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Bible Verses from Masonic Ritual

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posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 06:42 PM
you can choose the door to the right or the door to the left, the red or the blue pill,

Jesus says we can know the truth, that sets us free. seeing through the lies and deception, the illusion.

Jesus is the true door, the right door, the key, to our freedom . leads into green pastures, beside streams of still waters. freedom, life , abundant life. spiritual richness,

satans door leads to the barren wastelands, the inferno of heat, parched, thirst and hunger, desires, that consume you, for eternity,

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by dwarfflex
the ritual of 33 degree and 35 degree masons they swear allegiance to Lucifer, same as the Jesuit black mass, Illuminati rituals,
So you have a copy of the 33° and 35° rituals? I'd love to see them!

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Hi Emsed

The Heb. phrase found in Qoheleth ('the Convokeress' - aka Ecclesiastes - the word in Heb,. is a Feminine (!!) Participle of Qahal - 'to call together' )

which now reads popularly : 'Remember your Creators (plural - Boreykha) in the Days of your Youth...' of course is a MIS-translation;

The late (almost protoMishnaic) Hebrew text (c. 160 BCE) originally said something along the lines of 'Remember your COFFIN (or 'grave'- bor’eka) in the Days of your Youth..'

In other words, all living things must die, so take a good long look at your coffin when you're still young and don't forget the end-game...

Qoheleth is one of the most difficult books among the Hebrew scriptures to translate accurately - it is full of late protoMishnaic puns (from around 165 BCE) and uses a form of very late protoMishnaic Hebrew which was not very represented in other parts of the Bible which (apart from the later book of Daniel, c. 165 BCE etc.) are of course much earlier.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by dwarfflex
a lot of what ive seen exposed on line , is there is an outer circle and an inner circle in the masons, the right candidates, are selected from the outer court into the inner court, to suit the inner court agenda, controlled by the Illuminati, jesuits.

the ritual of 33 degree and 35 degree masons they swear allegiance to Lucifer, same as the Jesuit black mass, Illuminati rituals,

servants of the beast anti christ, and the fourth Reich, NWO, Power pyramind, world system , to entomb man kind, in deceit and deception,

the magic occult round about turning all around us.

Well, then you'd be wrong. There is no inner and outer circle. Sure, some areas might have cliques, most groups do, but there is no inner circle pulling strings or recruiting from an outer circle. I know this with 100% certainty. I wish it were true, because I wish the Masons did have the influence that the internet thinks we have. The Masons are a wonderful group of people, and if we did have that extra access and influence, the world would be better off because of it, but alas, those are just silly rumors and conjecture.

I read on the internet that Tupac is still alive, Elvis was an alien, and Chuck Norris is actually both the Christ and Anti-Christ all rolled into one. Doesn't make it so.
---->Except for the Chuck Norris thing, that part is true.
edit on 26-6-2012 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100
Masons - do you stand silently by as your Islamic, Buddhist and pagan Mason brothers falsely believe that they will obtain salvation outside of this name? You preach about "hate" and "bigotry", yet you must really hate your non-Christian Freemasonry brethren to stand silently by and let them believe a lie.

I recently tried to tell a bunch of them that Jeff got to Heaven by accepting Jesus into his heart prior to his unforeseen (but warranted) demise. They all laughed at me when I filled in the rest of the details.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by dwarfflex

This cannot be true as there is only their (FREEMASON) service to their communities.
In these communities there is this oddity known as GENERAL FOLK a.k.a. PEOPLE!
I dont know if you've ever had the chance to see them, but they're there.
Knights come and do their justice giving the oddity a chance to live a safe and secure life.

So... you're absolutely wrong!

edit on 26-6-2012 by Pinocchio because: missing word

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

Masons - do you stand silently by as your Islamic, Buddhist and pagan Mason brothers falsely believe that they will obtain salvation outside of this name? You preach about "hate" and "bigotry", yet you must really hate your non-Christian Freemasonry brethren to stand silently by and let them believe a lie. That is "hate" in my book. Or do you believe your Freemasonry creed over the God you claim to worship?

Masonry doesn't worship a God mate. "Great Architect of the Universe" is a general phrase to describe any and all Monotheistic God. Masonry is very Deistic.

We don't care what religion you are, it's never asked. Clearly someone like yourself would take issue with that.....

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100

Masons - do you stand silently by as your Islamic, Buddhist and pagan Mason brothers falsely believe that they will obtain salvation outside of this name? You preach about "hate" and "bigotry", yet you must really hate your non-Christian Freemasonry brethren to stand silently by and let them believe a lie. That is "hate" in my book. Or do you believe your Freemasonry creed over the God you claim to worship?

