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Update On the USA CIA Coup D'etat.

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posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 05:44 PM
In the past information on the coup de tat was posted on ats regarding the wilson affair as well as the real reason george tenat resigned. This artical can be found in the archives of ats.

There was also a link / story / message board topic under the headline of Is the CIA at war with the bush admistration or something along those line's.

In order to understand the full nature of where thing's are now with the coup de tat, it is nessarry to look at what has just happened at public cases so far. First we will look at the top 3 U.S. Intelligence Agency's and what major cases' set forth the current coup de tat.

NSA - The Sandy Burger Case

FBI - The Sibel Edmond's Case

CIA - The Wilson Case / Weapon's of Mass Distruction in Iraq.

There are other case's and reason's as to why many of the U.S. Intelligence agent's have been and are going against the current bush administration but in order to understand some of the reason's why the coup de tat is being done first these case's have to be looked at correctly.

For instance int he Sandy Burger case there is information on the rat's part of ats on this issue. To give a partial update on this case and what really happened in this case, most people know that sandy burger was caught stealing information out of the national security archives. What is not really discussed is what was taken. The following information was taken. Most people on ats know there was insider trading that took place on 9-11. The Date on which this happened was September 7th.

The name of the company that was the front company in some of this insider trading was a company out of houston texas called "holy land trust foundation". Which as of last month was raided by the FBI to take the document's out of the location.

This is important to remember only for the fact that one of the group's of document's that were taken out of the national security archives was document's relating to "holy land trust foundation" or the document's that linked bush and other people in washington to insider trading. The places as to the bank's and places that laundered the money before 9-11 was, City Bank / Bank One / Bank of America and most of this was done on wallstreet.

This is the reason that homeland security put out the recent alert in augest / july of 2004 for the financial sector's because people that were making insider trading deal's before 9-11 didnt want that evidence to be used against them so there were plan's put forth to try and elimate that data similer to what burger stold out of the national security archives.

The other thing that burger stold was what is known as "ATOMAL" data. In this case ATOMAL stand's for Nato Atomic Code's. You see during a test or launching of a nuclear weapon you have to have some kind of encrypton so that you can communicate during the test or launching of a nuclear weapon. These's codes were then taken to the offices of Paul Wolfwitz and transfured to a man by the name of Chalibi Think is how you pronounce his name the one that was accused of stealing us encrypton data.

What's important to understand is this encrypton data is rather rare, the encrypton data that was stolden was data that allowed the United State's and France to communicate in the event of a testing or launching of nuclear missles as well as the ablitity to launch those missles. What this mean's is that both france and the U.S. no longer have control of there own missles.

Who does? The answer is Israel. The encrypton codes were laundered out of the United State's threw iran to isreal for the purpose of blackmailing the United State's Intelligence Community and people against the bush admistration that were attempting to stop the coup de tat in the united state's over the killing of under cover agent's in iraq. Well spelled out in the wilson case spoken about in the past on ats headline's and link's will be given later in this overview.

Next we go to the FBI. Sibel Edmond's was one of about 50 or more fbi agent's after 9-11 that were getting ready to blow the whistle on bush having prior knowledge of 9-11. The thing about edmond's case is that she had document's that were classified state secret's or "national security" why? because those document's show the turkish connection.

This was spoken briefly about after CBS news did the piece not that long ago with sibel edmond's and FBI retired John Robert's. Afterward's what happened? One of the CBS member's that ran the story tried to have another CBS member that made the story arrested. This is why shortly after the CBS piece one of the member's of 60 minuites was arrested under order's from the FBI by the white house to try and get 60 minuites to back off the investigation of the turkish connection.

The Turkish connection deal's with 9-11 mainly alot of the pre 9-11 information was being scripted out of the Turkish National Council. Informant's working on sibel edmond's case as you saw on 60 minuite's in at least 2 case's were under investigation by FBI headquater's in washinton dc.

Once The white house found out about the fact the sibel edmond's and other's were getting ready to blow the whistle after 9-11 he did a round up with the help of John Ashcroft as most people might remember that after 9-11 alot of people the US news and other's were claiming they were cracking down on Terrorist Living In the United State's.

Not so what really happened is the majority of these people were U.S. and Other Intelligence agent's that were being rounded up and silenced next came the cuba connection. These informant's had to be put somewhere. A large amount of the future whistleblower's on 9-11 were taken to Guantimo Bay Cuba for holding without being allowed council by a lawyer or representive under the guise of being a terrorist.

The admistraton got away with this because of the patroit act.

