posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 09:02 AM
No idea what to say, I am female around twenty. I have epilepsy meaning work has been impossible to find right now. I do take medication except it's
a low dose which can't be raised as my liver acts up. I have been through a lot of medical testing through the years which has all been clean
including a psychological exam. Added to that I have allergies that can kill me to gluten and canola. Luckily, I live at home trying to figure out
what I can do with my life. Mostly make money off of art commissions.
The other side of my life is weird at least for me. The weird being paranormal experiences mostly to do with demons, shadow people, ghosts, and
tulpas. For my whole life I have always lived in haunted houses which might explain a few things. My family has banned me from going to cemeteries
because of an incident where I attracted some type of parasitic ghost. While some of my friends have banned me from entering their homes as I make
paranormal activity worst. Those same friends dislike going to my house for the same reasons. It is a common belief among my friend and family that I
am a ghost magnet.
I am also interested in dreams and OOBE's because I always dream and have accidentally had OOBE's. The dreams are weird because I can use all my
senses and feel pain. They can span over long periods of time too, the longest lasted about five years. I used to keep a daily dream diary, but I
gave up as it takes hours to write them all down. Didn't stop completely as I write some if they're weird or significant.
This is what spurred my longtime hobby of paranormal research. Which included ghost hunting before I became ill. Now, I just give advice and do minor
things. My main interests is in the paranormal, metaphysics, medical conspiracies, diseases, and disasters.
So... greetings from California, hope I can contribute something here.