posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 06:02 PM
don't count on it .. i used to trust google with their "do no evil" mantra .. but as they grew into a corporate power house they realized the value of
your information.. they may be doing right by not taking down content ( which they have done .. ) they still share your information liberally and they
try to glean as much of it as humanly possible .. your information is worth money and they absolutely sell it / market it .. it's what allows them to
offer so much for so basically sell yourself for using them..
With that said.. I use google for many things.. I use gmail, google drive, google search.. google calendar.. youtube.. but I'm always conscious about
what I use it for .. and I'm aware of their retention policies.. deleting something doesn't mean it's gone.. in some cases they can keep your
information after you delete it for well over a year.. usually just a few months.
But keep in mind the others aren't much better.. facebook will keep a a photo you deleted for months after you delete it .. in some cases, years.. if
someone kept a direct link they can get to it .. they've said they are working on it.
edit on 6/18/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason