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Is It Really Hard to Believe We Are Not Alone In This Universe?

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posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by sp1r1tu4l33

These are life's great mysteries. The BIG questions. I feel small and insiginificant when I ponder the questions of the universe. Hell, I go cross-eyed when I start comtemplating the infinite characteristics of the universe. Even thinking about the Big Bang gives me a headache. I enjoy the concept of panspermia and exogenesis. I definitely believe other forms of life exist in the universe; probably in our own galaxy. When I get thinking about those grains of sand, and the number of galaxies out there...

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 11:18 AM
I agree with Sp1r1tu4l33, in that I don't think it should even be under speculation. Life must exist in other places other than this planet. Think of the number of planets that were recently discovered to be Earth-like, in relation to their distance from their own suns etc. They must have life on one, at least one anyway, since there are billions of these Earth-like planets.

why is it that people look at "life elsewhere" believers as nutjobs?


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posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 11:32 AM
I know we are not alone, and here is a scientific approach. Every time a star goes supernova, It releases EVERY known element known to man. These explosions are basically seeding the universe with the building blocks needed for life. We are not the only planet with life. We live in a galaxy composed of billions of stars. On top of that, there are trillions of other galaxies. We can't be the only ones out here.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by domasio
I agree with Sp1r1tu4l33, in that I don't think it should even be under speculation. Life must exist in other places other than this planet...

It's fine for a person -- even even scientist -- to believe this, but science would no be doing its job if science proclaims "life DOES exist" without having solid proof to support that proclamation.

The overwhelming majority of scientists DO believe life most likely exists elsewhere, but "science itself" does not concern itself simply with "beliefs" and "most likelys". Solid direct evidence is required.

Even the scientists who prescribe to the "Rare Earth" theory believe that life probably exists elsewhere. They only feel that life is more rare than other scientists assert. Say, for example, more rare that the Drake equation asserts. But those "Rare Earth" scientists still feel life probably exists elsewhere.

why is it that people look at "life elsewhere" believers as nutjobs?

Considering that the scientific community and most other people agree that life probably exists elsewhere, I'm not sure who you mean when you say that people look at life elsewhere believers as nut jobs.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by sp1r1tu4l33

I don't think there is much debate on whether we are or are not alone in this Universe. We are not alone and most religious texts back this up. as well as historical accounts of so many oddities. Now what those other beings are and what their relation is to us is up for debate.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:30 PM
Actually it is pretty assinine to assume we are alone, yet we have been kept in the dark all along on purpose and the scary part is why? Are we being harvested for souls or even food sometimes? Why is the moon an artificial body put into orbit around earth?

The odds of being alone are close to zero!

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

They live among us. Reptillians, greys, nordics, pleadians, etc.

Do you know any deep cave in your area? Any deep mines?

I have actually spotted a ufo in several casual photos by accident after developing film in new jersey years ago but lost the pictures upon moving out. You could not see anything with normal eyesight because they apparently cloak.

Heck even watching people walk on water should give you a clue. Or people wearing all black attire knocking on doors threatning people to keep their mouths shut.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by sp1r1tu4l33
Funny how none of you has even grasped what it was a was trying to say..... We are not alone, but that is not even the point, we have our own planet to take care of and we suck at it.

Well i have to admit, to me at least it seems like you raised too many different issues throughout your topic post for everyone to totally grasp what your post was asking. I mean the title is even a bit misleading. Just looking at the title, it seems like you are arguing with skeptics about if we are alone, and then the whole point of you post is to tell people that we should stop looking for ET life and go green?
But ok yeah we arent alone, but why in the world should we stop looking for life on other planets? Just because we have a planet to take care of? that doesnt even make any sense. So should everyone give up all mind stimulating activities to learn the benefits of recycling? And im really tired of this "we are killing the earth crap." We dont really have any real evidence that we are causing very much or any damage to the earth. The only evidence i have heard of is that our planet is going through "global warming" or climate change and i dont even consider that evidence at all. I believe that our planet is just going through another cyle. We've already had an ice age, Im assuming that you blame that on our ancestors right? Geez people could at least pretend to be proud to be a human being.

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