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A More Plausible Explaination For The UFO Phenomenon

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posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

Yeah good luck with that.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Bone75
reply to post by wtbengineer

Whoa! What a compliment! Thanks a lot! I'm gonna have to brush up on my writing skills, but what the hell, I'm gonna do it. Can I count on you to have my back when someone else here steals the idea before I get it done?

I love the theory, but it kind of sounds similar to prometheus.
or not, sorry didnt mean to kill the thead, keep on postin...

edit on 07/16/2009 by Lichter daraus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Lichter daraus

I haven't had a chance to see it yet, so I wouldn't know
I hope I didn't just waste my money on that Dragon software, but oh well, I'm full of ideas.

And don't worry you didn't kill the thread, it was dead long before you got here lol.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Bone75
Modern day scenario:

Let's say that right now on this very day, astronomers discover a comet or asteroid on a collision course with Earth due to impact in 2036. Let's say that it's large enough to cause an extinction level event. Let's say that we've tried everything we can think of to keep this object from hitting us, but are unable to change it's course. In a last ditch effort to minimize the damage, the world's nuclear powers come together and launch our entire arsenal at this thing. The hope is that we break it into pieces small enough to burn up in our atmosphere, but the result instead winds up being more widespread damage.

That's a really bad way of going about it.

The right way is to

a) plant a long-running ion engine (the more the better) with a nuclear reactor (or solar panels if it is an asteroid with orbit close to the sun) to give precisely aimed thrust calculated to push the orbit away from danger. You land with a probe and run it for a few years, all the while monitored by high-precision telescopes & radar.

if that fails, then

b) you use nuclear weapons, but not in a crude Hollywood style attempt to break it up which has the obvious problems. You get the warheads in proper position at a calculated distance and location from the asteroid and then set them off. The point is that the xrays and neutrons heat up the surface of the asteroid, ablating a bit of material away (vaporizing it), and the reaction force pushes the asteroid in the other direction a bit. Again, you figure out WTF you are doing first, as in computing and measuring, and do it many times and measure the result. And you do it until the orbit is unlikely to intersect Earth.

In sum, forget movies, and do actual physics like your life depended upon it.

edit on 20-6-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-6-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-6-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Bone75
reply to post by Lichter daraus

I haven't had a chance to see it yet, so I wouldn't know
I hope I didn't just waste my money on that Dragon software, but oh well, I'm full of ideas.

And don't worry you didn't kill the thread, it was dead long before you got here lol.

Yeah you have a great writing style, im sure you could make some changes to make it way different. never hurts to have a different perspective on the same topic.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by Lichter daraus

Thanks a bunch for your words of encouragement! I'm working on the book as we speak. I'll let you guys know when its finished. Peace!

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 12:51 PM
oh oh, i see you missed one verry imoprtant detail.

You see, the verry verry rich will die of verry verry fast..
Cause they dont know how to cook, clean, fix stuff,
make apointments, answer the phone, wipe their ass
yada yada yada...

But you know, if you write the manuscript sell it and it becomes

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 11:23 PM
So you are saying that the aliens that visit us are actually an offshoot of humanity that kept advancing and evolving while we lost our collective memory and history in an ancient catastrophe? Interesting theory, in fact very unique! It certainly beats my theory. And I had an interesting one, too.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by Bone75

lol. I never post here, but read this site quite frequently for my fix of daily non main-stream news.However reading your thread has compelled me to post, if nothing else, but to further encourage you to continue working on this story idea and develop it into a book. This truly is a great alternative origin of huMan story.

I have been working with a very similar idea for a number of years now, but have never seriously developed it as I am more into video and media production and to be done correctly, would cost in the 200 milliion range. As a book it would be amazing if done correctly. It very much is a befitting origin mythos for our 21st century culture. The first conspiracy theory. Battlestar Galactica crossed with the x-files.

But yah, thats pretty much how I think it may have broken down as well. The rich would go underground and into space. The "enlightened" would be called to safe zones (depending on the cataclysm, but most likely elevated locations) and the rest of the worlds population would be caught in the impending turmoil.

