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Bilderbergs -- sort out some stuff?

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posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 04:58 PM
I've been reading alot about the bilderbergs lately, and I was just wondering, based on your knowledge, what can you tell me is actual FACTUAL information, and not just some mythology floating around the internet?

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 05:01 PM
Kenneth clarke of the British Conservative party is a member.As are most top politicians from around the world.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 05:07 PM
See, I've heard that, but what is the proof behind it?

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 05:16 PM
He has been filmed at most of the meetings.There was a prog recently on British tv but can`t remember at the moment what channel.Also a leading British polotician was interviewed as he was one of the founders of the Bilderbergs and was quite open about them.Can`t remember his name but he was in Thatchers cabinet.When my memory gets better i will find the link and try t put it up.It was a good programme with a lot of media footage outside the meetings.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 05:21 PM
You see, the problem is, there is no evidence of wrongdoing. These men are powerful representatives of their governments and businesses, but I see nothing wrong in their meeting and discussing issues that face all of us to seek potential solutions...

this whole konspiracy kookery thing is just that, kooky, and wastes a lot of time and bandwidth of nothing... the very fact that there is a lack of facts then becomes a fact on which to gnaw... like a dog with a stick, chewing it until it is gone and all meaning is lost...

just my 2 cents

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 05:25 PM
Hmm, it seems that the majority doesn't look at it from that standpoint. Maybe it's just that the people want some intrigue and danger to keep their lives exciting? Who knows..

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by theron dunn
You see, the problem is, there is no evidence of wrongdoing. These men are powerful representatives of their governments and businesses, but I see nothing wrong in their meeting and discussing issues that face all of us to seek potential solutions...

this whole konspiracy kookery thing is just that, kooky, and wastes a lot of time and bandwidth of nothing... the very fact that there is a lack of facts then becomes a fact on which to gnaw... like a dog with a stick, chewing it until it is gone and all meaning is lost...

just my 2 cents

Thats the whole point of being secret.If you knew what they were doing thee wouldn`t be this much paranoia.But you have to ask why do the most powerful people on the planet need to discuss maters in secret,especially when they are members of govt.They may not do anything bad nobody really knows

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 05:34 PM
Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group is a well-known informal and international association of influential people, meeting annually. Its name is that of the hotel in the Netherlands where the group first met in 1954. It has an office in Leiden, in the Netherlands.

The original intention of the Bilderberger group was to further understanding between Western Europe and North America through informal meetings between influential individuals. Each year, a "steering committee" devises a selected invitation list with a maximum of 100 names. The location of their annual meeting is not secret, and the agenda and list of participants are openly available to the public, but the meetings themeselves are shrouded in secrecy. Security is managed by military intelligence. Attendees talk, lobby., and try to magnify their political clout on both sides of the Atlantic but pledge absolute secrecy on what has been discussed. The idea is to enable people to speak freely without need to carefully consider how each word might be interpreted by the mass media. On the other hand, this secrecy has also made conspiracy theorists claim that the meetings have a sinister purpose.

Depending on the ideological prism applied, the Bilderberg club may be considered:

* a harmless "discussion group" of politicians, academics and business leaders
* an ultra-exclusive international lobby of the power elite of Europe and North America, capable of influencing international policy
* a capitalist secret society operating entirely through self-interest.

Attendees of Bilderberg include central bankers, defense experts, press barons, government ministers, prime ministers, royalty, international financiers and political leaders from Europe and America. Guests in 2003, along with Rumsfeld and Perle (US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is also a member) included banker David Rockefeller, as well as various members of the Rockefeller family, Henry Kissinger, Queen Beatrix, Queen Sofia and King Juan Carlos, and high officials of assorted governments. The Bilderberg Group is for Europeans and North Americans -- Asians, Middle Easterners, Latin Americans or Africans are not invited.


posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 08:09 PM
In addition to what Theron had to say about the Bilderberg Group, there have been posts about the group on ATS.
I would suggest trying out the search function near the top of this page. It is the red button in the middle between FAQ and MY ATS.

