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I talked to someone who didn't believe that gravity exists outside of earth.

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posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by PluPerfect
reply to post by PurpleChiten

Seems, after all, there ARE intelligent people, online!

Above Top Secret (or "ATS") had begun to diminish my "faith" in such intelligence, of late.....nice to see that "it" (intelligence) still exists.....

I hear ya, it's greatly diminished mine as well

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:15 AM
One of my biggest pet peeves about certain types of Christians is their belief that extraterrestrials are demons. I hate that thought with a passion. They are so close minded about the fact that the vast cosmos probably has billions of other civilizations out there. They are so scared to acknowledge that other life forms exist, but know they are out there so they lump them into their bible mumbo jumbo and label them as evil demons. Does anybody else share my point of view??

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by TopherWayne
One of my biggest pet peeves about certain types of Christians is their belief that extraterrestrials are demons. I hate that thought with a passion. They are so close minded about the fact that the vast cosmos probably has billions of other civilizations out there. They are so scared to acknowledge that other life forms exist, but know they are out there so they lump them into their bible mumbo jumbo and label them as evil demons. Does anybody else share my point of view??

I know exactly what you're talking about. I grew up in the Jehovah's Witness Cult. They think Smurfs are demons....

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Chargeit
I was trying to explain to a friend at work that you could believe in the bible and still allow for aliens (I don't belive in gods btw and fully believe in intelligent life outside of earth. Now if their visiting us is another story.) He said if their were aliens the bible would of told him.

I tryed to explain that there's other worlds out there countless. I explained that with the vastness of everything there has to be life outside of earth and the solar system. He looked at me, Laughed. There's no gravity up there! How can anyone live in space? I explained. There's no gravity in space yes. "But!" There's gravity on other masses in space (planets most likely said planets.) He laughed again and said I've seen videos. There's no gravity in space people float. He said. And we've been to space and didn't find any aliens.... I was, and still am dumbfounded.

How are people ever suppose to consider life on other planets possible when they don't even think gravity exists outside of earth? Its no wonder people don't believe in aliens when they think we've been there and done that. lmao. We've been to space and haven't found aliens?? We've explored but a grain of sand in the oceans. I mean come on. It no wonder that most people consider aliens to be a joke. Lmao. They don't even believe that gravity exists outside of earth. They think we've already seen all the universe has to offer.

If anything I'm making this post to put the word out. Most of your friends and family don't even realize that there's gravity outside of our planet. They don't realize the vastness of space. They think that we've seen all that space has to offer.

I'm not sure theres much point here. Just pushing on my story.


Your friend is just ignorant. If he would put the same effort on understanding the cosmos as he does with worshiping the lords jargon ,he wouldn't be so dam stupid.

But that also goes for Alien mythology gurus. If they too would apply simple logic in understanding the difficulties of space travel,, they would never assume a(or some or all) UFO is some how alien-related. Regardless of how many freakin hospitable planet are discovered.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 05:39 AM
This is very interesting, but it doesn't explain how or why so many people have been anally probed
edit on 15-6-2012 by Grubes67 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 04:03 PM
Tell him the Bible doesn't mention germs or electricity either.

After 58 years on this hellhole, I've realized a few things. Half of the population has an IQ under 100. My dog is smarter. More than half, apparently, have utterly no curiosity about the world at all and will believe anything they are told, especially what they were told as children, without a moment's questioning. These same half make great slaves but lousy conversationalists.

Religion and money are the two worst things that have ever happened to this planet. We would all be much better off if the religious texts and all the money were simply burned in one big bonfire, if what was in them was forgotten for the total sham that it truly is, and if people just proceeded to lives their lives and do the work that was required to feed themselves, clothe themselves and entertain themselves without much more than that.

No wonder the PTB decided not to tell when Roswell happened. Not only would there have been worldwide panic by the utterly stupids like your 'friend', but the cognitive dissonance would have made the entire planet ring like a bell for centuries afterwards. It's not a matter of 'you can't handle the truth', it's a matter of 'never in a million years will you understand the truth'. We are a genetically designed species that had our DNA manipulated to make us slightly (only slightly!) smarter than the apes to make better slaves of us, the 'gods' were really spacesiders who have long since left for the most part, Earth is their resource and dumping ground for undesirables, and we're all here in prison. When you figure it all out, you'll also be able to figure out how to leave.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 04:06 PM
how stupid... even the moon has gravity not just as strong as earths. I understand your frustration when dealing with a religious person who blindly believes what ever they are told.

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