posted on May, 22 2014 @ 02:50 AM
The only way that this could happen, without some kind of "opposite" force - i.e. an object colliding with Earth - would be something artificial,
perhaps an advanced enemy could be attempting to shift Earth off its orbital rotation - why - they should easily be able to destroy us if they are
that advanced...
The alternate is that they are going to kidnap Earth, either imprison it, or take it to another dimension.
I wonder if they have any enemies - I hope they are our friends!
If the "plans" are set, then the only way to beat them if somebody stole Earth and hid it somewhere outside of their reach, before they were able to
take Earth themselves.
Ok, I'll tell you - A super-being of almost God-like power has planned to nab Earth before they do,
and put it in a prison, because, "they"
have "said" that Earth will be imprisoned - so - they technically will be correct, only that, it won't be thier prison!
That guy is me.
Don't worry, you'll be "absolutley safe"
Any don't fret, i'll give you/gave you many things to keep yourselves occupied....
For all eternity.