posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 09:37 AM
HMMM...every person now entering the U.S as a non citizen, has their finger print and photo taken even they're just going on holiday.
I heard a spokesman say that it was for their own benefit. i.e if you get robbed or lose your i.d you can still be identified through your photo/
fingerprint on file.
Guess you'll also be arrested if after buying some cigarettes the store gets robbed and your dabs are found all over the place.
In the U.K they have started a stealth record sysytem. The people would never allow a mainstream database project. So without public consultation the
Govt. has authorised the centralisation of every single persons DR's records, they say to help in your National Health treatment.
However somewhere in Whitehall your name and address will be typed in and the feds will know everything about you, including results of blood tests,
which inturn will lead to a dna profile, when you recieved your innocuations, which will show when you left the country etc etc.
Now they say its all protected by Data Protction laws. Thats laughable as someone who works in Corporate surveillance etc. I can already make a call
and recieve any info I want from any database I want, for the right price. Ultimately people have to work on these systems and those people are
They will leak the intel to anyone that pays.
Even if they can't use the intel. in legal situations it provides invaluable profile building information.
The 9/11 terrorists did more damage to modern society than they will ever realise.