posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 08:40 PM
Back in October I was in a mva that was caused by a person backing out of their driveway into my car. I ended up with soft tissue damage in the
mid-back. I have been in OMT and seeing my doctor for over 4 mionths. I have been perscribed percosets, muscle relaxers, and anti-immflamatory
medication. I have had an MRI that said I have disc spacing, which was aggrevated by accident causing muscle spasms and severe back pain. I can't lie
down or sit in a couch for longer than 10 minutes without feeling pain, I wake up every morning with pain in my back. I can't pick up my 6 year old
daughter to put her in her bed if she falls asleep on the living room couch, I can't sweep or mop, technically I can't drive since I'm on strong
medications, and I can't do the things I need to do.
This is where I am mad. The insurance company of the other person who caused the accident believes I didn't suffer enough to be compensated for it. I
understand there is jerks out there that abuse the situtation and just want money and that's why it's hard to get a settlement case. So, if me being
on strong medications for over 4 months, seeing a muscular-skeletal therapist, and can't even relax on the couch isn't considered worthy of a small
compensation, why do we have car insurance to cover this stuff? Is it fair that the jerk backed into me and was considered 100% their fault and now
I'm dealing with all this stuff and not get anything in return, but my car fixed?
Has anyone else had a similar experience or live in a "no fault" state, please help me.