Next we go to the wilson affair. Most people by now know about the fact of what happened when the CIA sent over Ambasitor Jospah Wilson before the iraq war to investigate the now well known "yellow cake uranium story" Which of chorse we found out to be false. When Wilson Returned to report his story knowing the current admistration would not like what wilson's finding's would be he reported directly to the "New York Time's".

In a Artical Under the Headline of "What I didnt Find in Africa" By Jospah Wilson". The next thing that happened is the current admistration already under fire from too much information comming out on 9-11 and the fact people were getting tired of the afganistan war and not finding bin laden they wanted to have another war.

And they needed to have justification for war. In iraq wilson's wife a under cover cia agent was working on gathering intelligence for the cia about what to do if the united state's went into iraq. The admistration then decided to make wilson retract his story to leak to the "Chicago Sun Time's reporter "Robert Novak" wilson's wife under cover name to the press.

Once this was done the name's of all the other intelligence agent's wilson's wife was working with were exposed and the number of them that were killed in one day turned out to be 25 to 75 under cover cia agent's working over in iraq.

This turned the CIA away from the bush admistration then later the FBI and now the NSA with the leak out of the national security archives.

And now where thing's are now.

In order to under stand how a coup de tat work's is to look at what happened in panama in the early 1980's.

The president of panama and other thing's there that were going on at the time including what is known as operation orwell / operation watch tower were already being conducted before the invasion of panama in the 1980's.

The people were told panama was a threat and the u.s. invaded panama to remove the president and other people in his admistration, then later the U.S. with the help of the CIA at the time put into position a leader they could work with.

A coup de tat is the removal a person in power and replacing them with someone else is the best way to discribe it.

Why the full detail's of what happened in all of the above listed case's have not been fully disclosed yet what is important to under stand is the CIA/FBI/NSA/DOD/ and other's are now at war and have been at war for sometime with the current people inside of the bush administration to preform exactly the same kind of thing that took place in panama in the 1980's.

The reason this information is being posted on ats at this time is most people that are long time member's of ats know that I have done my best over the year's to expose many differnet thing's getting ready to happen before they make national news. Most recent example's were the Picture's that were posted by myself on the Iraq prison scandle before it made the national new's under the old headline's of "The True Face of Iraq".

Why those link's to those picture's no longer work it is a example of knowing something before it happen's.

Here is what is about to happen.

The different agency's are at full blown war with people in political position's in the US and elsewhere. Thing's are about to spill out into the street's of america the uk and elsewhere. I would suggest that if you do not have a fire arm or any kind of weapon you get one today.

We are within a matter of week's before the real possibilty of cival war take's place in these above named places and elsewhere.

You just are not being told about it yet.

More information as promised would be posted on ats when it came public.

You now know and for those that dont some of the past headline's regarding some of the story's and link's that have been on ats will be posted in regard's to the evidence presented in this story / topic.

Get ready the war is about to boil over in the street's


" The True Face Of Iraq" lead to the Iraq Prison Scandle

"COUP D'ETAT: The Real Reason Tenet and Pavitt Resigned"

"POLITICS: Clinton Official Sandy Berger Removed Classified Papers"

"The Forgotten News"

"Dark Suspicions About 9-11: Sibel Edmunds just won't go away"

Mossad, the disks, and more... "Must have Really Above Top Secret Access"

More To come Later Everything is connected in one form or another.

[edit on 6-10-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 05:59 PM
Nice post, but your French needs some help in terms of spelling. It is: Coup d'Etat (although my keyboard is missing l'accent over the E). Literally "Hit of the state".

You could also call it a "Coup de force", although this may be a little strong for the current intended meaning (Armed takeover).


posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 11:26 PM
By the way, who do you think will be the factions involved in the civil war that you are saying will be in the US within the next few weeks? How will we know when it begins? Will there be a "kickoff" event?


posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 11:28 PM

This is important to remember only for the fact that one of the group's of document's that were taken out of the national security archives was document's relating to "holy land trust foundation" or the document's that linked bush and other people in washington to insider trading.

According to who?

We are within a matter of week's before the real possibilty of cival war take's place in these above named places and elsewhere.

Gosh, I'd better get ready. Cause all those other predictions of a civil war in the US are just so darned accurate.

[edit on 5-10-2004 by Nygdan]

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 11:42 PM
Well Nygdan we should hope they aren't accurate. What is very troubling right now is the apparent divisions that are developing within very powerful government forces. During the late 1960s the US government was much more unified. Now, the people are pretty much oblivious and the government itself seems to be at odds. We will see what happens, one way or the other.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 12:33 AM
i have a air rifle that shoots one round at 1000 fps : / i dont think that will help lol, i best get a real gun!

