I was searching the net today for images of two little orphaned baby monkeys holding each other. Never mind why, I came across these two images
and they were just so touching. Enjoy! If you have any images like that please add to this thread and we can all go awwww.
lol if u understand those pictures, they are not heart felt at least what i have seen from monkeys and dogs, where the monkey steals the babys from
mother dogs and then completely abuses the crap out of it, and then uses them to protect them from enemies. Its pretty disturbing.
I hear what you are saying. Looking at the expressions on the faces, for that moment, to me at least it is touching. I am sorry if it evoked other
feelings in you.
Awwwww That first one is adorable! Oh my, a picture of joy! Made me grin so big I thought my face would fall off.
Second one is is cute, he is just sleepy baby I'm thinking.