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What is a legal way for a man to subdue a woman?

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posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 03:20 PM
Show the bully sister the threads on ATS about "Stand Your Ground".

Go between next time and tell her to back off.

Tell her you feel threathened and WILL defend yourself.

Problem solved - one way or the other.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 03:29 PM
Don't EVER call the cops, for any reason. No matter what, YOU WILL LOSE.

I would advise take the younger sister and blow town. Don't call back, don't tell em where you are going. Just stay away. They will never find you unless you tell them where you are.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Mizzijr

Find a free law library in your city and go study what the laws of your city and state are.

That is really all I can think of at the moment. I hope you are able to figure this out.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by CaptChaos

Don't EVER call the cops, for any reason. No matter what, YOU WILL LOSE.

No, he who calls the cops first, wins. That is the first rule of cop relations!

I would never want to call the cops either, but if the mother has already proven she will call the cops, then he needs to rehearse his story, and be the one to call FIRST!

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by facelift
reply to post by Mizzijr

The younger shrugs it off and goes to sit down in the nearest chair to finish doing her hair.

She sounds like she deserves to get beat...and since ALL of this happened on your watch, you should be beaten as well.

So you think it is ok for someone to be beaten...when they have done nothing wrong...and are minding their own business....and you think the op should be beaten as well.

I do not agree with you at all.

And for those of you who starred this members are agreeing with this member. I don't agree with all of you too!

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Mizzijr

Everything you have stated is only on the surface, deep down it appears there is a lot of

tension, anger, rage and annamosity bubbling away below the surface. Even the younger

girl is passively aggressive...the army has a term for it 'dumb insolence'

I am a mother and i'm telling you - you OWE 'your mother' nothing! you obviously love her

[love is given - respect is earned]....You NEED to give your mother 'tough love' to make her

step up to the plate and be responsible for her two younger children

I don't know what help is available to you in your country. BUT here we do have access

to counsellors. I think you and your mother need to talk, take her out some where [people

around so she can't kick off] Tell her that unless the four of you have 'family counselling'

and that she and the older girl take 'anger management' courses, you are going to remove

yourself from the corrosive atmosphere and live on your own. They will of course be welcome

to call round anytime...BUT it will be your domain and your rules will apply!

Make no mistake the younger girl has issues too and is probably much cleverer at winding

her sister up than you can see.

Hope thats of some help...'families' can be very complicated i wish you all the best in your


posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by subfab

S, yes it was meant as a joke, it seems most did, hehehe.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 06:44 PM
If you have a camera, video tape it, then call 911 and give them the video when they show up. As long as you keep trying to keep the peace, you're going to be in the middle of it.
Just go ahead, let them fight it out, tape it, call the police, give them the video and move out and get away from all the drama.

... not the answer you want, I know and I'm sorry, but that's probably the best thing you can do for you and in the long run, for them

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 07:39 PM
Beat their fists up with your face.

You only have the right to physical force if you are being physically attacked yourself.

You can intervene to protect another person from being assaulted.

Grab their wrists, put them in a bear hug. Take then to the ground and restrain them until they calm down or help arrives.


I know you don't want to see your sisters fight. It would seems that the younger one is using restraint and only trying to protect herself. I would suggest that you teach the younger sister how to protect herself.

Take her somewhere where you can train her and let her practice on you. The younger one will eventually become sufficient at protecting herself. Perhaps this will prevent the older one from attacking her.
edit on 6/12/2012 by IpsissimusMagus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

i am with phishy.

your mother is letting the younger sister get abused. plain and simple.

i know you are trying to help your family out, but by not doing anything, you are enabling them.

take your younger sister, and get out if you don't want to call social services.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 09:05 PM
just let them fight and go do your own thing, don't let these people infiltrate your positive thinking, if you have ANY.
mind your own business and enjoy your life. it's too short for that crap.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by CaptChaos
Don't EVER call the cops, for any reason. No matter what, YOU WILL LOSE.

I would advise take the younger sister and blow town. Don't call back, don't tell em where you are going. Just stay away. They will never find you unless you tell them where you are.

Bad, bad idea. Yes, they will find him and will charge him with kidnapping his minor sister. The Amber Alert system is quite effective at catching kids who are taken by family members and they don't care about the motive of the family member, only the person who reports the child missing.

I agree with the people who suggested involving Child Protective Services, on behalf of your younger sister who is getting beaten by the older one. Also that you should move out, but don't try to take her with you, just make sure CPS knows you are available as an option for her to live with an adult family member, in case they think she should be removed from the home where your Mother and the other sister live. I wish you the best of luck in an awful situation!

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by PurpleChiten

Yes, video tape everything, good and bad days. Very good idea purple. That's what I did. Doctors would never believe her state until they watched the video as she was not as innocent as she claimed.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 02:16 AM
something to remember too is that the name of the restraint is important. Not only is bear hug safe its very friendly sounding. It sounds better than saying I restrained her with an arm lock, wrist lock, restrained her by the neck, I took her down and sat on her, etc. etc.

That type of thing is VERY important when talking to the police or judge and when writing police statements. Trust me. Its very easy to get charged for defending yourself or others.

Best is just to let the cops handle it and tape it though.. Especially since your a male dealing with females.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by Mizzijr

Hold her iPod over the garbage disposal....

That should do the trick.

You have to think of more out of the box ways of calming down your sister.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Nice technique!

However, with Moms dying to call the cops, you are committing theft, willful destruction of property, extortion, and violating EPA rules for disposal of hazardous materials in the electronics and battery.

OP just needs to get out of Momma's house. He is 21, time to spread your wings, and if little sis needs a safe place to stay, you'll be able to help her out.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

He is 21

Pays to read the whole thing.

In THAT case, then I'm right with you....

Dude, get out of that toxic environment, and let them all go at each other.

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