I’m a dreamer, always have been. I was that kid at school who always gazing out the window imagining beautiful things and places. If thoughts are
creative then I’ve been building a labyrinth of exquisite delights all of my life – a utopia for the senses, as well as a place for the Spirit to
fully experience itself without prejudice or fear of judgment. If only I could bring it now in to the physical world, it would resemble something like
this :-
The (new) human is a multi dimensional being. As well as our 5 senses, we can also communicate telepathically and ‘feel’ what people are saying.
The 3rd eye is active and can ‘see’ all living energy systems.
The Earth is regarded as our real Mother – the Sun as the Father. They support us and we return this love by celebrating their life giving qualities
through ritual. We have little need for food as we can draw life-force from any of their creations. ie hugging a large tree for 5 minutes.
Humans are self-ruling. Because of our deep connection to one another, there is no need for laws or rules. An unkind act is automatically felt by the
perpetrator through bio-energy feed-back. Lying and being deceitful is no longer possible.
Small towns / communities are considered the best social structure because this promotes Self nurture and social balance. Most communities contain no
more than 200-300 people. The community is self-governed by the elders, with no formal elections or councils required.
Natural beauty abounds. There is a symbiosis between the human and their natural environment.
Serious physical ailments are rare because the human body can sense when dis-ease is approaching and then natural medical intervention can be
There is no financial system or need for money.
Housing is natural and sustainable. Most houses are small and comfortable with the community hall being the main venue for social interaction and
Power is generated from ‘free-energy’ systems, but is only used for essential needs, to prevent laziness.
Animals live freely within the community but are not treated as pets but more as Spirit Guides.
Each person within the community has a duty or role to play. Early education – up to 12 years is solely about nurturing imagination, creativity and
Self-empowerment. Education after 12 years is role specific. ie - if you want to be a builder then you will be taught carpentry.
All occupations are considered equal in importance – ie the role of the musician or sculptor is equal to that of the midwife or the doctor.
Travel is no longer necessary as we communicate freely with anyone we wish anywhere on the planet through telepathy.
Sleeping and dreaming is a very important Spiritual activity. It provides the opportunity for the astral body to explore the incorporeal realms, and
then bring back new knowledge to be shared with the community.
There is no strict gender classes or classifications of sexuality. People are free to express themselves in what ever manner they ‘feel’ is right.
It is not common for people to pair up or live together as the whole community acts as a thriving living organism.
There is no religion, but a shared Spirituality that is constantly evolving.
Sex is an act only for procreation, as the ability to connect with another Spiritually is much more desirable, such as non-physical tantra.
Consciously bringing a new life in to the community is revered and celebrated.
Death is a conscious decision once the physical body has reached its limitations.
Mass consciousness is considered a gate-way to the divine. Rituals are conducted periodically on each solstice for all Earth inhabitants to join and
focus love energy. The Earth sings out to the solar system and beyond and the universe is touched with this high vibrational energy.
So – What is your Utopia ? If you could create a New World, what would it look like ?
* Peace and Love *