This is fairly obvious, right?
Argentus, we know this, thanks for the stale, late-breaking news.
But wait. Think about the things you do, and the things you might have to do in a SitX. What if your SitX is a hurricane and you end up slogging
in water. Do you know how to cure jungle rot? Do you realize that if your feet are sloughing skin that your defenses and adabtability are
Do you know how to ease a pulled back muscle?
Let's break it down a little bit, just for repetition sake, if nothing else. Humor me.
Jungle Rot or Foot Rot
It's just as horrific as it sounds. If a person has resources and the time to heal, is a no-biggie. If you are running for your life, it can
possibly contribute to your death. If you have the time to heal and no resources, it can contribute to your death. This is a fungal ( sometimes
bacterial) infection, and requires frequent washing and keeping the feet dry, augmented by a medicinal salve to cure. If you have to move a lot,
you have to suck it up, keep moving …. and eventually it can spread -- as all fungal infections can -- to other adjacent parts of your body.
These kind of fungal infections are also contagious. Generalized fungal infections of this type are not limited to the feet, and can occur all over
the body, including the scalp. Oh yeah.
There are claims that colloidal silver can cure it. I have had jungle rot. I did not get to try colliadal silver, so can't speak on the
veracity of this claim. What worked for me was Vicks Vapor Rub. No kidding. That, and constant washing and drying of my feet and other afflicted
areas. VVR burned, but not much worse that the affliction itself. I strongly suspect that coconut oil -- having antimicrobial properties -- would
be useful as well. That is one of the many reasons I make coconut oil. Both coconut oil and VVR are in my med kit.
I also heard claims of liquid silver nitrate as having a curative effect. If that is true, unfortunately AgNO3 has in the last couple of years been
more difficult to acquire. It used to be used to silver hand-ground astronomical lenses, and then fairly suddenly, it was declared "controlled".
I have heard claims of iodine being beneficial. This is one that I tried and didn't find it to be very useful. If your skin malady is
bacterial, it can be treated with antibiotics. You have antibiotics? I have them but would be extremely hesitant to self-medicate, unless I had a
fairly sound belief that they would benefit. That’s where medical journals and information are vital. Can you suture? Are you sure? Have you
So, you see where I'm going with this? Identifying maladies that would be no big deal in a world of resources, but that could be critial in a
world of fending for oneself. People who think in this way and prepare for the bad times might well do better. Sure, 500 meters of parachute cord
is a good thing to have socked away, along with all your other preps, along with that spiffy bushman machette, but what might save your hide might
come in a bottle. A few compounds that are [currently] readily available might well give a person an edge, to be able to survive and even influence
the survival of others. Knowledge can also be a bartering commodity. Yes, much of this is ugly to think about, however it’s better than the
alternative, which is to be uninformed and hurting.
Your Po’ Po’ Back
Yeah, it hits us all, one time or another – than breath-taking twinge that runs side-to-side or up the back. Go to the doctor, get an
anti-inflammatory and a suggestion to “take it easy” until it feels better. I use something that helps almost all muscular injuries – arnica.
My first introduction to arnica was watching old John Wayne movies; After the inevitable brawl, the Duke would mosey in and declare that “you
might wanta put some tincture of arnica on that.”
Arnica can come in the form of a liquid tincture for topical application, or – more common – as a homeopathic OTC pill. Me, being a person who
is physical and works outside quite a bit, am prone to old fart injuries. I feel young; I’m 54. I started stretching every day back in my
30’s and continue that practice to this day. Still, stuff happens. If a day goes by that I don’t bleed from somewhere, it’s a rare day.
So it goes. Muscular/joint/inflammation injuries can be improved with arnica, and unlike many ‘cures’, it is cheap. I recently bought it
online for USD $1.00/100. Yeah! We have tons of arnica.
I can’t stress enough the value of stretching, and not just leg muscles, but all muscle groups. I may not have a current need to kick at head
height, but there’s no harm in having the ability. If a person is flexible and takes a fall, I believe the probability of sustaining a serious
injury is less.
There are many over-the-counter meds and salves and liquids in my med kit. I know that I can make several beneficial compounds from the plants in
my environment. Wild mulberry leaves can also be used to make a poultice which reduces inflammation, along with the ginger that we grow.
As one who has had many back injuries, I can tell you that repeating the motion that caused the injury – only slower and much more cautiously –
has been frequently beneficial toward speeding recovery. A basic knowledge of acupressure and acupuncture and the accompanying accoutrements has
also been very beneficial.
I wanted to put this out to you all in hopes of making you think about the reality of hard times – outside of your current situation. Perhaps you
have knowledge of LEGAL compounds that have medicinal properties as well, and if so, feel free to add them to this thread. Where I grew up in
Idaho, mountain dogwood was used for several things because of the quinine within its bark.
Think about the common things, the ordinary ailments, that could really adversely affect your abilities to adapt to a charged and changing situation.
I hope it doesn’t come to that, but no harm or shame in being prepared.
Be safe.