posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 04:47 PM
I have a story involving some deep underground base activity, although not involving reptilians. An old friend of mine told me a story a while back
about him getting a government contract to do some painting. When he arrived at the base, he was blindfolded, placed into the back of his work van,
and armed MPs drove him and his van to the site that he was to paint.
He told me that they came to a complete stop, he heard the sound of machinery lifting something very heavy (he speculated that it was a section of the
road being lifted), and then they traveled down a steep decline for quite some time. He knew the base fairly well, and I've been on it several times
myself. It is in an area that is relatively flat, and nothing that could be interpreted in the slightest as a steep decline.
They traveled for what he believed was several miles underground until they reached the place he was suppose to paint. He was led into a room while
still blindfolded, and the MPs brought his painting supplies to him. He wasn't allowed to leave the room, and was monitored by armed MPs the entire
time. After he completed his painting, they blindfolded him again, returned him to the van, and drove back out. Again, at the top of a steep incline
they came to a complete stop, and he heard the sound of machinery. They never removed the blindfold until he was once again at the main gate.
While this story doesn't prove anything about reptilians, for me it's some evidence that the military does indeed have secret installations deep
underground that the general public has no clue about. The person that told me the story was reliable, and had never been one to exagerate a
story...I fully believed what he said...
edit on 25-6-2012 by isyeye because: (no reason given)