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So I made a decision today.

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posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:01 AM
I have been facing a really hard time in my life, even though I graduated from college, I can't find a job, and even if I did, it would be something like Wal-Mart or fast food. I have been looking, so I know this.

It is very depressing. I have always wanted to make a difference in the world, and to be able to work hard at something I believed in, but there just isn't that kind of opportunity as far as I can find.

Which is why I have decided that it is time for me to embrace my artistic side and earn money through my writing and performing with bands. I also have a small business which works with nuclear technologies. I would rather be poor doing something I believe in, than be poor working for some corporate overlord.

One thing about me is that I am so goal-oriented and determined that I am willing to live on the streets and keep on going, even when there is no hope, just to achieve my dreams. In fact, I would rather do that then work for nothing. When I die, I want to know I tried my hardest to achieve my dreams.

I have a lot of experience in the music industry and writing, and have a wide education, so hopefully this helps.

I guess I better get started. Tomorrow I start my new job.
edit on 23-6-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:05 AM
Start a money making website selling something online.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by darkbake

Welcome to the Brave kNew Wrld!
There is nothing better than doing what you love. Even when it does not bring you the financial rewards you hoped for while you were studying in school. There is a wealth and richness of spirit that you are blessed with when living by your OWN Life Course.
Keep in mind while doing so, that we have all been brainwashed and conditioned to chase the dollar and all the "desirable" ( according to our conditioners) trappings that accompany financial success.
Dont buy into it.
Learn to live on the proud of your ability to be frugal and forego all the "toys". Find JOY the things that you do with Love.Success of every kind will surely follow.
Allow your journey to lead you to the "one" partner and the things that will truly resonate with you, as a pure and natural human who is following their true self and life stream.
The path you choose will lead you to other forks in the road that will be better suited to your true self if you follow your own natural tendencies and talents.
Flow with the River. You will never be caught up in the eddies and whirlpools that un-natural living might pull you into.
Enjoy your life and dont feel the need to apologize to anyone for living your natural direction.
Harm No One.
Enjoy. I hope you are able to find Happiness and Balance

edit on 23-6-2012 by Elostone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by darkbake

Just a thought for you when tackling the world.

"Enjoy what you do and you'll never work a day in your life."

I wouldn't worry, if you want it bad enough it'll come along. It took me 20 years to find my place, now I look forward to going to "work" every day.

Best of luck.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by darkbake
I have been facing a really hard time in my life, even though I graduated from college, I can't find a job, and even if I did, it would be something like Wal-Mart or fast food. I have been looking, so I know this.

It is very depressing. I have always wanted to make a difference in the world, and to be able to work hard at something I believed in, but there just isn't that kind of opportunity as far as I can find.

Which is why I have decided that it is time for me to embrace my artistic side and earn money through my writing and performing with bands. I also have a small business which works with nuclear technologies. I would rather be poor doing something I believe in, than be poor working for some corporate overlord.

One thing about me is that I am so goal-oriented and determined that I am willing to live on the streets and keep on going, even when there is no hope, just to achieve my dreams. In fact, I would rather do that then work for nothing. When I die, I want to know I tried my hardest to achieve my dreams.

I have a lot of experience in the music industry and writing, and have a wide education, so hopefully this helps.

I guess I better get started. Tomorrow I start my new job.
edit on 23-6-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

WELL DONE! WELL DONE A THOUSAND TIMES! This is the attitude people need to adopt if we want to fight our oppressors.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by 74Templar
reply to post by darkbake

Just a thought for you when tackling the world.

"Enjoy what you do and you'll never work a day in your life."

I wouldn't worry, if you want it bad enough it'll come along. It took me 20 years to find my place, now I look forward to going to "work" every day.

Best of luck.

This is exceptionally valuable advice. I suspect that one of the main causes of social misery are people feeling that they have to do something they hate, in order to survive.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by chemistry
WELL DONE! WELL DONE A THOUSAND TIMES! This is the attitude people need to adopt if we want to fight our oppressors.

Another element of the most effective possible attitude for fighting our oppressors, is to stop seeing them as oppressors, and stop seeing ourselves as oppressed.

We aren't. The only reason why the psychopaths have run the place for as long as they have, is because we've allowed it. All we need to do is cease believing their crap.

You are not a victim. You will only be a victim for as long as you think you are one; which is the entire reason why they want you to think of yourself as one. You're not being effective by fighting the cabal, at all. That makes them very happy, because if you didn't spend all of your energy uselessly raging at them, you might spend it on doing something that could really help you, instead...which is the last thing they want.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by darkbake

Welcome to my world, I'm making the same sacrifice for something I believe in. Honestly I can't see myself sitting behind a desk from 9-5, 6 days a week. Money is not everything in life, finding happiness should be your priority.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:46 AM

This is exceptionally valuable advice. I suspect that one of the main causes of social misery are people feeling that they have to do something they hate, in order to survive.

I was one of them. You'd be surprised the holes people dig themselves into, then try to blame society for their woes when they can't escape the life they made. In a way I was lucky, good decisions allowed me to escape the debt spiral and dependence of the banks.

But it can be done, by anyone. Just let go of your need for a phallic symbol to others, it becomes easy.

I spend most of my day now looking over a beautiful tropical ocean and spend my days pretty much liasing (aka lazing) about with tourists. Believe it or not, it's a 10 hour a day job, five days a week. But I love it.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by 74Templar

This is exceptionally valuable advice. I suspect that one of the main causes of social misery are people feeling that they have to do something they hate, in order to survive.

I was one of them. You'd be surprised the holes people dig themselves into, then try to blame society for their woes when they can't escape the life they made. In a way I was lucky, good decisions allowed me to escape the debt spiral and dependence of the banks.

I'm currently 35, and except for some very minor freelance work, have been unemployed since I left high school. The general consensus opinion of most of my family at this point, has largely been to write me off, in occupational terms; it's believed that if I was going to get a life, I would have done so by now.

For quite some time, I shared their opinion, and felt depressed and phobic concerning my age, and accepted the belief that my life was probably half over, and at this point, given that all I'd ever done was sit on the computer, play games, and look at porn, that that would be all I'd ever amount to.

Last year though, I went north and did a permaculture design course; and I've also come back from there to get a certification in the use of BSD UNIX, (a somewhat obscure operating system that I've been able to teach myself in, over the last 15 years or so) and am planning on going north again after that, to do a course in herbalism.

I don't know what I'm going to end up doing, if anything, but right now I simply want to learn as much as I can. I know I should probably specialise; although the irony is that by studying such seemingly divergent areas, I think I actually am specialising. Permaculture talked about helping people become independent on land, and I figure if someone is going to do that, they're going to need to know how to use a computer and heal themselves naturally if they get sick, as well.

So I figure that even if I don't necessarily have enough time left to make a lot of money, I can still eventually get some freelance work, and gradually get some sort of semi-independence.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 07:13 AM

I'm currently 35, and except for some very minor freelance work, have been unemployed since I left high school. The general consensus opinion of most of my family at this point, has largely been to write me off, in occupational terms; it's believed that if I was going to get a life, I would have done so by now.

For quite some time, I shared their opinion, and felt depressed and phobic concerning my age, and accepted the belief that my life was probably half over, and at this point, given that all I'd ever done was sit on the computer, play games, and look at porn, that that would be all I'd ever amount to.

That's the way we are conditioned to think. As I said, TPTB want us all to tow the line, get into debt, have the big phallic symbols, like house and fancy car, and all that. It's realising what you want out of life that is more important. We are conditioned to belittle those who think differently as a result.

Last year though, I went north and did a permaculture design course; and I've also come back from there to get a certification in the use of BSD UNIX, (a somewhat obscure operating system that I've been able to teach myself in, over the last 15 years or so) and am planning on going north again after that, to do a course in herbalism.

I don't know what I'm going to end up doing, if anything, but right now I simply want to learn as much as I can. I know I should probably specialise; although the irony is that by studying such seemingly divergent areas, I think I actually am specialising. Permaculture talked about helping people become independent on land, and I figure if someone is going to do that, they're going to need to know how to use a computer and heal themselves naturally if they get sick, as well.

Education is always a better answer, but not neccessarily the way. Having been an employer for 20+ years, I can tell you sometimes the right person just comes along for the right job. When you get it you will know it. If you wake up each day wondering how you can get out of going to work every day, then it's a safe bet you're in the wrong field. Having a stack of paperwork with some diploma or degree doesn't guarantee you the top job instantly. However, if you have a passion for what you do, then it reflects when going for a job, and that more often than not makes the difference.

So I figure that even if I don't necessarily have enough time left to make a lot of money, I can still eventually get some freelance work, and gradually get some sort of semi-independence.

Some of the happiest times of my life have been when I am the poorest, because it is times I am doing what I enjoy. Money isn't everything, and having some great job, house, or car just like the world powers have brainwashed us with isn't everything. I always ask myself the question each and every day;
"If you died at the end of today would you be happy with the day you just lived?" It kinda puts things into perspective.
I wrote a rant disguised as a short story a few months back you should read. It really puts things into perspective.

So You Mad Huh?

Have a read. It'll surely wake you up...

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by darkbake

I envy you. You seem fortunate to have not only a business, but talent and skills (writing and music.) Even one of those can keep hunger away. Then on top of that, considering you did not mention a family, I presume that you are single; another plus that you only have to worry about yourself. On top of that, or perhaps because of that, you have hope. I'd be happy to have just one of those things.

Good luck on your endeavor! Go out and seize what you can of the world before its gone. We don't have much time anyway.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by 74Templar
I wrote a rant disguised as a short story a few months back you should read. It really puts things into perspective.

So You Mad Huh?

Have a read. It'll surely wake you up...

This actually echoed a lot of my own opinions. Truthfully, however, I'm not here to save the world. I used to delude myself that I was; but then I realised that most other people don't want to save the world...and that even worse, truth be told, I didn't want to either.

I've thought the system is f@#$ed for most of my life. That is the single main reason why I've never sought employment; I told myself that I was better off taking my chances. The problem with that plan, however, is that it has left me lonely, and also feeling as though I haven't accomplished anything in life.

You're right about Occupy's behaviour generally being futile, as well. They march into the city, scream and yell, and accomplish approximately nothing, other than getting necklifted and having their heads driven into windows by the cops. I'm not sure how doing that is supposed to help anyone.

Occupy have managed to do some good things, and I've said that before; but said good things have virtually never revolved around protest.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:42 AM
The story was kind of over the top, I'll admit, but the premise is sound. Basically it's saying we are conditioned as people to act a certain way, and belittle those who act differently, much the same as what has happened to you throughout your life. That people say a lot, but rarely act on what they say. I see a lot of people, both here and in life talking a lot about what should be done, but if they were serious they wouldn't be here constantly arguing, they would be marching on parliament, tearing down the walls and effecting the change they want to see.

That was kind of the point of the story, that we should be free to do what we want, and not bound by the rules of society, but we are brainwashed into this condition. To say you refuse to be a part of that system says that you are above it, and those who belittle you are completely immersed in it and what it teaches.

Occupy has the right idea, but without a proper leadership and goals, it's nothing more than a bunch of wanna-be's that do the same, just talk.

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