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 07:45 AM
Hey Falcon:

Can you please try and use SPELL-CHECK when you post on ATS ?

Some of your comments may have some validity in the abstract--- but the ways you phrase them are most annoying when nearly a quarter of the words are mis-spelled or mis-used (e.g. the mis-use of capital letters etc.)

At the very least, get a Dictionary of the American-English Language, and use it next time. After all you don't want to dillute the punch of your postings, do you?

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 08:10 AM
I agree Falcon

And if all these idiots can do is gripe about your spelling, don't worry. Fact is the CIA pulled off a Coup in 63 and are in place to do it again! However the Administration is attempting to beat them to it! The site below is no longer available I have it in full and will post it, when I find it!


Originally posted by falcon
In the past information on the coup de tat was posted on ats regarding the wilson affair as well as the real reason george tenat resigned. This artical can be found in the archives of ats.


From: Rountable

Ken Bacon: The Pentagon

December 16, 1998

The 100 Council on Foreign Relations members that surround the president are "The Secret Team."

The "Secret Team" help carry out psycho-political operations scripted by CFR members in the state department and the Intelligence Organizations.

The psycho-political operations are coordinated by a group of CFR members called the Special Group.

The Special Group evolved from the Psychological Strategy Board

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 08:25 AM
It's all valid, but amadeus has a point. Casual observers of the site like people passing through etc. are more likely to take you seriously if they can understand what you're writing. Maybe before posting, copy and paste your post into Word or it's equivalent and the spelling and grammar check will do the rest for you.

Don't get discouraged though, the main thing is you're contributing (a lot more than me according to your points) which is crucial to the survival of sites such as this.

Nygdan, it is Coup d'�tat, MKULTRA was right the first time.



[edit on 6-10-2004 by tandino]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 08:34 AM
Nice post, you point out alot of suspicions I've been having for quite awhile.

But, you say that this 'war' is going to boil over into the streets.. From what you put together, there may very well be a rift between the CIA/NSA/FBI and the DoD, but from what I gather there isn't enough going on to really prompt a hostile takeover.

I obviously don't understand you connections with a rift and a civil war. In what positions are these agencies in that they could/would spark a civil war?

I'm not saying you're wrong, or you're full of hot air, but until I see more proof that this so called war is actually happening, and that it is infact about to boil into a civil war, I'll take what you just warned me with a grain of salt..

Just like all the other predictions on this board, you have to take it with stride until enough information has been presented, or debunked, to make it beleivable, no offense man.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by QuietSoul

I obviously don't understand you connections with a rift and a civil war. In what positions are these agencies in that they could/would spark a civil war?

It can happen like this:

Say, an agency affiliated with the administration carry out something very un-American, like declaring martial law to impede elections. People in the DoD see where this is going to lead, say 'enough,' and take action on it. If the administration survives this 'action,' they have to wage a larger war to maintain or reclaim power, and to do this they will have to garner support against say, what they'd call 'domestic terrorists.'

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 07:01 PM

'domestic terrorists.'


thats you and me buddy. unless of course we converge to the dark side a tough choice.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by MKULTRA
By the way, who do you think will be the factions involved in the civil war that you are saying will be in the US within the next few weeks? How will we know when it begins? Will there be a "kickoff" event?


Can't say what factions will be involved yet, but consider this, it's Football season! So the "kickoff" event could be related ... when it begins, I'll give everybody a call to let them know that "we are officially in a state of civil war, please choose a faction and join them in the streets".

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 10:55 PM
The things I don't understand is that if their beef is with the Bush administration, why don't they just wait until the election? If they have the power to attempt a coup d'ta, they'd definitely have the power to get Bush voted out of office. I don't see why things wouldn't play out over a disputed election. In many countries, that is the general time for political turmoil, and I could see a disputed election ending up as a battle in the streets.

Although, if this did happen, how would the rest of the world react? Will they able to watch on the sidelines, if America gets embroiled in a civil war? What side will they take?

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 11:12 PM

Although, if this did happen, how would the rest of the world react? Will they able to watch on the sidelines, if America gets embroiled in a civil war? What side will they take?

This would probably be the 'entrez' for the UN to roll into the US, impose the NWO (whatever that is) and begin using tacmarks, concentration camps, and shackled boxcars to herd up the remaining population.


posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 11:20 PM
Not directing anything about the actual info, I think the premise is extremely likely if not already happening. With the amount of money we would be talking about, that kind of cash breds resources we could probably not imaging, but also the money to cover up their tracks with general impunity.

