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The media is trying to create division between blacks and whites..IMO

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posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:31 PM
OK I think everyone saw how the media purposely jumped on the Trayvon murder and started riots almost if not..Talking about Trayvon had THC in his system.Everything was black/white even though the guy was a Mexican..Seems like they were trying to piss off black folks but inadvertently pissed of whites too. So it didnt work. WHY in the first place? create divide? If so why?
NOW,looks like FOX bit the bullet and said,"ok we will be the anti Obama news and You guys can have Romney. Funny how some of these media personalities are such good actors and even better actresses. Its not even what they say sometimes, its their facial expressions and personal hatred that they make sure shows through in their facial expression, like the eye rolling. What they are doing is pissing off Obomney people,,,WHY?
Because its supposed to be a black vs white thing for the public,,so the media tries to piss off both. Doesnt work though because more whites like Obama than Romney ,,because they dont see it as Obomney..
SO , Romney doesnt have ground game for shiz, only has money,,was at the Bilderburg meeting,,Romney has been chosen . The media never says anything good about the guy, the media is going to make people hate Romney even more before he wins, JUST to piss people off. The election will be rigged as usual, dead people will vote in the millions. The electoral college will be bought and sold. Romney will beat Obama through cheating, everyone will know it and there will be rioting and civil war. WHY?
Im not discounting Ron Paul,,who knows whats gonna happen there..ONCE AGAIN ,, how many people did the media piss of with the whole Ron Paul thing..The whole world saw that one. Not just Paul supporters.
I could be wrong , just something Ive been thinking about. I know the media has always been corrupt . Its the making people mad thing. I feel like they are trying to prevent peace and promote war,,not only war propaganda that we all know they do, but an internal civil type divide.. Am I wrong? Be easy on me, its just my thoughts, I could be paranoid and just seeing it my way, or I could be right, but WHY are they if they are and they seem to be.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by avatard

I think you are right; Romney has been chosen. If you look closely at who is funding his campaign...that is another major clue.

Sometimes I wonder if Romney was President Obama could win again....think about it.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by avatard

The media whether it is Fox, Cnn, Msnbc... all of them are part of the corrupted Propaganda that the government uses to push division.

Red vs Blue is the main one... Republicans and Democrats are so brainwashed that they cannot even talk to each other without name calling or right out fighting.

Then they do the class warfare




With these go to's in their belts they twist everything and everyone.

Its not one side or the other.. it is both.

The Establishment doesn't care about politics, they give us Romney or Obama... nothing will change for the better from either. Our rights and freedoms will not be restored.

All the while the so called MSM will point fingers and blame eachother and not themselves.

We need to wash away the republican and democrat names and look at our government as a whole... all responsible for the things that are going on.

The president needs to stop acting like a 8 year old child blaming his older brother for everything.

I don't see the people ever waking up. Only more and more arguing and fighting amongst ourselves.

We deserve what we get for being lazy and allowing the blame game going on.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by avatard

I think you are right; Romney has been chosen. If you look closely at who is funding his campaign...that is another major clue.

Sometimes I wonder if Romney was President Obama could win again....think about it.

I don't think they care who wins Romney or Obama... its all about power and the Establishment never gives back power that they take. Obamacare is the big one now... and how about that it was based after.. wait for it... Romneycare... yeah...

So.. obama wins obamacare stays... romney wins.. obamacare stays... of course right now he says he will repeal it... but win he doesn't no one will be surprised... they will come up with excuse after excuse...

The drone strikes will go on either way.. so will the patriot act, Ndaa, and all the other crap.

Nothing but a bunch of mad fappers in washington...

They play chess while the american public plays checkers.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:02 PM
Nah. All I see is the media perpetrating the "angry black man" image in order to scare white people.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:03 PM
Divide & conquer.

They keep us fighting amongst ourselves so we won't turn on them. It's absurd that more people can't see this

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:39 PM
I agree with all of you,,I think they dont want blacks and whites to unite. That would be a start to taking this country back and base it on values of people like thomas jefferson and Martin Luther king.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:52 PM
I'm not sure that they are trying to divide us as much as they are trying to create a diversion from a more newsworthy story. And it works!

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:16 AM
The media's been doing that divide & conquer tactic for decades. The sad thing though is that it's been very successful giving the typical constant knee-jerk reaction by the masses. It's as if they know humans better than humans know themselves.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
Nah. All I see is the media perpetrating the "angry black man" image in order to scare white people.

