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U.S. Military Completes Planning for Syria

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posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:06 PM

U.S. military completes planning for Syria

The U.S. military has completed its own planning for how American troops would conduct a variety of operations against Syria, or to assist neighboring countries in the event action was ordered, officials tell CNN.

In recent weeks, the Pentagon has finalized its assessment of what types of units would be needed, how many troops, and even the cost of certain potential operations, officials tell CNN.
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 6/14/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:06 PM
What a BS article once again ..
the planning was made a long time ago ..
the same way the Irak war was planned long before 9/11

With the level of condemnation the WH is making
and all the kids are being murdered in the street each days

The drum of war for Syria are finish
because they are about to unleash on syria the same kind of wars we have seen

There is a high chance now that once again
the Congress and the UN will not stop the US on Syria
the masters of Obama and Hilary are in Israel
and we know how much they want syria out so they can go after Iran

The planning comes as the U.S. has become increasingly concerned that the violence in Syria is verging on civil war. Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the recent series of bombings have heightened the worry.

Dempsey said it reminded him of the escalating violence during the Iraq war.

The violence "gives us all pause that have been in Iraq and seen how these issues become sectarian and then they become civil wars and then they become very difficult to resolve," Dempsey told CNN in an exclusive interview on Thursday.

A senior U.S. official said the developments have been a matter of discussion in the Obama administration.

"There is a sense that if the sectarian violence in Syria grows, it could be worse than what we saw in Iraq," the official said.

The military planning includes a scenario for a no-fly zone as well as protecting chemical and biological sites. Officials say all the scenarios would be difficult to enact and involve large numbers of U.S. troops and extended operations.

The planning, officials insist, is being done protectively and there have been no orders for any action from the White House.

They have downplaying Russia and China roles in this
thinking they will continu to look from far away and do nothing ..

Will Russia and China risk a big confrontation with the US
to protect Syria and Iran .. its a big gamble that Obama is risking here
are Russia and China bluffing at protecting Syria ..
that must be the biggest question right now in the White House
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 6/14/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Ben81

What a BS article once again .. the planning was made a long time ago .. the same way the Irak war was planned long before 9/11

There may well have been plans to attack Syria, but I am sure they have been modified for the current situation of a civil war and the geopolitical maneuverings of all involved.

There is a high chance now that once again the Congress and the UN will not stop the US on Syria the masters of Obama and Hilary are in Israel and we know how much they want syria out so they can go after Iran

I cannot see Obama authorising an overt attack/invasion on the Assad regime without UN authorisation, something that isn't going to happen with Russia and China on the SC. At least not before the November election which might well see Obama ousted.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:19 PM
fkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk you dont understand how freaking pissed i am right no about this hole situation... im so pissedthat im freaking getting goose bumps.

i dont understand whats the reason for the US to go in on this... why not NATO or the U.N ?

i know its all israel doing this but sh1t im pissed

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:20 PM
How wierd that this article hasnt made the front page of CNN
but was only confirmed by the CNN blog section

They know people wouldnt appreciate such article
confirming another wars in the ME
it doesnt give out a good public image displaying such news on the front page of CNN

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:28 PM
i wish someone could jsut be infront of the cnn camera and tell them the whole truth of whats going on in the middle east.... like me and who ever knows israel is running the united states to war and im sure russia and china arent gonna back the f down i just really hope someone tells the truth on tv i hate this damn country for its stupid mistakes

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by burntoast
i wish someone could jsut be infront of the cnn camera and tell them the whole truth of whats going on in the middle east.... like me and who ever knows israel is running the united states to war and im sure russia and china arent gonna back the f down i just really hope someone tells the truth on tv i hate this damn country for its stupid mistakes

You dont hate the country .. you hate the people from the government

dont mix both .. because they are not the same
edit on 6/14/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:08 PM
Alex Jones Infowar site have a better title for this article

Obama War Machine Announces Invasion of Syria

CNN reports this afternoon that the Pentagon has finalized plans to attack Syria and forcefully depose its leader, Bashar al-Assad, under the cover of securing weapons of mass destruction and preventing “sectarian violence” it has fomented by supporting and training the Free Syrian Army.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:19 PM
The new goal now is to secure those WMD "chemical weapon"

Israel may use military force ‘to secure’ Syria’s alleged chemical arsenal

The Israeli army is considering using military force to prevent Syria’s alleged chemical warfare stockpiles from getting into the hands of Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda. Tel-Aviv believes that Damascus is no longer capable of securing its arsenal.

­Syria has never declared it possesses chemical weapons stocks, but the Israeli military does not put its existence under question. Tel Aviv believes Syria has been busy producing mustard and nerve gas for the last 40 years.

On Monday Israeli Maj. Gen. Yair Naveh, the country’s deputy military chief, warned that Syria could pose a threat to Israel with its chemical weapons. He declared Syria has “the largest chemical warfare stockpiles in the world,” and warned that Assad’s regime could "treat us the same way they treat their own people."

Some Israeli politicians claim the Syrian government is already using chemical weapons against its population. A senior member of the ruling Likud party, Ayoob Kara, told Israel Radio on June 9 that the Syrian government is using “chemical weapons against men, women, and children.”

They have become the latest in the chorus of Israeli high ranking officials who have rushed to voice their concerns over Syria’s alleged chemical arsenal.

how much time we still have left before they go in syria
it has really become inevitable
all their preparation plans are completed
that mean the Potus is ready to give the Green Light

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:45 PM
chemical weapons yada yada yada

Inside Intel / Not a reactor
Ten weeks have passed since the Israel Air Force attacked in Syria, and there is still no reliable information about the precise target that was destroyed, or about the importance and necessity of the attack. Since Israel keeps maintaining its veil of secrecy, Everything that is known comes from leaks by anonymous U.S. administration officials to several of the major American media outlets. What is almost certain, judging from the leaks, are the following facts: A nuclear site built by the Syrians was attacked, and there was some connection to know-how and technology transferred from North Korea. The prevailing assumption is that it was a 5-megawatt nuclear reactor that was in stages of construction, that would have enabled Syria to produce plutonium to manufacture a nuclear bomb

But Prof. Uzi Even of Tel Aviv University is challenging them here for the first time. On the basis of an analysis of the same satellite photos, which have been published in the media and on Web sites and are accessible to everyone, he believes that the structure that was attacked and destroyed was not a nuclear reactor. Even, a former Meretz MK, is a chemist who until 1968 worked at the nuclear reactor in Dimona (KAMAG - Hebrew for the Nuclear Research Center). For years he has been keeping track of, and writing about, Israel's nuclear policy and the proliferation of nuclear weapons worldwide.
edit on 14-6-2012 by Danbones because: haaretz is an israeli paper

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:58 PM
We all know the US has battle plans for almost everyone and i'm sure most other powers also have battle plans for everybody else to, the plans are just modified when situation arise such as a Civil War

This should come at no surprise to anyone,

Firstly, i highly doubt the US will go into Syria, alone, if the US goes into Syria it will be with a coalition of UN/NATO peacekeeping troops to which they will lead the operation because of better means to run the show with its command structures

I'm not sure what option are left on the table here in Syria in all honesty, its a Civil War, it past any diplomatic solution IMO, i think these are the options

(1) Either there is a cease fire, the fighting is stopped and the country is split in two secular states,

(2) Either the fighting continues and world power continue to poor arms into the country to back there guy until one emerges victorious

(3) Either Assad steps down, and the whole country votes on a new leader as every other ME country did during there own revolutions, that did not end up in a bloody civil war

(4) The rebels give up there hopes of change & revolution and go back to what remains of there homes & family to remain under the Assad regime and spend the rest of there life's funding rockets attacks on Israel in a endless war of hate orchestrated from Iran

Personally i don't see either option 1 & 3 i think there is still a chance Assad may step down should the fighting continue and he realise what he has done and to think he only done it to keep Syria funding attacks on Israel with Iran makes him a terrible human being, i could also see the UN stepping in and a temporal divide up of the country being a possible outcome, one thing i do not see, is the free Syrian army laying down there weapons now, its to far gone for that, Assad will have to kill every last one of them after the misery he has reaped on them,