The idea would be to not let anyone know, that would be the perfect outcome. I think Badnarik said something important when he talk about being confussed when looking for a connection between the Constitution and our current form of government. The reason he couldn't find a connection, he says, is because there isn't one.

The Constitution would lose any battle against the millions of dusty and conveluded laws passed in our history because in that time, there has been enough bulk to contradict almost everything if not all of it.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 09:05 PM
This is a bit strange. I found a relevant UK telegraph article linked off of Alex Jones' site. For purposes of future discussion, first I will point out something:

A) Falcon posted the original message in this thread on: "posted on 5-10-2004 at 12:44 PM"

Here's a few snippets of what I found in the UK telegraph:

The CIA 'old guard' goes to war with Bush
By Phillip Sherwell in Washington
(Filed: 10/10/2004)

A powerful "old guard" faction in the Central Intelligence Agency has launched an unprecedented campaign to undermine the Bush administration with a battery of damaging leaks and briefings about Iraq.

Former senior CIA officials argue that so-called "neo-conservative" hawks such as the vice president, Dick Cheney, the secretary of defence, Donald Rumsfeld, and his number three at the defence department, Douglas Feith, have prompted the ill-feeling by demanding "politically acceptable" results from the agency and rejecting conclusions they did not like. Yet Colin Powell, the less hardline secretary of state, has also been scathing in his criticism of pre-war intelligence briefings.

The leaks are also a shot across the bows of Porter Goss, the agency's new director and a former Republican congressman.

"I'm afraid that the agency is guilty of bending over backwards to please the administration. George Tenet was desperate to give them what they wanted and that was a complete disaster."

With the simmering rows breaking out in public, the Wall Street Journal declared in an editorial that the administration was now fighting two insurgencies: one in Iraq and one at the CIA.

Falcon, I'm all ears.


[edit on 10-10-2004 by MKULTRA]

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:28 PM
It is obvious to me. It is a three way, which makes it even more fascinating as well as amusing to the fly on the wall!
The players: CIA and State Department and CFR [who's members control 3/4 of the wealth in the USA]on angle A, on angle B we have the Administration the Mil/Ind complex [represented by Black Operations General Meyer's USAF [as well as Naval Intel] and Carlyle Group [son of GHB parading as President of the Worlds Oldest Democracy]] and Skull and Bones and the power it wields. Now angle C, the U.S. Army and it's Boot Strap Generals the ones that know of the gross manipulation of power. The ones that know they were coerced by a mislead Congress into a unnecessary war, the ones that know they never had enough troops and were being lead into a "Cul de sac" a spiders web of nightmare. With no way out. The ones that are undermanned as well as out of country. The ones that are having a difficult time in dark rooms deciding if they should tow the line or arrest the Administration and allow Congress to decide. True Americans 'between a rock and a hard place' Sitting on a fence I have termed angle C. The completion of of a non linear overlapping triangle.
In closing do you think it is a coincidence that the Elite of the Air Force where Blue Beret's?

Truly Yours,


Post Number: 848949 (post id: 869643)

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by MKULTRA
This is a bit strange. I found a relevant UK telegraph article linked off of Alex Jones' site. For purposes of future discussion, first I will point out something:

A) Falcon posted the original message in this thread on: "posted on 5-10-2004 at 12:44 PM"

Here's a few snippets of what I found in the UK telegraph:

Falcon, I'm all ears.


[edit on 10-10-2004 by MKULTRA]

A mirror of that artical can be found here.

There are bigger thing's going on here then just you or me. Actually I reported on the wilson case last year in june around june 4th I believe.

The CIA know's quite well what happened to there agent's last year when carl rove and other's not limited to scooter libby, leaked there under cover agent's name to novak at the chicago sun time's.

The only difference now is the story is partly wrong out of the telegraph. And out of truth out. To understand the bigger picture is to understand its not just the CIA working alone. Now it has faction's of MI6 the FBI the NSA, The French Army's, and even in some case's member's of the Russian secret police.

You see whenever you look at a given headline you must understand there is more going on then what is being talked about in a headline or story.

Sometimes a story is just put out to send a message, and sometimes it is about damage control a fancy name for cover the real fact's of what is going on up.

Now you might be saying to yourself right about now what caused MI6 and even the russian's and french to get involved. Let me post you a link to a story you may have already heard about it. But what's important is to look at one of the location's that had cirtin IP address's on it.

That above orginal story was posted on and has already been talked about under the story headline that you need rats access to have and read the detail's of. That story link is.

