posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 09:02 PM
Geesh, I just discovered this information today in an article in the San Francisco Cronicle
of all places. To qoute the article "The energy from colliding positrons and antielectrons "is 10 billion times ... that of high explosive,"
Edwards explained in his March speech. Moreover, 1 gram of antimatter, about 1/25th of an ounce, would equal "23 space shuttle fuel tanks of energy.
" AND "One millionth of a gram of positrons contain as much energy as 37.8 kilograms (83 pounds) of TNT"
If I have this straight, we could take a gram or less of this stuff once we get all the storage bugs out, put it into a remote controled rodent
...yeah, we can already do that to rodents, at least to some extent, maybe to a great extent...and send it anywhere we want and...POOF!
What a nice flippin thought!
All we need is for governments to find another way to kill bunches of us all at once!