And, just for kicks, here is what wikipedia says about them:

[edit on 5-10-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 08:34 PM
I talk to Bilderberger�s almost every day as a part of my job, which I won�t disclose BTW.

One of the general ideas behind the secret stuff:

-No one attending to these meetings is allowed ever to speak to anyone about what they have been discussing on these meetings.
The speakers can then speak freely, without concern of what might be said in the media afterwards.

I wonder what the penalty is for being big-mouthed after having joined a meeting...

Sweden�s foreignminister Anna Lindh which was stabbed to death in a supermarket last year was a Bilderberger.
I�m not saying that it is any connection to that and to her death...

-No one can ask to join these meetings. They have to be invited.
Only key-persons in politics and industry/media will be invited.

-Henry Kissinger...

Read some stuff here (but remember it�s a conspiracy-site) :
Bilderberg - The High Priests of Globalisation

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Hellmutt
I talk to Bilderberger�s almost every day as a part of my job, which I won�t disclose BTW.

Even if you talk to the people on the inside dosn`t mean you are qualified to comment anymore than the rest of us or if you dropping some hints please share your info.


posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by weirdo
... There was a prog recently on British tv but can`t remember at the moment what channel.Also a leading British polotician was interviewed as he was one of the founders of the Bilderbergs and was quite open about them.Can`t remember his name but he was in Thatchers cabinet.When my memory gets better i will find the link and try t put it up.It was a good programme with a lot of media footage outside the meetings.

I saw this, the ex-minister I saw was Denis Healey. One thread which mentions his name and the Bilderburg group is here.


[edit on 6/10/04 by JAK]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by weirdo
Even if you talk to the people on the inside dosn`t mean you are qualified to comment anymore than the rest of us.

I don`t get it. Did I say anything in the direction of being more qualified to comment on this?
I actually said: "No one attending to these meetings is allowed ever to speak to anyone about what they have been discussing on these meetings."
And that "anyone" includes me too. I have nothing more to say...

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 01:37 PM
here's a partial list of the 2004 group:

The bilderbergers are heavy hitters, no doubt, but I think to understand the importance of the membership, or "round table" groups, you need to cross reference who has membership not only in the bilderbergers, but also the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission (TC), and the DAVOS group, and a few others.

Each one of these groups is a global network, and high ranking members of two, or three of the groups are more influential in deciding global policies. To really understand the Bilderbergers, you must also understand the other round table groups, and understand the familial, fraternal, and business/banking relationships between the various members. Then you will begin to gain a picture of the alliances between groups within the groups, and begin to see the whole round table network as an extremely complicated global organism.

Here are a few individual notable heavy, heavy hitters, who belong to more than one group, and are instrumental in shaping global business, banking, and political policies.

Joseph T Gorman (USA) � Member of Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Business Council, Council on Competitiveness and others. Chairman of the Buiness Roundtable International Trade and Investment task force. CEO TRW Inc; Director Procter and Gamble Company and Aluminium Company of America.

David Rockefeller (USA) � President of the Trilateral Commission; President of Chase Manhattan Bank; member of Bilderberg Advisory Group. Renato Ruggieri (Italy) � Member Bilderberg Steering Committee; member international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; Director World Trade Organisation 95 - ; Former Italian Minister of Foreign Trad; member of the board, Fiat Spa 90-95; Attendee at Davos Meeting.

Giovanni Agnelli (Italy) � member of Bilderberg Advisory Group; member international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; World Economic Forum Global Leader for Tomorrow; Honorary Chairman, Fiat SpA; Director, Instituto Finanziario Industriale (IFI - The Agnelli family holding company). Giovanni's brother, Umberto, is Chairman of IFI and a founder of the European Roundtable of Industrialists.

