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Vote Mexico 2012 - Andvance of the NWO / NAU - #yosoy132 - Wake up.

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posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 04:42 PM
Firstly, I hate that I have to post this is "regional politics", I was more surprised to find that regional politics is "off topic" Even further I am surprised, considering the conspiracy theories surrounding it, as well as the popular movements, and general uproar going on in Mexico regarding the impending elections on 1st July, that nothing, repeat nothing has been mentioned here,

Maybe because the majority of people on ATS (USA) do not consider what happens in Mexico to be of any concern. However I implore those that subscribe to the theories of the NWO,and NAU to pay CLOSE attention. and you will be shocked by what you see.

The front runner is currently the candidate of PRI. The party that until 12 years ago had ruled for 75 years and was responsible for the economic collapse of Mexico. Since the 12 years, (under the auspices of the PAN party) despite the war on the cartels Mexico has made great advances economically, infrastructural, and socially. to the point now that Mexico owes nothing to the IMF despite promises of economic aid by them that was not required (queue the economic hit men) and continue to develop itself as a centre of international business investment (fact)

Within Mexico there are a lot of rumour circulating that the candidate (favorite) is nothing more than a puppet of the NWO, and should he be "elected" this will spell the end of the sovereignty of Mexico.

Let us consider the facts. the two main promises by the PRI are:

Privatization of the Mexico state petroleum company (PEMEX), and free medicine for all. I have seen for myself they corruption returning. The very essence of what the US people fear about Mexico, and what the PAN have been figthing these last years is due to return.

All under the guise, of "they let us work". These is a line that means, they let us do what we want whenever we want, and if we break the law, we just pay our way out. You though it was bad now? you wait til the bad old days return.

At the moment on the streets in Mexico you will see street kids that have been "recruited" by the PRI to push the agenda. They are not even old enough to vote. I have seen this with my own eyes.

But this ia side show. What I see happening is a complete sell out to the elitists, to economically harmonize Mexico with the USA and Canada, paving way for the formation of the NAU (North American Union) Officially.

There is much more on this subject that I have seen and read, However I wish to see what other members have to say on this, as long as it is informed, and not some stupid off the cuff, BS remarks as usually follow this type of thread. Again, for those that follow the the NWO activities, Look sharp on Mexico the next couple of weeks months.

My prediction.

1, Should Pena Nieto become president, we will see a DRAMATIC drop in cartel related violence, This will not be because they won. It will just be becuase, it is Business as usual. The PEOPLE do not want this! FACT.

Check out

edit on 11/6/2012 by JakiusFogg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 04:59 PM
Do you have a English video, i don't do Spanish, we are in America or used to be

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 04:59 PM
You're right that Americans (USA Americans, I should say) don't pay enough attention to our neighbors' politics (either Canada or Mexico). For one thing, Canadian politics is even stranger and less logical than ours; for another, we still think of Mexico as a backward third-world country. However you've got my attention now, and I think I'll start taking a little more interest.

I do have one question about your post. Can you explain a little further what you mean when you say:

"Should Pena Nieto become president, we will see a DRAMATIC drop in cartel related violence, This will not be because they won. It will just be becuase, it is Business as usual. The PEOPLE do not want this! FACT. "

Sorry. I just didn't quite follow your meaning....

Edit: I just re-read my own response. I don't mean that we ALL think of Mexico as a backward third-world country. I'm saying that that's the way ignorance-loving Amercans in general think. At ATS we all know better--or at least we should know better.
edit on 6/11/2012 by Ex_CT2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

I was just pointing out that not all Americans speak the language. did not mean to offend anyone....but like always if this that seemed like it offended you than ask the mod to delete.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by mytheroy
reply to post by Ex_CT2

I was just pointing out that not all Americans speak the language. did not mean to offend anyone....but like always if this that seemed like it offended you than ask the mod to delete.

Sorry. I did that wrong. I was asking the question of JakiusFogg.

My mistake....
edit on 6/11/2012 by Ex_CT2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

Its cool

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by mytheroy

Who are? I am English, I live in Mexico and I am currently in Belgium, as the for the rest of the ATS membership are not exclusively confined to the US.

I am sure if you search on the tube for #yosoy132 English you will find something. Be aware as the title suggests this subject is to do with the elections in Mexico who speak Spanish for the most part, although a growing majority of younger people now speak ENglsih

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

Hi Ex.

this is simply my own prediction. It follows that the PRI (People Revolution Party) and the Cartels will come to a quid pro quo agreement. The PRI have traditionally been the party of corruption, in that you don't bother us we don;t bother you mentality.

I have heard "inside" rumor that the next president, being all arranged, and a puppet of the NWO, that is one that is fully indoctrinated to the agenda, will not follow the "war on the cartels" as again it is rumors that the trafficking lines are run by the CIA, so if the new Pres it "one of the team" it follows that there will be no need to fight the war.

