posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 02:10 AM
What happens if we are looking in the wrong spectrum for communications with other beings? We wont pick up any signals will we? The only spectrum we
know about is the electromagnetic spectrum consisting of light, sound, and radio waves. What other spectrum or 'frequency' could there be? Some
squid or octopi communicate by flashing lights at each other or changing the pattern on their skin.
Well, there are symbols too.
Each symbol represents a specific 'frequency' and if we can determine the frequency of their communications, then we may be able to pick up
something (more than we are at the moment, anyway) I do not think we will necessarily be able to pick up their communications like radio chatter, but
we may be able to prove the concept.
So, what we need is a carrier wave frequency. A basic pattern which can be embedded in other sysmbols/patterns which set the base carrier wave of the
message and apon which the other frequencies ride.
This is perhaps what the crop circles are? Maybe they are telling us the base carrier frequencies to initiate communications?
Now, I know nothing about radio other than being a 'user' but what we need is an intelligent person who can guide us or direct us along these lines
(as a start) and we may be able to come up with a few different ideas which are totally out-of-the-box which may bear fruit. Everyone can chip in with
their ideas and together we might have success. Who knows? We will have to think NOT in terms of radio and electronics but in drawings on a piece of
paper transmitting the message.
I have seen patterns in the desert on
MarsAnomalyResearch site which suggest that the military may be sending messages in symbols so why not communications like emails or tweets?
The fictional large black monolith in 2001 a space odessy was not a radio beacon as we know it and probably was not broadcasting on "radio" waves.
BUT it may have been a 'radio beacon' broadcasting on "symbol" waves if it had symbols on it. (I cannot remember what it had written on it) How to
stop it transmitting ? Dont know, but we have to find one for real first before we stop it transmitting to whereever or whoever. Possibly all it needs
is to cover it in a sheet to stop it 'transmitting'?
I can imagine some alien monitoring station monitoring all the nearby monoliths and as soon as one stops transmitting the same message as it has for
eons, then all the alarms go off telling them that the civilisation has just reached stage I of its maturity !