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Whistleblower Reveals Plan To Evacuate London During Olympics

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posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 02:05 PM

Whistleblower Reveals Plan To Evacuate London During Olympics

An undercover journalist going by the pseudonym ‘Lee Hazledean’ has blown the whistle on astounding revelations about how he infiltrated the G4S – the company responsible for security at the London Olympics – and discovered shocking plans for the evacuation of London, 200,000 ‘casket linings’ being on standby, along with botched security procedures that leave the Games wide open to attack.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 02:05 PM
What is this all about? I don't know how reliable this source is, but really? 200,000 casket linings? Predator drones circling London? 100,000+ troops? I really don't even know what to say about this. Is this standard security for the UK? Obviously not...

"The whistleblower also revealed how he was told Predator drones would be circling London in readiness for terrorist attacks, and that G4S employees were shown a video of a drone killing a group of people in Afghanistan."

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 02:11 PM
i had a thread about the samr thing last week.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by haven123

Oh well if this is that old then mods please close this.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Lannister

no its not at all it gives more links an detail good find pal

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Lannister

Interesting! I wonder if its related to this thread I started,

Its regarding an apparent operarional norweigan al qaeda (CIA) trainee who is operational and ready to receive his attack target. Its been extremely quiet in msm about this AND the MI5 chief came out warning about potential citizens going abroad to 'train' and return to attack.... Something to keep an eye on. Sure seems like a combo of this story and mine would be a perfect set-up for a false flag!!!
edit on 6/27/2012 by Nspekta because: spelling

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Lannister

What is this all about? I don't know how reliable this source is, but really? 200,000 casket linings? Predator drones circling London? 100,000+ troops? I really don't even know what to say about this. Is this standard security for the UK? Obviously not...

"The whistleblower also revealed how he was told Predator drones would be circling London in readiness for terrorist attacks, and that G4S employees were shown a video of a drone killing a group of people in Afghanistan."

(visit the link for the full news article)

What with Syria supposedly being invaded by British Troops, where is the UK getting another 100,000 troops from?
When will people wake up to some of the scaremongering that goes on in the alternative news media?

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 05:46 PM
Nice - just in case there are any nefarious types planning to attack let's tell them all the potential countermeasures we've got lines up....

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Nspekta
reply to post by Lannister

Interesting! I wonder if its related to this thread I started,

Its regarding an apparent operarional norweigan al qaeda (CIA) trainee who is operational and ready to receive his attack target. Its been extremely quiet in msm about this AND the MI5 chief came out warning about potential citizens going abroad to 'train' and return to attack.... Something to keep an eye on. Sure seems like a combo of this story and mine would be a perfect set-up for a false flag!!!
edit on 6/27/2012 by Nspekta because: spelling

So extremely quiet that I read it on CNN first. I would link, but I am sleepy.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 10:42 PM
"Whistle blower" LMAO!!!! Whatever. Sounds like Alex is off of his meds again. Paranoia SUX!!!

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 10:46 PM
Here is an artcle from ABC news, in addition to where I saw it on CNN.

So much for, as you said, the MSM not picking it up.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Lannister

I was out strolling in the local park a while ago and saw two Chinooks fly overhead!!

Probably just training for something but thought i'd post about it o this thread!

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 09:04 AM
Looks crazy all the military exercises and fortifications going on there. I bet something will happen and of course as 'they' always do; they will demonize a country they want to invade in the near future.. namely Iran. Fits their agenda perfectly and let's not forget Rockefeller mentioned a forecast of terrorism at the London Olympics. Written in past tense despite it being a future event.. almost as if its staged/planned.
edit on 28-6-2012 by disfugured because: (no reason given)


On second thought.. they might allow the AL CIAQAEDA to sneak through and plant a dirty bomb.
edit on 28-6-2012 by disfugured because: added

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 09:43 AM
G4S provide security for the site I work on too - the other week they caught someone robbing the place and escorted him off site for not having a pass to be there. Don't expect much from this security group, i'm sure they'll just escort any terrorists out of the stadium

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 12:30 PM
I used to work for G4S and, in no way trying to sound like a major counter-factual authority, nothing revealed in this article about G4S is new.

The following story revolves around Royal Ascot 2007. First, some details that aren't relevant to my own "undercover work"
(I really called it that, tongue firmly in cheek, because the day after I decided to go ahead with the idea a British newspaper did a big piece on a similar stunt they did at ANOTHER G4S-run venue):

1) I got the job via a friend whose mother is/was (I don't remember if she still works for them) a regional manager or something for G4S. I filled in an application form that I gave friend's mother, who passed it to the relevant people. I then got a phone call to check I was a real person, and told to take my documents on the first day at Ascot, which was the day before the actual Royal Ascot event.

2) So I arrived on the job, naturally the entire venue was 'closed' and there were only employees there, went through the introduction spiel and got my uniform (which I still own, and haven't parted with it for the sole reason that they made such a fuss about how people MUST give them back and yet didn't even stop me as I walked home on my last day wearing it). I was told we all had to do the document-check thing at whatever point in the day that we were called - they were doing it alphabetically - but I got my entire day's "training" and left for home without even having had to prove my identity to get into the introduction lecture... Alarm bells were naturally ringing, and it was that night that I thought up the following "investigation"

3) One last thing that says a lot about G4S - it took them four months to pay me the measly sum of £68 for my work at Ascot, and only when I was seriously filing at Small Claims Court did they pay up, at the same time I heard from my friend's mum (one day while shooting the breeze at their house, and she asked what the latest was - finance wasn't in her jurisdiction so she was unable to do more than she was doing to help me out) that my site supervisor had recently been sacked for fraudulent activity, and the word was a load of pay details had been "lost"... this is the only thing close to an explanation for why they took one month for every DAY I worked on the event to pay me...

