm so very sorry for your loss, and as much as this may come off strange happy to hear she has escaped abuse/drugs even if it was at the cost of her own life. I really do mean that, and I wasn't trying to come off judgemental or as an asshole.

Sorry, to hear you were introduced at such a young age, and as innocent as it was wish it didn't happen for you, but I'm sure it's made you stronger now in many ways. Had to find the silver lining in all this ha ha. I understand the situation, and I'm sorry for making the assumption it was a bribe or hush reward.

Okay, I'm not quite sure how you meant this first question, but I will give the answer I feel fits and hopefully I nab it in the butt.

I base my comments on a mixture of observation, and of course opinion. Our, "purpose" doesn't necessarily have anything to do with fate, or any of the typical religious opinions of said purpose. At times our purpose can seem both significant and insignificant and it's really a matter of perspective rather than objectively. Objectively, in a usual day we will eat, drink, maybe cause some physical changes in the world around us, and use the bathroom. This on it's own will cause changes based on when and where, you obviously consume some food that came from somewhere, though small it does make an impact and provided someone, something to do, a source of income, and potential for many other changes impacts along the way, mostly meaningless the majority of people. Physically occupying space provides changes as well. If you cross the street, vehicles stop, delaying who knows what, or setting off a whole new chain of events for individuals/objects around you. Socially on the other hand, we make drastic changes on the environment around us, with out realizing it at all. The things we say and do with other people can change their day, week, month drastically other peoples actions, words thoughts and experiences in life that again can go unnoticed to ourselves, even others at times. Exactly as you said yes it's one big domino effect, and really purpose is exactly as you suggest a matter of opinion. Purpose scientifically is really just the use of a thing, or actions something can perform pertaining to a use or need. Nothing on it's own has a purpose, for something to have a purpose it has to be needed. Now yes they can be completely meaningless actions, interactions but it is inevitably a purpose.

As far as it seems to go, I suppose purpose is a matter of opinion, and consciousness. To have purpose one simply has to exist. To have no purpose, one would need to cease to exist in entirety. Purpose, has many meanings, you can take it scientifically, with faith, a matter of opinion but irregardless it exists, no matter how pointless it may appear to one individual or another. You've already said it, your purpose/interaction with others may seem substantial, or insignificant based on opinion, but it does not exist based on opinion.

That seemed like it took a really long time to say, but I feel I had to use different context as the word could have many different meanings, ultimately I don't think purpose is an opinion, but this is after all my opinion, and observation.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Rathyas

Not a single invention, discovery or advancement in human history would exist with out imagination. Imagination keeps the mind healthy, and helps us think in different ways. As crazy as some ideas, and actions may seem some of them can be great fun. When we cross the realm of physical into the great unknown how do we take a scientific approach to something difficult to measure, or prove exists? I prefer to remain skeptical most times, and attempt to take logical, scientific approaches to the world and the things we experience but at times I prefer to use the same method as law. Innocent until proven guilty, or in this case it exists unless I or someone else can prove it does not. The same results, just a different approach and seeing as there is more we don't know, than we do it makes sense when dealing with the unknown. It just takes a little more dedication, and a little imagination.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Rathyas

I do believe that everyone is different and i believe that everyone has some sort of purpose. Even if this purpose is never realized by that person. AND i also believe that everything happens for a reason.

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