posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 04:27 PM
Oh, I got 20 posts, finally, and I want to say that I rlly liked to watch this EURO championship until we loose this game.. So for begining let me
introduce myself :
I don't like big companionship unless I know with who I work with.. And this championship is prove that you just can't know what's (or who's)
behind blue screen !
I don't wan't to make judge decison above this game, but sometimes they rlly screw up, like in this game.. there are probably videos on youtube
about what I m saying.. CHECK IT OUT PLS before YOU MAKE ANY JUDGEMENT !
So lets get started.. This is what I had in mind :
Economicaly saing Spain is on last breath.. Croatia also.. Although Spain is much more complicated seems that it will bancrot sooner then Croatia..
But to say truth it will last forever with actual political garniture..
And it's because : Croatia had war, so we are forgiven a while until banks occupies us all !
And that's why Spain has won.. To enpower rest of people that believe in FAIR fight !!
Can you imagine that some of us took loan to get ticket to championship ?
Neither can I !!
But its truth..
Although, it's unbeliveable.. anyway just google it !
I m affraid but I have to say that this championship is just PAST ! Writen by someone !!
We have to admit to ourself that we are just a puppets on a bigger scale.. Then, and JUST THEN, if we acknowledge enemy, we can fight !!