I am a Muslim, a Bhuddist, a Jew, a Hindu, a pagan and a Christian.

Every one of these has only two commandments:

1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul.
2. Love your neighbour as yourself.

There is one God, but many religions. Each religion teaches the same two commandments in different ways. Even Jesus said that there are only these two. So did Muhammed. So do each of the Holy Books.

Who are you to say that your choice of rules on how to live your life is better than mine, when every religion, every teacher, including Jesus, teach only these two rules.

'Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." '
~Matthew 22, New International Bible.

Have you ever studied these words?

Although the old testament teaches many rules and commandments, Jesus said there are only two.

Love YOUR God. Yours! Why did Jesus not just say: Love God. He said Love YOUR God, because he wanted his message to be heard by ALL!

He also said: "All the Prophets hang on these two commandment." This includes Muhammed, Moses and the others. Jesus said so.

So who are you to say differently? To add more rules, and to dictate how others should live?

When Jesus said "No-one comes to the Father except through me," he meant by this teachings. These are his teachings above, and every religion teaches the same thing. Thus, even those belonging to Islam and Judaism are following Jesus's teachings and are 'going through him'.

This is how I see it. This is how I interpret God's word. Who are you to say I am wrong?

edit on 27/6/2012 by Saurus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Sigismundus

Beautiful! Thank you.

Unfortunately I intensely dislike KJV. But, it's what is used in ritual.

This does point to an incongruency that is apparent in other places as well... "Let us create man in our own image" etc.

Some days I think I am leaning more and more toward Gnosticism

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Sigismundus

Wow! I can't believe I missed your post earlier. Interesting stuff.

You don't perhaps have that whole passage with a more accurate translation, do you. I would love to get different interpretations on that piece.

Coincindentally, I will be doing that very piece at a 3rd degree working this evening.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Saurus

Hi Saurus-

It's very difficult to translate protoMishnaic Hebrew poetry into 21st century American English very accurately - but here is a very rough equivalent of what the Hebrew actually means in terms of the images it is trying to portray - a far cry from the King James mess which catches very few of the sexual puns of the original (naturally !)

"Young man, keep in mind the image of your own Grave while you are still young – yea, long before you grow old and start complaining that your life is no longer pleasurable !

Yea, hold the Image of your own Coffin always before you long before the days when what’s left of your eyes (thick with dripping cataracts) start to make the sun at noon to look like a dark storm is coming - or when the light of the full Moon starts to look like dim Starlight.

Call its image to mind long before your two Legs (once like Sentries guarding your Castle) start to wobble and teeter - or before your shoulders (once like two very strong men) begin to stoop and hunch over.

Summon its image to you long before your few remaining teeth (once so many loyal servants) stop their ability to chew ; and long before your two eyes, which once looked like two beautiful women standing in a window, start losing their ability to see out of them.

Yea, remember the Pit before the Door to life’s Opportunities is closed to you forever and the hum of business starts gradually fading away to a dead silence.

For now in your Youth, you are accustomed to rise from your bed at the first chirping of the birds in the morning – but, as you age, beware: their chirping will start to sound fainter and fainter and fainter.

Therefore hold on to the image of She’ol while you are still not afraid of climbing even very small hills, or before you start to believe that simply by crossing a small street you're taking your life into your hands !

Yea, start doing it now, before your hair turns white as an almond tree in full-bloom, and you find yourself dragging your trunk along (without energy)all by yourself - like an old grasshopper unable to join in the buzz of Society – or at a time when even Caperberry extract can no longer allow you to 'get it up' in bedroom.

Remember your Tomb long before you are ready to enter the Grave yourself, which is, when all is said and done, your everlasting home – don’t wait until the very last minute – when the mourners have already started preparing their wailing-songs !

Therfore, my son, recall to your mind the Image of your own future Coffin now - while you are still young -- before your once bright silver semen stops its flux and your worn out bladder starts to leak yellow water all over the place - whatever you do, don’t wait until you are totally incontinent – for at that point you are too near the time when your body’s flesh will begin to return to the earth as dust, and your spirit will return to the gods (Heb. 'elohim) who granted life to you in the first place…”

Catches the spirit of the original, anyway...a literal translation of ancient poetry is..well, untranslatable !

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by dwarfflex
the ritual of 33 degree and 35 degree masons they swear allegiance to Lucifer, same as the Jesuit black mass, Illuminati rituals,
So you have a copy of the 33° and 35° rituals? I'd love to see them!

Ditto that

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by Sigismundus

Thank you so much for that.

It is very much appreciated.

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