Conrad M Black (Canada) � member international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; Chairman and CEO Argus Corporation Ltd; Chairman Hollinger International Inc; Chairman Telegraph Group Ltd.

Gro Harlem Bruntland (Norway) - member international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; Attendee at Davos Meeting.

Percy N Barnevik (Sweden) - Member Bilderberg Steering Committee; member international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; member, European Roundtable of Industrialists; member, World Business Council on Sustainable Development; President and CEO, ABB Brown Boveri Ltd.

Donald J Johnston � Secretary General, OECD; Attendee at Davos Meeting.

James D Wolfensohn (USA) � Member of Bilderberg advisory group; member, World Business Council on Sustainable Development; Attendee at Davos Meeting; President World Bank.

Juan March Delgado (Spain), Chairman, Juan March Foundation; member, World Business Council on Sustainable Development; member, international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations.
Lord Peter A.R. Carrington � Chair of Bilderberg Members Steering Committee; member international advisory board of Council on Foreign Relations; former secretary general of NATO; Chairman of the Board, Christie's PLC; Chancellor, University of Reading; member, House of Lords.

Jim Callaghan � Thought to be current president of Bilderberg; Member of the House of Lords.

Peter D Sutherland (Irish) � Chairman, British Petroleum PLC; Chairman, Allied Irish Bank PLC; Chairman and Managing director, Goldman Sachs International; Former member, Commission of the European Communities; former Director-General, World Trade Organisation.

These round table groups do not exist in a vacuum - the key members work together to orchestrate global policies and selected information is shared between groups at these meetings. Each group in and of itself would not be considered influential enough to "run the world", but by examining all these groups, their policies, their actions, and lack of representation by any of us "regular folk" at these meetings, a picture begins to emerge from the avalanche of details - a picture that looks strikingly like what many call the New World Order.

If you want links, let me know, I've got a million, but these groups are easily researchable - just google away. I think they "hide" not only behind secrecy, but behind the fact that it takes a long time researching crusty old billionaires and government / business policies and leaders to see the outline of the complete image. It's simply not very entertaining or remotely "exciting" for the average joe. It also requires dismissing a lot of what you thought you knew, and rethinking much of the history you were taught. IMO, most people are conditioned away from that level of research, unless there is a goal, graduation, or paycheck waiting at the other end. Our well conditioned short attention spans and love of immediate gratification, car chases, soap opera intrigue, and firefights are the bilderbergers best disguise. Their reward, is that they get to go party at the grove afterward.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Hellmutt
I talk to Bilderberger�s almost every day as a part of my job, which I won�t disclose BTW.

I have a pet hate of people who start posts which instead of writing convincing info they put in info to suggest they are in the know when what they write shows they know jack.

Sorry if l don`t get your humour if it was written as a joke

[edit on 7-10-2004 by weirdo]

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by weirdo

Originally posted by Hellmutt
I talk to Bilderberger�s almost every day as a part of my job, which I won�t disclose BTW.

I have a pet hate of people who start posts which instead of writing convincing info they put in info to suggest they are in the know when what they write shows they know jack.

Sorry if l don`t get your humour if it was written as a joke

It wasn�t a joke, it is true. However, when I look at my post now I can see it was irrelevant. I should never have mentioned it. BTW, wouldn�t you have mentioned it (If you were talking with a Bilderberger with one hand on the phone, typing on ATS with the other hand...)?
Anyway, I don�t think any of the info I provided was wrong. What part/info do you assume is wrong?

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 05:22 PM

Due to the fact the contents of the meetings is so secret everything anybody states you can only assume is opinon based than factual.
I don`t think any member of the Bilderburgs has such a low level of intelligence they would spill the beans on this or anyother similar site.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 05:34 PM
there is alreay a post for this I think but I dont remember what the name of it was. It had all the info you are looking for.

[edit on 8-10-2004 by AL77ZZZ]

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by AL77ZZZ

There`s more than one post on this site for every subject.

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