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EXCLUSIVE EVIDENCE! London Olympics False Flag during Opening Ceremony (7/27/12)

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posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 06:42 AM
I find it fascinating that these people that think the world is going to end waste their last precious moments on this Earth either creating or watching YouTube videos stating the world is going to end/there's going to be a false flag/etc.

If I actually believed this crap, I would be outside skydiving or something. Not wasting time going on a forum whining about it. Even if one day one of these moron's was right, they won't even get the satisfaction of saying I told you so

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by NothingNew there are many "hints", "clues", or similar occurrences in movies, shows,etc that resemble or hunch at the 9/11 attacks prior to it happening. If you haven't, well do some research on youtube, google etc. And I know many dont see youtube as a reliable source of information, it is in this case just so that you may find the clips explaining what Im talking about. Now, as we approach the Olympics more and more people are digging to find similar happenings in movies, shows, etc hinting at an Olympics false flag.

I'll never understand why people think there are 'signs' in movies. They must think the writers, directors and producers etc are in on the plot! It's beyond ridiculous.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 08:47 AM
I have to say that this is very comical. Every major event around the world that is around the corner and someone has to create these silly videos designed to scare people and spread in no uncertain terms disinformation. When will these hardcore conspiracy theorists stop twisting and turning things into something that they are not. These types of threads are us as bad as the terrible 2012 predictions. The fact is, the government will not kill their own people - I find it utterly amazing that people think this and better still put silly videos together to try and prove their opinions to be fact.
edit on 6-7-2012 by ProfessorT because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-7-2012 by ProfessorT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 04:48 PM
ATS can be proud of hosting the highest concentration of trolls ever seen on the web...

'ENDORSE INGORANCE' that should be the name of your website...

Be sure that you'll pay the leasof your actions, continue on this path, the final bill will be heavy for you...

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 04:55 PM
This is how their treat the truth on this miserable website:

My last thread ''NEW 2012 9/11 Illuminati False Flag In London Olympic Games " has been trashed:

search it an see for yourself...

The place where you find the more truths on ATS is the TRASH BIN SECTION....


this website is managed by trolls and disinfo agents

Be Sure that God will reward you for what you are all doing

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 05:03 PM
Did you ever stop and think that perhaps posting so much trash would invite trash into your threads ?

Monkey see, Monkey do.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 01:59 PM
the mass effect 3 video really gets you going with all the aliens and what not

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by boncho
The good thing about these specific conspiracies, is once the date passes they fade fast into the woodwork.

Unlike the OP's username on ATS , which they are stuck with. It's obvious the OP is taking an objective approach to this theory.
edit on 23-7-2012 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 12:36 PM
If it is on Youtube,

It has to be true

edit on 28-7-2012 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
If it is on Youtube,

It has to be true

Why do you say that? Are you trying to be humorous by using 'sarcasm'?

That comment is more patronizing than anything else. And it's certainly not funny.

If it's on youtube, it must be a lie? Is that what you are saying? Can't you just accept that both true and lies and everything inbetween can exist in youtube? Youtube is not less or more credible than ATS, or the whole 'internet' as an information source. If you take your picks carefully, you can find a lot of accurate information and learn a lot from youtube videos.

If you watch whatever garbage you happen to bump into, without questioning anything, you are bound to spend a lot of time simply being fed all kinds of bullshít, sometimees not even realizing it.

Youtube doesn't enter into it - youtube is just a mirror to people's souls and actions, that's all. If people lie to a mirror, would you honestly blame the mirror for false reflecting?


That said, youtube is incredibly annoying with it's "copyright" worshipping, and fear of lawsuits or whatever - try making a gameplay video of a 20 year old 2D-game that no one even remembers today, and see how many minutes it will take for youtube to complain about it.. because some corporation has claimed to own the rights to the music! If that's not a real symptom of insanity of the world (or at least youtube), I don't know what is - and I hate youtube for that. It doesn't bring any loss to anyone or any corporation to show some gameplay in a video - but no, can't be allowed.. sheesh!

(Coming back towards the topic now)

This also gives youtube a nice excuse for removing "too truthful" videos (Jarrah White's videos are a good example of this attitude in action), or videos that are considered "disturbing", because they are too informative and explain about people's rights - what they really are, where they come from, who has an authority over who, and why, and so on. So in a sense, you do have a bit of a point - youtube is controlled, and it seems it's becoming more and more controlled every day, so that only lies get through eventually.

But still, you could have been a bit more contributive and intelligent in your post, and perhaps a bit less condescending and insulting. If it's on youtube, it CAN be true, but it can also be a lie - or something inbetween or beyond. It can be ANYTHING - and that's both the beauty and the difficulty of it. Your comment implies that it almost can't ever be true, if it's on youtube.

You could actually say the same about television - except that there's a lot more truth in youtube than television!

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