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White professor discusses white privilege in America.

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posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Exactly, and its what I call racial freedom. I can decide to be whatever race I want to. My last application I was Native American, the one prior Hispanic. Most people in my family are dark complected Caucasians, many get confused for these races anyway, whats the difference? I Knew a Puerto Rican woman with red hair, and freckles. My dad is German with French and Spanish descent, he looked like Sadam Husseins younger brother. The truth is, no one will ever know.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Agree x10000

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 12:23 AM
Haha I bet most people in the work force with actual jobs would contend whites were less privileged. I know I am. Not minorities or even females would ever get fired if it had any shade of gray. I could list several disadvantages I have as a white and especially as a man, but all that matters is the simple fact that I personally don't feel privileged at all over anyone to an extent where I think I have an advantage.

Now maybe we could argue that the unearned privilege could be the percentage of whites raised in higher income housing. This could be a valid statistic, but it's still no excuse to grow up and be a loser. The will to compete and overcome adversity always leads to good things.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 02:21 AM
White Privilege is a myth designed to instil White Guilt into the collective conscience of white people. This professor is just a brainwashed pawn used by those pushing a certain agenda. There is a logical and reasonable explanation for all of these supposed "advantages" that white people get over non-whites, but they are not politically correct enough to be acknowledged in today's world. It pains me to see fellow humans so easily indoctrinated by these falsehoods which only cause division and resentment.
edit on 15/6/2012 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by satron
What a load of bologna. People are successful because they have the skill, and if some company hires someone with less skill than someone that doesn't, then they are selling themselves short.

"We don't hire the top quality people"

Is that any business's motto that you've heard?

Oh by the way, I'm white, and I've never had the privillage he's talking about. Sounds like he's trying to convince successful people that their s*** isn't so hot. Let's knock everyone down a bit!

How about sports teams stop recruiting black kids so much? It's like they have a privillage us white folk don't have.

edit on 13-6-2012 by satron because: (no reason given)

What you don't seem to understand is that a lack of quality isn't the issue, it's that people from less privileged backgrounds often don't get the chance to exhibit their inherent quality. For example, let us say that you grow up in a family with 1 parent in jail, bad neighbourhood, nobody at home reads to you at a young age or teaches you anything, hey maybe even before you were born your mum kept drinking and smoking giving you some sort of birth defect or a learning difficulty. That's what many minorities experience (and poorer white people too, this isn't really a race issue except certain races are effected worse). Now these things don't really create a level playing field, or allow these children to show their potential. Now by giving people who do try drag themselves out of these situations extra opportunities can help enormously. For example, they can then earn enough to possibly help relatives out of this situation, raise their own children well, get good medical care for their children, send their children to a good school, move out of a bad neighbourhood. This means the next generation can improve itself in the same environment as a majority of us 'white' people get to. It's not just giving opportunities to people because they are black and thus we want to advantage them, it's trying to level the playing field so we don't have to keep paying for them in the future (give them opportunities, and we won't need to pay for them to get welfare!).

It's hard to recognise, but a lot of what will happen in your life can be dictated by things that happen before you are born or in your early years. Should children growing up in this environment really be punished for being born into this situation? I mean the situation to an extent was the fault of 'whites' in the past due to discrimination against blacks and other minorities, so surely we can give a little to try give them the same standards as we get to enjoy.

(Also no, this isn't advocating giving these people handouts, it's advocating helping them improve themselves in a way they otherwise wouldn't get. They often don't have parents who will read to them, feed them properly, or help them go to college. whites often do!)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
White Privilege is a myth designed to instil White Guilt into the collective conscience of white people. This professor is just a brainwashed pawn used by those pushing a certain agenda. There is a logical and reasonable explanation for all of these supposed "advantages" that white people get over non-whites, but they are not politically correct enough to be acknowledged in today's world. It pains me to see fellow humans so easily indoctrinated by these falsehoods which only cause division and resentment.
edit on 15/6/2012 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

I'm sorry, so the fact many blacks were segregated as recently as the 60's is really just there fault, and didn't disadvantage them compared to whites? That they couldn't get into good jobs or universities as easily as white people, is that there fault too? We are talking about these things happening to the grandparents of many of the children and young adults we have today. Discrimination of the past doesn't just disappear once the wrong is righted, since the effects can be felt in the economic situation these people were kept in by the domination of a political class of white men. This isn't about making people feel guilty for being white, it's just about helping people out of a bad situation they are in through no fault of their own.

for the record, I DON'T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT BEING WHITE, i'm quite happy about it, and am proud of my history and culture. But I recognise we should help people who are in a bad situation which is no fault of their own, but is often bought about by how they were raised, or their economic situation.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

It's sad to see you live in a fantasy world and can completely ignore reality/history.
edit on 15-6-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by bonnieprince

When did I imply those things were their fault? O.o

The term "white privilege" IS used to make white people feel guilty that any success they have achieved is by virtue of their skin colour, and any disadvantages non-whites experience is by virtue of their skin colour.

