posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 01:23 PM
Belief-systems are like filters that we look out on the world through, and when we look at archetypes of the collective unconscious through the modern
filters of materialism and science and darwinism we see ET. So the archetypes, which are formless, get the psychophysical form of ET from us, by
utilizing our own innate mind-over-matter ability. In the past, they got the form of gods and angels and fairies, etc.
UFOs are psychic objects. I have confirmed this for myself because I am a psychic mystic and I have actually become a UFO.
MISHLOVE: One of the things that Jung pointed out in his book is that we must pay attention to the research that Dr. J.B. Rhine was doing at that
time at Duke University in ESP and psychokinesis, and that even if UFOs had a physical reality, could be photographed or could be weighed and
measured, that they still might in some manner be projections of the human mind.
McKENNA: Oh yes, this is an important point to make, which the flying saucer people are forever misunderstanding, and that is that saying the flying
saucer is a psychic object does not mean it is not a physical object. Jung in Mysterium Coniunctionis is at great pains to say that the realm of the
psychic and the realm of the physical meet in a strange kind of never-never land that we have yet to create the intellectual tools to explore.
This is where the mystery of synchronicity is going to come to rest, the mystery of all kinds of paranormal activity on the part of human beings, and
the mystery of the flying saucer. It's interesting, you see, that if you take the broad world of the so-called mysteries -- parapsychological,
shamanic, extraterrestrial, and so forth -- and hypothesize another spatial dimension, one more spatial dimension, then suddenly all these mysteries
become trivial. They are easily done. Locked boxes are opened; future events are discerned; lost objects are found. This sort of thing becomes quite
the ordinary run of things if we hypothesize dimensions hidden from ordinary experience.
People need to stop looking at the UFO phenomenon through the tiny little filter of their local belief-system, and start looking at it from a
panoramic cross-cultural non-local perspective gained by studying comparative religion, comparative mythology, comparative mysticism.
edit on 7-7-2012 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)