Mossad, the disks, and more... "Must have Really Above Top Secret Access"

What's the important thing about the Seize of indiamedia server's.
Simple what's really going on look at the artical then look at one of the location's as to where the FBI wanted the information from.

"Indymedia said the list of local media collectives affected included Amazonia, Uruguay, Andorra, Poland, Western Massachusetts, Nice, Nantes, Lilles, Marseille (all France), Euskal Herria (Basque Country), Liege, East and West Vlaanderen, Antwerpen (all Belgium), Belgrade, Portugal, Prague, Galiza, Italy, Brazil, UK, part of the Germany site, and the global Indymedia Radio site."

Most people know exactly what is in prague now look at some of the other places that had or visited, you have france why? because it's part of John Ashcroft's "October Plan". This plan is a group not tied to the Coup De Tat with the CIA and other's it is a seperate group inside the FBI that has the Following Plan's before the Election in 2004.

The October Plan is.
A. Grab and or Arrest people that have spoken out or protested against government official's.
B. Blow up School's. - The reason ashcroft and other's came up with this one was because the U.S. assalt weapon's ban just expired. What better way to get new gun legistation then having a few u.s. school's go up.

The alert for that one was and is all the way up to october 31st where element's of the FBI that are not tied to the coup de tat agaist the admistration will attempt to blow up school children on halloween.

That's part of the reason if you look at the FBI's October plan they didnt release it that artical on the "October Plan" at least one of the place's can be found here.

"October Plan Mentioned"

On that same note the element's that are part of the coup de tat agaist bush are not only going to try and arrest and or detain the people planning these thing's at the same time the artical out of the independent is only the tip of the Ice burg.

I tell you for the last time there are bigger thing's going on here then you or me. As you see the information regarding Indimedia you will find different location's named there. Why would the FBI be interested in people that were at the WTO meeting's in 2000? Also why would they want information of people from Prague?

I think there are some people smart enough to figure out what's going on but for those that cant what we have here is a big war in the Intelligence Community's and very soon it is going to boil over into the street's.

I dont know all of the full detail's of the October Plan. However what I have told you in regard's to it is absolutely real.

Keep this in mind we are heading for a real war get prepared.


[edit on 11-10-2004 by falcon]

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 06:27 AM

The PNAC desighned the attack on the WTC the Administration allowed it, even, assisted it. The Presidents father benefited from it via Carlyle Group [ever here of conflict of interest] not to mention Connoco investing in Lukoil and purchasing more futures options. [p.s. Condy Rice was CEO of Conoco] And then there is this speaking of PNAC.
There is an article titled �The Chechens' American Friends -
The Washington neocons' commitment to the war on terror evaporates in Chechnya, whose cause they have made their own� at


�An enormous head of steam has built up behind the view that President
Putin is somehow the main culprit in the grisly events in North

�this so-called "mounting criticism" is in fact being driven by a
specific group in the Russian political spectrum - and by its American

�The leading Russian critics of Putin's handling of the Beslan crisis
are the pro-US politicians����and the Carnegie Endowment's Moscow
Center. Funded by its New York head office, this influential thinktank
which operates in tandem with the military-political Rand Corporation,
for instance in producing policy papers on Russia's role in helping the
US restructure the "Greater Middle East" - has been quoted repeatedly
recent days blaming Putin for the Chechen atrocities.�

�This harshness towards Putin is perhaps explained by the fact that, in
the US, the leading group which pleads the Chechen cause is the
Committee for Peace in Chechnya (ACPC). The list of the self-styled
"distinguished Americans" who are its members is a rollcall of the most
prominent neoconservatives who so enthusastically support the "war on

�They include Richard Perle, the notorious Pentagon adviser; Elliott
Abrams of Iran-Contra fame; Kenneth Adelman, the former US ambassador
the UN who egged on the invasion of Iraq by predicting it would be "a
cakewalk"; Midge Decter, biographer of Donald Rumsfeld and a director
the rightwing Heritage Foundation; Frank Gaffney of the militarist
Center for Security Policy; Bruce Jackson, former US military
intelligence officer and one-time vice-president of Lockheed Martin,
president of the US Committee on NATO; Michael Ledeen of the American
Enterprise Institute, a former admirer of Italian fascism and now a
leading proponent of regime change in Iran; and R James Woolsey, the
former CIA director who is one of the leading cheerleaders behind
Bush's plans to re-model the Muslim world along pro-US lines.�

�Allegations are even being made in Russia that the west itself is
somehow behind the Chechen rebellion, and that the purpose of such
support is to weaken Russia, and to drive her out of the Caucasus.�

These are the same people that brought you a "Pearl Harbour" event. Open your eye's and see.


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