Inevitably, small pockets would survive, sparsely scattered throughout the world. After a few generations or so humanity would reform into basic hunter gather culture. Confused, lost and with no civilization left they would become almost like pre midi-evil Europeans. In time, the enlightened would descend from their mountain sanctuaries and breath knowledge and enlightenment back into the world. (Many religions and indigenous cultures' origin stories talk of the gods coming down from the heavens or the sky and spreading wisdom and information to the people. As an interesting, at least to me, side note is that evil/demons in mythology generally tends to emanate from the bowels of the earth, where those damn rich bastards and the offspring of the power hungry politicians would have hunkered down in their D.U.M.B. shelters and would make sense cuz they would be evil bastards.)

And then there is the shambhala angle with the protected cities hidden within the earth. Damn if I wasn't writing a screenplay right now I would offer to help. Good Luck and I will watch this thread and hopefully be able to negotiate the movie rights from you some day.
edit on 21-6-2012 by guardian_of_neobablon because: typo

edit on 21-6-2012 by guardian_of_neobablon because: formatting

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 03:51 PM
Sounds like the plot to a Futurama episode

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Crabmeat
Totally and utterly plausible!

Who's to say this process hasn't happened hundreds of times!! And the God we think we understand is what became of one of the first space fairing humans!!?

My sentiments, exactly!

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Bone75
Modern day scenario:

Let's say that right now on this very day, astronomers discover a comet or asteroid on a collision course with Earth due to impact in 2036. Let's say that it's large enough to cause an extinction level event. Let's say that we've tried everything we can think of to keep this object from hitting us, but are unable to change it's course. In a last ditch effort to minimize the damage, the world's nuclear powers come together and launch our entire arsenal at this thing. The hope is that we break it into pieces small enough to burn up in our atmosphere, but the result instead winds up being more widespread damage.

I can't add anything to the scenario, but this is not going to happen.

All really large asteroids are well known in orbits which will not hit Earth. And barring that, the world's nuclear arsenal is enough to knock away virtually any other reasonable size asteroid.

You obviously wouldn't try to break something up into many parts. Instead you would detonate warheads somewhat off of the side of the object. There will be no blast, but the neutron pulse will heat up the surface layers of the asteroid/comet. Some of it will be boiled/outgassed and the resulting reaction force will push the asteroid just a little bit in the other direction. A few hundred times and you will get enough thrust to move nearly anything of plausible siize. If the asteroid is an iron-nickel (the most dangerous because of the density, i..e mass relative to diameter/brightness) then you could actually land the bomb on the surface. You wouldn't break it apart with a detonation.

Now this is the less preferred way to do it---if you do have sufficient time (e.g. years, which you may have if it's an asteroid and not an Oort cloud comet), you land a craft with an ion engine powered by either solar panels or a nuclear reactor depending on the circumstances, and you have it emit momentum for a sufficient time to deflect it.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Bone75
reply to post by mr10k

That is a great idea and thanks for the reply. I'm just trying to show people that "aliens" may not be so alien after all.

They aren't. And we aren't either. Once enough people realize, that like all things physics has shown us, there are balancing forces that create what we think of as reality. There is Time-Space, as well as Space-Time. We here, see that space has volume, and time has linearity. On our compliment, time has volume, and space has linearity.

But, I agree with your theory. I think they are just us. And we are them, too. That would certainly go a long way toward discerning motivations for interaction. You don't necessarily have to like all your relatives. But, they are still your relatives, nonetheless. Nice post!

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 03:34 PM
Although I agree it is a possible explanation for the UFO phenomenon, I take issue with your assertion that it is more plausible than the extraterrestrial hypothesis. We don't know enough about the probability of civilizations outside of our solar system to really make any type of comparison between the theories. But imho, the possibility of alien civilizations seems to be growing with every new extra-solar planet discovered.

In support of your theory, I've always wondered why civilization seems to have 'popped up' everywhere within a relatively short period of time. In particular, I think of civilization in the 'New World,' where the spread of agriculture from Eurasia would have been hindered by geography. It really is odd, imho. This isn't the only thing I find odd. Farming is a very difficult activity. No one works harder than a farmer, and no one is more at risk from conditions outside of their control (drought, etc). And today, our crop and livestock have the benefit of thousands of years of artificial selection. During the early days of agriculture, farmers would have had a fraction of the yield they did a few hundred years ago.
Just curious, how would your theory account for the many stone-age artifacts that have been found dating back a hundred thousand years?

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: Bone75

now that was an interesting read and quite plausible. only problem i see with it, is it ignores things like the book of revelation, the extreme likelihood of ETs, and suggests the bible is just a book about how some guys rebooted the planet. which is also an interesting thought, although i'd wager it was more than just some elite humans from a previous episode of the earth.

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