Then thats all your looking for.... kinda like the red car effect... you get a red car and you see them everywhere. The news isn't portraying "angry black man" its trying to make the black man mad at the white man.. you constantly here about it if it targets black people... However black people hurt white people all the time for no reason and its ignored... so what is their message really.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by avatard

Right - there was no division between races before but lately, such a gap.

Nobody wants to hear about Klansmen or kids killed by community watchmen so why do media outlets keep bringing them up?

Incidentally, the Trayvon story was 3 weeks old before the kids parents and masses of angry black protestors brought it to national attention. The media eventually were forced to cover it, though 'the vixen' was always dragging it's heels - like it do.

Actually, you see dramatically different versions of the same news on all three main stations, and they are all basically similar in format - BUT if you look closely at them you will see one of these 3 is not like the others.

They are all skewed to favor somebody - TWO ARE seeming to favor labor unions and workers, women and minorities, animal rights groups, the poor, (the 99%) and peace activist's.

THE THIRD... is anti-environment, pro-oil, pro-war and skewed to favor the (1%), corporate millionaires and billionaires only. It virtually shuns those represented by the other 2 news stations. You might more accurately call this station.
Billionaire News...or THE CORPORATE ORACLE.
"Where philanthropy is obsolete and just wealthy isn't enough."
Slick, polished, snake oil salesmen. Folks who gave birth to the phrase;
"Who dies with the most toys wins."
They suggest ALL AMERICANS might be well off but Democrats are giving tax money to places like rehabilitation centers, welfare programs and planned parenthood. Meanwhile, they are sending OPS (other peoples sons) to the front lines of war, strangling the health care debate and demonizing the poor.

It is FAKE NEWS. I don't know why they named it FOX, unless they think they're "sly" because they hate foxes, moose, polar bears and any kind of a varmint that gets in the way of drilling. You got two news stations who are clearly horrified at opening up environmental wetlands for development. They're reporting on the protestors and documenting community outrage.
The 3rd news station decides to feature the Oil Company (destroying the wetlands) and focus on the local jobs it will create. This 3rd station interviews employees and company reps and promotes the measure. You getting a picture?

One is using a news outlet to promote depleting earths resources
and the already wealthy are making a killing doing it ....

While we are all distracted, fighting amongst ourselves over media coverage,
race issues, fetal rights and gays getting married - we take our eyes of the prize.
We do not see our Constitutional protections being stripped away or the crooks
staking claim to and walking off with - our jointly owned natural resources.

Without a free and fair press you have no democracy.
End of story.

edit on 16-6-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 11:47 AM
I agree, OP. They've been throwing gasoline on the fires of racism and fanning the flames with movies like, "Machete" and dumb questions about whether or not we'd ask a WHITE president the same question since Obama was a contender for POTUS. He's not black. He's mixed, by the way. That makes him White too. Look at his Harvard education and fancy friends overseas. How many black people can relate to anything besides the color of his skin? LOL. That's like voting for the 'most handsome' president or the one who speaks in the most pleasing tones while they lie and deceive.

Divide and Conquer.

They've even convinced some people that being racist is human nature and that people who aren't racist are liars. Ho Hum. Most people believe it. I heard someone say that being able to see that 1+1 doesn't equal 3 is the definition of Freedom in today's world. They may be right.
edit on 16/6/12 by RainbeauBleu because:

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by avatard

The brown and black cattle are uniting against the slaughterhouse. The cowboy uses "furism" to establish control.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Doalrite

you constantly here about it if it targets black people

Not really. One case every 10 years isn't constantly.

However black people hurt white people all the time for no reason and its ignored... so what is their message really

All races hurt every race all the time and it is ignored. What is your message?

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by avatard

I think you are right; Romney has been chosen. If you look closely at who is funding his campaign...that is another major clue.

Sometimes I wonder if Romney was President Obama could win again....think about it.

Thank you. I thought the same thing when McCain was anointed as nominee. Are the Rs trying to throw the race? Mind you, I can't stand either party or either nominee, but you're correct on the funding. The heavy financial backers that filled O's coffers in '08 are now backing Romney.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by avatard

Don't always have to blame the media, all you have to do is look at a recently created post here, called "Why me(a black woman)...." It's not the media creating the divide, its the people claiming to want to be the same as everyone else but then always putting themselves in a different category. Either you want to be equal or you want to be in your own category, doesn't go both ways.

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