Either way, i do not see why any NATO/US troops should be burdened by this... Iran/Russia/Syrian created this problem, every other Middle Eastern country managed to have a peaceful revolution & a peaceful transition of power, the only country who have not managed that are of course Iran & Russia's partner in crime, its more than obvious Assad was told to stay and fight for his presidency through Irans fear of a more tolerant leader towards Israel be elected, that would mean Iran was all alone with its hatred and peace might be close in the middle east thats bad news for any radical Islamic government that wants to kill jews

Best thing to do here is for the West to keep supporting the rebels to bring Assad down and hope Iran or Russia send in peace keepers to also support Assad, that way Iranian troops will get blown up by a few western made IEDS making things square


edit on 14-6-2012 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-6-2012 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Danbones

I remember when Israel attack the supposed reactor in Syria
and it almost made a big war .. US was probably hoping for any retaliation

If Syria did that to Israel.. they would had release hell on Syria

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 07:04 PM
Not surprised though, Russia wont just back.
edit on 14-6-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:04 PM
Seeing what is happening in Egypt and Libya, one should not forecast peace in Syria even after removal of Assad.

Better to calm things down and have free general elections in 2014. Whoever wins, takes the power. End of the story.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:11 PM
trouble is
elections are one thing
selections are another
we are getting the latter mostly
not the former

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:16 PM
Does anyone else recall the very public and quite recent hints at the use of propaganda being now 'acceptable?'

We must bear this in mind.

Many will not question what they are told, and more importantly, many will not be able to resist the tools of modern politics. They are varied. I watch for the emotional trigger.

If we are to foster hope, our only tool and function as citizens is never to be unaware of their actions. Their only hope is that we fail at precisely that.

My opinion, of course.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:16 PM
Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan (drone wars)


Libya, and now Syria.

USA is just causing lots of death and destruction for no real reason and it is this type of warmongering that leads to 911 style blowback

Iraq - no WMDs found, corporations make billions, hundreds of thousands of people killed

Afghanistan - trillions of dollars of minerals found, opium profits, corporations making a killinng, innocents being killed

Libya - US led NATO bombing the crap out of civilians and install a terrorist government. The libyan rebels were backed by NATO and supplied intel and arms by them as well. There was an intense media propaganda before the war. Gadhaffi did not bend to the zionists demands and was ousted.

Egypt - US backed Mubarak ousted by muslim brotherhood

Syria: See libya above.

US corporations making money
US military fighting for Israel weakening up countries around it
Launch pad for major war on Iran on behalf of Israel.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars
Does anyone else recall the very public and quite recent hints at the use of propaganda being now 'acceptable?'

We must bear this in mind.

Many will not question what they are told, and more importantly, many will not be able to resist the tools of modern politics. They are varied. I watch for the emotional trigger.

If we are to foster hope, our only tool and function as citizens is never to be unaware of their actions. Their only hope is that we fail at precisely that.

My opinion, of course.

All the more reason for ATS: the deconstruction specialists

also to add to your list
some one said Lebanon will be isolated and will fall without Syria
edit on 14-6-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by TritonTaranis

It would be foolish not to believe that the military forces of all nations have 'completed preparing' for nearly any reasonably scenario of hostilities that they can imagine, this is true. We are certainly no less likely to be prepared.

But it's not the "what" that they are saying that concerns me as much as the "when" and "how" the narrative is crafted.

I fear for the Syrian innocent... it is only they who will suffer needlessly. The rest all think differently, for a variety of reasons, some right, some not so right, some wrong.

In the end the true question remains; what are we willing to kill for when dying is easy - and cheap? The answer we come up with will define humanity for generations to come.
edit on 14-6-2012 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

To be brutally honest.

I'm still holding out hope that all involved will let cooler heads prevail. I seriously doubt that we as a species have really evolved to that point though.

One can still hope and pray for the children's sake...

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