The Cartels will simply do their thing, the government will do what elitists do, and the "people" will be allowed "to work". In a sick way, everyone is happy, but it is NOT progress.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:19 PM

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:29 PM
Wouldn't it be better for the economy if the cartel violence stopped though? I do understand the fact that it's time for a change in Mexico, but for most people the violence is what is pushing them to vote for Peña Nieto (at least in my family). They know it will keep Mexico corrupt but at least the violence that is unleashed towards innocent civilians will subside (for the most part). About the economy, if the violence stops then the tourism industry will start seeing more progress.
edit on 11-6-2012 by aysiaysi because: forgot to add sentence.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

Ah... I though it was something like that.

I know how the Mexicans must feel having their leaders picked for the advancement of the NWO. We've had our Constitution twisted right out from under us. We're one declaration away from prison camps and Gestapo-type guard-dogs of the elites spying in our windows and asking for our papers. (What am I thinking; they won't even need to ask for our papers: Everything will be on our REAL-IDs. They only need to scan us.)

Of course most Americans don't realize this--and won't until it's too late. And even then they'll still say: "Well, if you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about."

But I know myself. I'll be doing something wrong....

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

Thanks, Now I must mute and read.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by aysiaysi

I get that, but which is better, to free the cockroaches but know they are there inder your house, or full out the raid, risk having them running all over your house but know they will be gone.

They only argument I have heard from the man on the street, for PN, is "PRI let us work". To me it is simply the old Pancho Villa mindset to do what he wnats when he wnats it, and screw the implications. to me, it is the embodiment of the mexican mantra, "Ahhh no pasa nadaaaa!!"

And I hate HATE the fact the PRI have been dressing street kids under age in party T-shirts and getting them to wave flags on street corners and put stickers on cars.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by mytheroy

Don;t mute, read it and listen to the intonation, you will get the feeling in whatever language

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by aysiaysi

Also time for "a change: after a long 12 years of hard fought progress, that followed the last 75 (Seventy Five) years of PRI corrupt dictatorship?

I ask you is that what your family want again?

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

That is their solution. A quick fix. I really can't argue with them since they've been brought up pro PRI. You do make a whole lot of sense though, and that's a really good analogy you used. In the end, I can't actually take any sides since I don't have a Mexican citizenship and can't vote in the upcoming elections. I wish the best for Mexico.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by aysiaysi
reply to post by JakiusFogg
I can't actually take any sides since I don't have a Mexican citizenship and can't vote in the upcoming elections. I wish the best for Mexico.

That is the gist of it for me as well. As an immigrant here I am not allowed to take an active part in politics nor even discuss it very loudly. Being hard as it is to keep my mouth shut about such things I have gotten as far away from Mexican TV and not been watching the news or reading the papers in order to stay uninformed and without opinion. It's my host country but it belongs to them and best without my butting-in to their affairs.

Actually there are several issues of concern, some of them have already been mentioned. Further, I live in Felipe Calderón's hometown and it could be for that reason we have seen little of the violence which mostly takes place in the border areas. If the drug war continues with any new fervor it may not remain quiet here after he leaves office. Aside from that I have heard little talk or interest of national politics here as compared to the last hotly contested election in 2006. Most consider it a forgone conclusion Peña Nieto will be elected and he has been pointed out as the likely next president since 2008 or earlier.

It is very true that I have seen massive improvement in highways and infrastructure since my arrival in 2005, and then being aware of many then-recent improvements. There continues to be more personal autonomy in Mexico than in the US despite some erosion of that and more governmental intrusion due to the drug war, with checkpoints, vehicle inspections while travelling, and conspicuous armed military and federal presence in town and on highways.

I thank the OP for shedding light on this election and what is at stake. This is always good to be aware of. Perhaps for living here I should be more concerned about these matters but I am not allowed to be involved in the politics of them. There will likely be noticeable pluses and minuses in whichever outcome. In either event I am sure to be better-off remaining here in Mexico. It is seeming less and less likely I will ever desire to set foot back in my native USA ever again. As always, I wish the best for Mexico. I can only leave it in their own hands and keep mine clean.

edit on 11-6-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:09 PM

I am just wanting to contribute to the discussion saying that I am a seer, that in the past have proven to be very accurate in political predictions, and I cannot see the big landslide victory that many polls are saying Mexico is going to experience this July 1st 2012.

if you want to read my thread pls check it at:


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

I would like to believe that, I really would. I know at least in the population centers the PRD / PT Alliance have a lot of support. And what we are seeign around Pena Nieto is a lot of propaganda.

There were reports out of Oaxaca the other day where they found stack of filled in voting papers all voting for PRI.

This is one of the great fears there, that despite whatever the will of the people is, the PRI will just cheat there way in.

Lets hope you're right.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 05:33 PM
As election approaches, four days to go now, I have indeed been hearing a lot of new interest being sparked-up. What had earlier appeared to be a foregone conclusion is now up for grabs. It would appear there had been a lot of apathy among voters whose hopes are once again brightening over the appearance of a comeback in popularity of a previous favorite who many felt his loss questionable and whose winning opponent had disappointed a great many during his now ending term. That 2006 election was a very close race with the official final result being announced over a month past election day.

I overheard a group of construction workers and associates discussing this Sunday's election with boisterous fanfare upon discovering they all favor the PRD's nominee. At last I am hearing the silence broken with the sort of enthusiasm surrounding the previous election. Note: Mexico's presidential elections are held every six years and allowed to serve only the one term in office.

edit on 28-6-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

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