posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 07:56 PM
Looking forward to science taking over as the key agent of change for our species. In my earlier years I always felt that man should not tamper in
this area -- that it would only end bad. But now I realize that science IS nature, it is the natural result of our evolution up until this point.
Truth is, we've eliminated natural selection and vanilla nature's methods of advancing us/keeping us fit/healthy. Women and children who would have
died during childbirth or shortly after now live when they would not have 50-100 years ago, people who would have died from heart problems go on to
reproduce, etc. We no longer have to burn calories searching for our next meals, so forth and so on. We are also going to have to come up with
technical solutions to survive the toxins that our now a reality in our world thanks to rampant and essentially unregulated industry/etc. If that
means Darth Vader body parts that are replaceable... fine. Hopefully we'll keep our emotional humanity along the way.