Yes in the past there was WP, but it's the year 2012. Time to move on and stop blaming an external enemy (white men) for all the problems you face today. This is an all too common occurrence nowadays; using the past to justify the present when most (not all) of the current problems are due to current circumstances.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 04:28 AM
The professor has mental problems as this notion of "white privilege" is completely unquantifiable and subjective whereas affirmative action is actual state racial agenda- completely different.

He can push his self hating bs onto himself, I will not teach my kids this disgusting racial agenda.

What if I go out and get stabbed by blacks, where is my white privilege- where is my white privilege if a black person spits in my mcdonalds burger or if Obama decides to kill an arab person

Kiss my white ass

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by bonnieprince

Originally posted by satron
What a load of bologna. People are successful because they have the skill, and if some company hires someone with less skill than someone that doesn't, then they are selling themselves short.

"We don't hire the top quality people"

Is that any business's motto that you've heard?

Oh by the way, I'm white, and I've never had the privillage he's talking about. Sounds like he's trying to convince successful people that their s*** isn't so hot. Let's knock everyone down a bit!

How about sports teams stop recruiting black kids so much? It's like they have a privillage us white folk don't have.

edit on 13-6-2012 by satron because: (no reason given)

What you don't seem to understand is that a lack of quality isn't the issue, it's that people from less privileged backgrounds often don't get the chance to exhibit their inherent quality. For example, let us say that you grow up in a family with 1 parent in jail, bad neighbourhood, nobody at home reads to you at a young age or teaches you anything, hey maybe even before you were born your mum kept drinking and smoking giving you some sort of birth defect or a learning difficulty. That's what many minorities experience (and poorer white people too, this isn't really a race issue except certain races are effected worse). Now these things don't really create a level playing field, or allow these children to show their potential. Now by giving people who do try drag themselves out of these situations extra opportunities can help enormously. For example, they can then earn enough to possibly help relatives out of this situation, raise their own children well, get good medical care for their children, send their children to a good school, move out of a bad neighbourhood. This means the next generation can improve itself in the same environment as a majority of us 'white' people get to. It's not just giving opportunities to people because they are black and thus we want to advantage them, it's trying to level the playing field so we don't have to keep paying for them in the future (give them opportunities, and we won't need to pay for them to get welfare!).

It's hard to recognise, but a lot of what will happen in your life can be dictated by things that happen before you are born or in your early years. Should children growing up in this environment really be punished for being born into this situation? I mean the situation to an extent was the fault of 'whites' in the past due to discrimination against blacks and other minorities, so surely we can give a little to try give them the same standards as we get to enjoy.

(Also no, this isn't advocating giving these people handouts, it's advocating helping them improve themselves in a way they otherwise wouldn't get. They often don't have parents who will read to them, feed them properly, or help them go to college. whites often do!)

Very well said.

White Privelege does exist still although imo has been getting less and less as time goes on. Racism is still a problem though and needs to be done away with.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 05:00 AM
We need to bomb texas, good for nothing cowgirls...

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 05:11 AM
yeah, let us get rid of racism by perpetuating the notion of "white privilege" (which is racist and conveys an attribute on someone simply for having white skin) and having state backed racial affirmative action agendas

Orwellian double speak, ffs, oppose racism by indulging in racism

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

It is still present though. A better way of putting it would perhaps be minority deprivation? It isn't saying white people today have anything to do with it, it's more that the ills caused by the past, despite it being 2012, haven't been done away with. They need to be corrected through positive measures.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 06:20 AM
There have been studies that seemed legit where they had equally qualified white and black men mixed with factors like attractiveness, background checks, ect. and black men didn't fair too well. I think those with a record faired better on average than black men.

A group of white people may or may not have advantages, like growing up with a father statistically, but you also have individuals that are given a sure path to whatever they want, like those related to someone famous, as well as individuals that are on the opposite spectrum far worse than real/unreal black issues. So the rabbit hole goes pretty deep if the professor wants to take a poke at it.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 06:45 AM

As of 2000-OCT, only the state of Alabama still had a clause in its constitution prohibiting a black person or descendent of a black person from marrying a white person. The people of Alabama voted in the general special election of 2000-NOV-7 to delete the clause from their constitution. However the vote was narrow. Only 60% of voters supported the repeal. Still, racism dies hard in some states. A survey in 2011-MAR showed that 46% of Republican voters in Mississippi favor making interracial marriages illegal in the state. Only 40% prefer keeping them legal.

