posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 10:45 AM
I realize this may be a stretch, but:
A. It seems to me that with Iran being one of the few nations that does not have a Central Bank controlled by the "Rothschilds" or whatever name
given to the general international banking cabal that seems to run every other nation's bank could be at least one reason why most of the world seems
intent on regime change in Iran.
B. The Iranian Oil Bourse does not trade in dollars.
C. The Iranian Central Bank doesn't charge usury. Now, I'll be honest, I don't know what effect, if any, this may have, though I would think "The
Rothschilds" (used in a generic sense meaning global banking) would not be happy with this.
I could be way off base in my thinking on all three points, so I'm hoping people that know more can correct me where I'm wrong. But my overall point
here, and current belief, is that nuclear proliferation ranks way down the list, its simply money that's marked Iran as #1 rogue state currently.