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Arizona On Track To ‘Achieve’ Third World Status

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posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 12:36 AM

Arizona was warned. Local governments in the state were worried about a report in 2008, from the Morrison Institute for Public Policy, which seemed to place the state at a fork in the road. It was poised to become either a great place to live, or “an uncompetitive, unsustainable place where the standard of living stagnates or declines and the position of Arizona tumbles from its historic attractiveness to undesirable.” The mayors and city councilmen in the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) hired an expert on metropolitan development, Michael Gallis, to suggest what they should do.

In his presentation to MAG last week, Gallis told them bluntly that they need another way of thinking. Political leadership and education in the state fall way short of where they need to be. By way of contrast, Shanghai, China aims to “become the world center of finance, trade and culture in the 21st century”—and says so in its mission statement. Arizona doesn’t even have a mission statement. But Hugh Hallman, mayor of Tempe, pointed out that the state has great ideas—like a “Canamex” transportation corridor for goods, between Mexico and Canada. He seems to have forgotten that the corridor was established under the North American Free Trade Agreement. And even though Arizona has been talking about the corridor for 25 years, the state has yet to complete its portion of the necessary rail and highway connections.

The state of Arizona hired Mr Gallis to assess the situation and he has released a report basically stating the political and educational systems in the states are not preforming at all. Gallis gave praise to local governments but did not for state government and Congressional members, he also had this to say about the state.

While the city and county governments received praise for their leadership at the meeting, the state government and Arizona’s Congressional delegation were pointedly omitted from the accolades. William Harris, CEO of Science Foundation Arizona, pointed out that education in Arizona ranks 48th in the nation and “you’re not going to have an innovation economy in 30 years.” The fact is, the success of American tech companies depends on immigrants from China and India rather than on its citizens.

In the past, Harris pointed out, the state had leaders with the grit and determination to complete big projects, like the system of dams on the Salt River. Such leadership doesn’t exist today.

Before ya all get on the defensive you need to remember this guy was hired by the state to assess there situation.

Here is the link:
Arizona on track to achieve third world status

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 12:49 AM

... the state has great ideas—like a “Canamex” transportation corridor for goods, between Mexico and Canada. He seems to have forgotten that the corridor was established under the North American Free Trade Agreement. And even though Arizona has been talking about the corridor for 25 years, the state has yet to complete its portion of the necessary rail and highway connections.

I love how the same state where Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio is arresting 6-year olds on suspicion of being an illegal (Arizona Sheriff Arpaio Arrests 6-Year-Old Girl on Suspicion She’s Undocumented) could also come up with yet another NAFTA free trade corridor. We already have those, and they do nothing but suck jobs out of the USA.

When you cut education and training and attack unions and benefits in support of the globalist agenda as backed by the corporate oligarchy, you get an impoverished uneducated public caught in a downward spiral.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 12:56 AM
Maybe they should consider that Phoenix has ZERO connection to the rest of Arizona.

Phoenix is like New York City - - - telling farmers how to run their business.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
NAFTA free trade corridor.

What is happening is warehouses are being built all along the Mexican side of the border. International importers ship to Mexico and store product in these warehouses - - because its far less expensive. When product is needed in America or Canada - - it is trucked to transfer hubs on the American side - - then transported to its destination. Some trucks will have a license to go straight from Mexico to its destination.

Places like San Diego have no land left for storage. Product is shipped in continuously.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:10 AM
As long as liberal minded maggots like Raul Grijalva continue to serve in Arizona districts, then yes the downward spiral will bring this state to 3rd world status.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by solarstorm
As long as liberal minded maggots like Raul Grijalva continue to serve in Arizona districts, then yes the downward spiral will bring this state to 3rd world status.

I'm not sure if you noticed but the author of this report didn't blame liberals, he had nothing nice to say about the state government, and its congressional politicians.

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