In 1948, about 90% of American adults opposed interracial marriage when the Supreme Court of California legalized it. 8
In 1967, about 72% were opposed to interracial marriage and 48% felt that marrying a person of another race should be prosecuted as a criminal act.
In 1991, those adults opposed to interracial marriage became a minority.

So in 2000, 40% of voters were against blacks/biracial marriage and almost half of Americans in 1967 felt marrying another race should put you in prison. What I find odd, those 40%, in the year 2000, knew that racism was wrong/unjustified but just went ahead and did it anyway? A small percentage is one thing but 40%?

edit on 6/15/2012 by Turq1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by beatbox

Good find. The writer of the article is ignorant but that's just my opinion. I will say this and it is only the truth. If most violent crimes were committed by whites and I observed more whites act like they were in gangs and did not care about anything then I would most likely be more cautious of white people than black people.

And to me, I feel like I have every bit of right to say this. Because people dont "own" a single color of their skin. By this, I mean just because you are born white or black does not give you the right to defend or represent white or black people.

White people, black people, asians, hispanics etc... they are all versions of me. I am human and I have a diverse species. I am black, I am white, I am asian, I am hispanic. I am the person who has left Africa 60,000 years ago. And with this in mind I say that the black me is more prone to violence, the white me is less prone to violence. The hispanic is somewhere in the middle and the asian me is the least prone to violence.

I know this because of what I see and experience. I know this because of what I have read and what statistics has told me. I know that anger and intelligence is a genetic trait and since I am diverse-some of me will be more prone or less based on my genetics.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 04:42 AM
The thing I don't get is if an Asian person goes to the store and doesn't get followed by security on suspicion that they might steal something, why isn't this called Asian privilege? If somebody of Native Indian descent goes to the shop and doesn't get followed by security, why isn't this called Native Indian privilege? Shouldn't the actual problem be described as black disadvantage? Black people are racially profiled (which is wrong) because of the behaviour of some black people, not because of the behaviour of people of another race or ethnicity. This ties in with what I was saying before about blaming an external enemy (the white man) for all the troubles you face.
edit on 18/6/2012 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by James1982

Originally posted by magnetik
white privilege it its simplest form is not being stopped by police for walking down the street and minding your business..

For exercise I usually take a walk for about an hour every other night or so. Several times I have been stopped by police officers while walking withing 3-4 blocks of my home. I am a young, white, male. So what exactly are you talking about?

I've also been stopped while driving. I was not speeding, tags and plates were all in order. No traffic violation. Officer never even told me why I was pulled over. I guess I forgot to tell him that I was white?

I have also had a police officer threaten to shoot me if I ran, while he searched my friends car and we were both sitting on the curb handcuffed. You know, I really should start to wear a shirt that says "I'm white" so that the police will leave me alone due to this supposed magical effect of being white.

Someone asked earlier in this thread why white people get upset or defensive when the whole white privilege thing is brought up. Well, I'll tell you why. When I break my back every day of my life trying to survive, and when I have worked very hard for the very little I have, and then someone comes along (who most of the time has more than I do, and lives an easier life) and tries to tell ME that I have a privileged life? Yes, that upsets me. It actually REALLY, REALLY pisses me off.

In this day and age, there is no such thing as white privilege. What there is though, is CLASS privilege, mixed with a few racist business owners here and there. Are there white business owners that don't want to hire blacks? Of course. Are there black/asian/whatever else business owners that don't want to hire whites? Of course.

If you are poor you will be looked down upon and have chit slung on you REGARDLESS of your race. And when you are wealthy, and connected, you will have the world bow before your feet, REGARDLESS of your race.

As someone else mentioned, look at Asians. On average they have more education, are more intelligent, and have more wealth than white people. So why are Asians so well off, explain that? You don't think Asians have the same level of "whatever" leveled against them that blacks do?

No no no, I think I figured it out, using your type of logic. Asians have simply worn that "I'm white" shirt that I was talking about earlier in order to take advantage of white privilege. They just tricked everyone into thinking they are white, and therefore the pearly gates have opened up and they get the keys to the city like every white person out there. Sure.... that must be it. Because apparently life for white people is as close to heaven as we can get to on this earth.

Quoted for TRUTH!

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