Anyway, as I've said elsewhere on the forum: I'm a bit of a military history geek. Among various stuff I own relating to the topic is a replica British No.69 Grenade:
It's an instructional/educational replica - it has all the working parts and does everything the real thing does - except explode
So I thought that, since the people supposedly watching the watchers ARE new-guy Rent-A-Cop like me, if they even bothered doing proper security checking tomorrow (the day the event began, remember) and caught me with this, would they even know what it was? That idea stuck in my head and eventually (out of curiosity and a dash of spite at G4S) I decided I'd try it.

Now, skipping through the details of the next day: There was no search, just a list read out of what we couldn't carry on-site (which was everything, not just for security but so there were no bulging-pocketed security goons looking unprofessional and also if we lost anything they wouldn't take responsibility) AND STILL no one had even looked at my paperwork to even prove I was the same guy who filled in the application form... or for that matter, hadn't just walked in the day before to get out of the rain and ended up with a security job...
My task that day was to "secure" the entrance to [I forget the proper name] what's essentially the inner-sanctum top-tier enclosure at the racetrack. By "secure" it meant greet and pander to badge-holders and "politely" bar entry to people without badges.

[I really need to add one more non-relevant detail: Even when faced with an actual Security Situation, we were expressly told - and these were the actual words - "to remember that they've still paid money to come here". One example: You could be drunk as f**k and waving a broken bottle at people, and in no way could I even try to intervene with anything more than a "That's not a good idea, sir" because they hadn't paid a lot of money to attend and then be treated that way by staff. Seriously.]

**I forgot ATS had a post limit, standby while I add the rest into another post**

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 12:50 PM
Right, where were we? Ah yes.

Anyway, the Queen and Prince Phillip attend Royal Ascot (hence the name) each day, arriving and leaving at specific points in the schedule. Their carriage (if you're unfamiliar with this event: it's not a big Cinderella affair, it's simply because carriages are pulled by horses and horse-racing has horses so I guess it fits with the theme...) goes along a route through the site from the track to the front gate...

...and on this day, it just so happens that the monkey-in-a-polyester-blazer paid by the incompetent security conglomerate who is on post at the part outside the track where the route turns toward the gates has, in his cheaply-stitched pocket, a replica hand grenade.

I say this honestly: everything went all slo-mo and Plot Twist-y as I suddenly realised the nearly-hilarious accident that this was, while at the same time the same thing that caused me to do this test in the first place was thinking "Go on. Do it. Do it. DO IT."

So with the punters who happened to be there all turned toward the carriage, rather than going in/out past my post, I had my hand in my pocket unscrewing the cap that covers a wound-up fabric tape that has a weight on one end and the pin on the other - the real deal is a percussion device (it goes off when it hits something, it has no fuse or timer) and the idea is you could for safety's sake throw it with the pin in, and the tape would unravel in mid-air and the weight could cause it to tear the pin out before hitting the ground.

I had the cap off, the pin out, and if both grenade and owner were serious then all it would take would've been to lob the thing at the side of the carriage or even to bang it on the railing.

And that's my "test", really. I did the rest of my working day - and the others after that - while at the same time working out whether this was all possible BECAUSE it was all harmless. I disagree, and I can prove it:

"That's well and good but if it were real you'd never have got that far." someone may say - there were no bomb detectors, sniffer dogs, or anything that would have made any difference had it been real. We weren't meant to be carrying ANYTHING as I've already said - well they f**ked up there for a start.
Even something of comparable size that was contraband (an apple, say - separate rule on no food/drink to be carried), I could have carried an apple instead of a dummy prop - no one would have known because no one checked.
They may even have known it was harmless and thought (still disregarding the no-items rule) I was a bit weird but fair enough, carry on etc. - no one would have known because no one checked.
Even if a G4S employee WHO WAS THERE were to read this and go as far to call me a liar, say that I made this whole story up - no one could say because no one checked.

In conclusion, I'm not trying to big-time it and say "yeah I could've killed the Queen if I wanted to" - I couldn't, because while it was probably piss-easy to get a real grenade into the venue, what's NOT easy (and the only thing G4S actually have no reason to take credit or be blamed for) is to actually obtain the real deal unless you cook up your own explosives or know the right people, and in both cases you need to have planned for longer than one evening like I did
My real point is to show just a tiiiiiiiiiiiiny part of what my basis is for saying, frankly, that G4S are incompetent c**ts and God/Science help anyone under serious danger with those chumps on the scene.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 06:25 PM
So here we are with 3 days to go and not a freaking peep of anything. In fact we have a very successful very happy games......(well except for the Aussies)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by yorkshirelad
So here we are with 3 days to go and not a freaking peep of anything. In fact we have a very successful very happy games......(well except for the Aussies)

Would you want it any other way?

We should all be delighted and happy nothing happened, after all the weird signs before the games began.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by ZeroRisk

Can't possibly be true - we know it's a lie because it's reported in the MSM!

What's really happened is that it's all been generated as CGI, no athletes exist, the Olympic Games is now just a propaganda exercise to keep the masses happy, and anyone who says they went to any event, competed, was a volunteer, or got arrested for not smiling at the cyclists is really a shill and a paid disinfo agent!

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 08:23 AM
nothing occurred

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