Originally posted by gortex
reply to post by 0DeepSpace0
Maybe you could give us a brief overview of the video for those that cannot watch and maybe your thoughts on the content .
Here's a transcript of the video...enjoy.
I want to address a few things mentioned by Insider Drake in his latest interview on 'Global Voice Radio' on June 20, two-thousand, twelve. I'll
put a link to the interview down below.
With regard to the “mass arrests” of the global elite
Drake is super adamant about arresting, Attorney General, Eric Holder,
a low level, hood-ornament stooge.
Not exactly the kind of person we'd need to arrest like the Rothchilds, the Rocafellas, Kissinger, Soros, Brzezinski & the anonymous shareholders of
the Federal Reserve counterfeiting scheme of global debt slavery.
The folks who engineer the wars, 9/11, global poverty & suppress alternative energy.
Yeah Holder's a cockroach, but not the global elite by any stretch of the imagination.
Drake also mentions George W Bush.
an outright war criminal who SHOULD be arrested & prosecuted,
but right now his contribution to running the planet has been reduced to cutting brush
on a fake ranch in Texas.
If we're gonna go after presidents let's begin with the one in office,
Mr. NDAA himself...
And Lady Dragon, Drake's Asian-Canadian side-kick,
points out the 20 million good aliens living in the center of the earth,
who are on stand-by, ready to help,
have already prevented the planet from being destroyed and we should all be thankful for their help.
It appears this “mass arrest” campaign is exactly what I feared it would be.
A psy-op.
Arrest some lower level stooges & parade 'em around in shackles
while the real elite crash the world's fiat currencies,
take the Internet hostage, enact martial law,
& unleash a fake 'Disclosure' psy-op upon the masses.
And for those who don't know what 'Disclosure' is, it's a component of 'Project Blue Beam'.
A plan that's been cultivated since the fifties, to trick the masses into believing
governments have had contact with aliens & are at war with some & friendly with others.
It's function is to preoccupy you, while the banksters expand their New World Order of globally-centralized fascism.
Interestingly, Drake says the ETs look just like us.
How convenient! What are the odds?
Certainly saves the CIA some time & trouble on special FX.
Which is just as well, judging by all the amateurish,
fake dead Osama Bin Laden pictures the CIA puked up.
Seems they can't even get photo-shop right...
And the ETs have been integrated into the military.
Which makes complete sense,
because if I were an advanced enlightened being capable of transdimensional travel
I'm sure I'd spend my time tooling around with violent, war mongering apes too.
Drake says the fact that we haven't been thrown in FEMA camps
& the US/Israeli militarys haven't attacked Iran yet,
is proof of the effectiveness of the insiders.
Which is a bit like claiming to have prevented Tuesday from happening, because it's Monday.
And they're not so effective in stopping the CIA controlled terrorists from destabilizing Syria;
a necessary strategic prelude to an attack an Iran.
Point Blank:
Insider Drake & Friends
are a CIA psy-op designed to placate the populace.
But just because someone is a disinformation agent
doesn't render their message irrelevant.
A disinformation agent be potentially useful once identified as such.
This campaign seems to be specifically targeting militias.
Look at Drake & Minute Man's over-the-top, rural, red neck, cookie-cuter,
generic personas;
they're specifically designed to appeal to militia types.
And from what I've been hearing, they aren't buying one bit of this schtick.
So the Insider Drake campaign signals to me,
that the banksters are getting ready to flip their
'apocalypse' switch soon
in order to further along their New World Order plan of globally-centralized fascism.
So it's the *BANKSTERS* who are shutting down the government
because they are *TRANSNATIONAL* rulers
who view nations as an OBSTACLE to their control.
This is all part of the New World Order plan.
While we're all cheering the end of federal government, our new-found “freedom”
& ET friends who rescued us,
the military will still be in place and controlled by a shadowy group of elites,
only now, without the impractical, bureaucratic middle-man of government.
And all this,
Just in time for 2012.
What a coincidence!
We're gonna need some Oath Keepers...lots of 'em.