posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 11:05 AM
Hollywood uses conspiracy's for entertainment purposes,
So yes within certain Sci-Fi movies there is a few grains of truth
Whether it is purposely done to dampen the impact on disclosure is another story altogether, to simply reject such ideas because of it being just a
movie is kind of ridiculous, a lot of movies are based on true story's after all, thats not to say you can't have a movie which is a mix of both in
order to sell it,
"ITS JUST A MOVIE" doesn't really fly when there is evidence for the theory, of course to some closed minded people it could serve as a ridicule to
further themselves from what they refuse to believe, and to open minded people it could be seen as some for of disclosure
But i think the chances are, its simply a cash in of an interesting theory which they know there is abit of a buzz around such conspiracy, whose going
to go see it? those guys, and not to mention it will generate alot of chatter on places such as this which will only make more people want to see it
as it become more controversial
Also, there are certain producers out there that tend to believe in certain theory's out there and make no point in hiding the fact they do, and i
think this is where people get confused, its not the government giving disclosure, its likely the producer or the people funding the movie that want
to popularise the theory to which they believe to be true, whether that be to wake more people up in order to get disclosure again is another story,
again it could well be a form of slow disclosure with government funding, many possibilities to consider all of which i wouldn't rule out totally
Ignorance is not a friend of progression and so we must remain open minded to all possibilities
edit on 16-6-2012 by TritonTaranis because:
(no reason given)